I'm bi-polar 1 and have been on 20mg of Latuda for 1 yr. Things have been going OK lately so I decided to stop Latuda. It's been two weeks and things are not going well. First it was OK, but then depression (some intense bouts) started happening. I'm trying to figure out if this is real depression coming back or still withdrawal from Latuda. Anyone have a similar experience or can shed some light?
How long can withdrawal from Latuda last?
Question posted by VTCountry on 30 Sep 2014
Last updated on 21 July 2023
17 Answers
I have been on Latuda for two years now and find that it's been working well. Way better in fact, since I've quit drinking. My question to author of the question, if things are going good, why quit? I think we need to understand that our mental illness isn't something that is transitory. Soo many people quit taking meds only to fall back into the same state if not worse! Surely taking a tablet for the rest of your life to ensure less mental suffering isn't a bad thing. And talking about chemicals? We put lots of chemicals into our bodies without hardly any thoughts at all (endocrine inhibitors from cosmetics to scented candles) don't get me started on the COVID vaccine! If a Medication isn't working, speak to your doctor and try something else but if the medication works... You are a fool to stop using it. Take care and stay safe.
Dear brother or sister. I successfully came of all psychiatric medication. With the support of my doctor. Most important give it a year after giving up drugs and alcohol. If you plan to do either drugs or alcohol again. Stay on medication. All this bull dust of it taking weeks is rubbish. 72 hours. Stuff yourself full of good food. As awful as the the thought maybe just go for long walks all day everyday for the rest of your life. Stuff the gym. Limit yourself to 3 coffees max. Cut out butter dairy tobacco. Stop listening to all the crap on these forums. It's filled by big pharmaceutical reps. Turn off phone hour before bed and don't turn it on til morning. Sex is a great tonic even masturbation. My chemist told me 3 days to detox from anything on this planet. I did it successfully but was harassed for 3 months by an ice junkie which saw me have several breakdowns. Now I know better turn off the bloody phone.
My best advice is go for gold if I can do it after 20 years on medication anyone can. I used to party so hard that I knew if I went to sleep I wouldn't wake up. God speed.
Some people with true clinical disorders require medications... sometimes for life if they want to have a livable life. Everything you suggest could be valuable as an adjunct in the treatment plan.
PS, I'm not a "pharmaceutical rep"...
I have been thinking about getting off of my meds as well, I am on 40mg of Latuda and 20mg of Lexapro, I have an appointment with my doctor to try and titrate off of these meds because I am so scared of the withdrawal affects!! But these meds have made me gain over 40lbs, I am so sick of being fat and unhappy, I might have had mood swings before, but at least I had my figure! Now, I have no sex drive and I am officially a fat lard!
I would really consult with your doctor! Because it is really hard to just stop your meds, I have tried a couple times, by accident, and felt so awful, dizzy, panic attacks, and much more. Now I know better and to consult with my doctor, you don't want to wind up in the hospital! Does anyone have any insight into gaining weight on these medications?
I’ve been off latuda 40 mg for 2 weeks I used cbd oil and 5htp with lions mane but it hurt my body and I had headaches so I got back on the latuda.I’m pretty much screwed in life I can’t work or do much I just feel tired and get bad head aches. I also use a steroid called Anabar to lift weights it helps with confidence and self esteem but I want to get off the latuda or at least switch it to injections once a month.
There’s no guarantee you will stabilize if you reinstate. People don’t understand it’s a 50/50 chance it will help.
Im on 40 mg of latuda you should speak to your dr as i do not think you can just STOP taking them im sure you have to wean yourself off id find out from your dr, i still get some bad depression and ive been on latuda for almost 2 years..good luck!
Does anyone truly believe that medications or time can "cure" disturbances of the brain's neurotransmitters, receptor sites, and metabolism???
Latuda is not habituating and does not cause discontinuation syndrome. What you're experiencing is your brain reverting to it's abnormal functioning because it no longer has the assistance of the medication that corrected the imbalances.
Reverting back, withdrawal, discontinuation. When you are doing it with Latuda it doesn't matter what you call it. It's going to hurt. But even if you stay on it. You end up hurting just as much or more. You might not be able to be "cured". But if you have to live on one of these drugs find a different one. And read the whole disclosure that goes with it. I finally read Latuda. There's a reason this medicine is as bad as it is. 12.3
If you have a clinical disorder you're going to have to live with it no matter what medication you take.
