Several months ago I had an infected tooth, Dentist prescribed clindamycin 300 mg capsules, I have a couple left. Right now I’m have broken out on my face. I have 2 huge cystic acne bumps that are very painful and deep below the skin. Our insurance doesn’t start until next month so I’m waiting to see a dermatologist until then for these reoccurring cysts. I’m 36 year old mother, I hate having acne like a teenage boy. A year ago I went for a facial and the aesthetician gave me a toner and the doctor on staff added clindamycin to it. It helped a lot. But, I’m out of it now, the whole acne kit I bought from them was very expensive ,as was the treatment... I can’t afford to go back right now. I do have one bottle of toner left, the same they prescribed but without the clindamycin in it. My question is - can I open one of my clindamycin capsules and mix it with my toner to spray on these 2 under the skin acne cyst? Or can I open the capsule, take some of the powder medication out of it, maybe mix it with a drop of water and apply it topically to these cyst on my face? I have an important event this week and would like these to be gone by then. They are very painful and take forever to heal. I only have 2 pills left so I don’t have enough to take them orally and it have enough time to work. Thank you, any advice or suggestions are appreciated it.
Can I open my clindamycin capsule and put the medicine on topically for acne cyst ?
Question posted by Kburns82 on 16 April 2018
Last updated on 31 July 2018 by rMarie615
I definitely do not recommend it. Usually medications are in capsule form for a reason. I remember before I open a gel cap in the hopes I’d feel it faster because of how much pain I was in, and it literally burned my mouth, and my mouth was swollen for 3 days. When Clindamycin was added to you’re toner I’m sure it was a very small amount, unless you know exactly how much of it was added. Tbh as a licensed Cosmetologist, I’ve never heard of anyone doing that. Why don’t you just take it orally like normal? It’d still work to treated the cyst which is caused by an infection, and it’d be a lot safer.
Related topics
acne, skin infection, bacterial infection, clindamycin, medicine, prescription, pill, cyst, capsule
Further information
- Clindamycin uses and safety info
- Clindamycin prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Clindamycin (detailed)
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