Today is the last day of my period and i had sex today but we were unaware that the condom broke until everything was done. So I've taken the Plan B.
What are my chances of getting pregnant?
I'm I pregnant? I used a Plan B as soon as possible?
Question posted by Anonymous on 18 Nov 2023
Last updated on 22 November 2023
Not a significant chance, if your periods are regular each month. You wouldn't tend to be fertile in that situation. How long was your period, & are you regular each month, or is your cycle shorter/longer than usual?
I had my period from 14th to 18th,and drops on the 19th, had sex on the 18th and took a plan b. I've been feeling a little nauseous/queasy esp. when I eat. Is there a chance I'm pregnant from previous sex (though I had my period).
The nausea usually lasts few minutes like 5minutes
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plan b one-step, birth control, emergency contraception, contraception, postcoital contraception, pregnancy, sex, period, condom
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