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Nortriptyline - Does nortriptyline help you sleep and help take away anxiety on legs?


janiebme 17 Feb 2017

Hi Shirley-
nortriptyline can be activating, unlike Amitriptyline which can be sedating and prescirbed off label for insomnia.
Nortirptyline is approved for depression.
If it is not working for you it may be best to talk to your doctor about other options.

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ahyperdoc 17 Feb 2017

Nortriptyline is in the class of drugs known as tricyclic antidepressants and while the SSRI's and other formulas of more efficacious value and with less negative side effects, tricyclics, mainly Elavil® (amitriptyline) is used for sleep. However, while ok for inducing drowsiness and sleep, tricylics actually are a common cause of and NOT a cure for restless leg syndrome. Hope this helps; take care. >> RAY...

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