You might have to live with your disorder but there is no reason to take a medicine for it that will give you even more disorders. Some even worse that what you started with. I say this just in case old wildcat is still dishing out this answer.
Wildcat is neither old nor do I uninformedly "dish out" anything.
BTW, I am living a fully functional and satisfying life... on medication
If you don't want to take medication no one is forcing it down your throat, are they?
Best regards and have a happy life.
ALL these medications for psychiatric disorders cause withdrawal. This is an antipsychotic. Even a small dose changes your brain so if you stop taking it your brain is going to freak out. Saying there is no discontinuation syndrome is a lie and really hurtful for the people out there who actually HAVE Latuda withdrawal.
Any psychotropic drugs that affect brain chemistry by controlling neurotransmitters will affect your natural ability to produce healthy responses to anything. Don’t give up. Life is too short to spend it sedated not to mention the horrific side effects. Ween slowly and supplement with L-tryptophan and CBD to shake the withdrawal and then reevaluate your life on how you eat, what you drink and whether you meditate and exercise. Also EFT is a great tool for combatting anxiety. Anxiety depression isn’t solved with a pill. Life is about integrative approaches to solving problems. Keep the faith!!
Hi. I had a very similar experience with Latuda. Tried to go down from 40mg to 20mg on my own. Huge mistake. It is a hard drug to get off of. For me it was okay for the first few days and then the depression came back with full force. Much worse than it had ever been, so my dr. put the dosage back up to 40mg. I still want off of it. My advice would be to ask your doctor for help with titrating down if you want to get off of it altogether. These drugs are powerful and it is not a good idea to try to manage dosage without a doctor’s oversight. Sometimes trying to get off of a drug can be brutal.
You may want to try this:
Im on 40mg Latuda, first week Im replacing a 40 with a 20, second week 2 40s with 2 20s, and so on till all 20s. Then eliminating a 20 then 2 20s, till 0. 14 week withdrawal program dr approved
That’s not a safe taper. You need to be cutting up to 10% every 2-4 weeks. With this med I would have held each cut for a month, though. Coming off these medications has made me disabled.
Sorry about your depression; but if Latuda's going well and you don't hate it, keep it up.
I have side effect issues. I'm 68, female, bipolar, on 60mg Cymbalta and 1mg Klonopin, and in my second month of Latuda (20mg). Before that, I was on Seroquel. lt really helped me sleep, almost too much, and I had frequent periods when I longed not to wake up.
So doc prescribed increasing 20 to 40 mg Latuda. I had forgotten to ask about dropping Seroquel; ended up with super restlessness. Decreased to 20mg Latuda and now take an extra 0.5mg Klonopin to ease anxiety. It works okay, but now I have a thick tongue. I read that this does happen to females of a little less than my age. I'm fit and active, but I also want to eat all the time with the Latuda.
Latuda, before the akathisia and swollen tongue, made me actually feel like people who don't mind answering "How are you?" But over time, I am constantly aware of these effects and am also reading about withdrawal from Latuda.
I'm tempted not to take the Latuda tonight to see what happens. Should I?
When I was on just Cym, Clon, and Sero, I had no side effects, just "energy times" and "I'd rather not live" times. The Latuda side effects are upsetting me so much that I'd almost rather go back to Cym, Clon, and Sero. Thank you to people out there who know this is real.
Yeah, it’s called Akathisia and it’s one of the top side effects of this medication. Do not stop cold turkey EVER!!
Hi can t really how any but feeling a lol worried. Reading all these... im new on here... i just went off this pill after two weeks... i got really sick... I am still very suck. Nausea can t move sick will this go away ? My liver is very bad so I worry. Thanks ME
I am doing the same thing, took it for 2 weeks and I'm on day 8... I feel horrible. Plus my other medication Adderall isn't working it does the opposite because of the receptor blocking... Can you tell me how long it took? Is there anything to ease the symptoms?
It's probably the Latuda. Even though I've been really pretty good for the past year whenever I've tried to quit it's been terrible. Thank god I can get this through Canada - otherwise I'd be out a ton of money as my insurance doesn't cover it.
Not everyone is so lucky - it is ~$1100/mo in the United Drug Companies Territories.
Hello, I am in the same position,
I have been on 40mg for two years and I stopped taking it. At first I was so happy and now I am a mess. I can’t stop crying and flipping out my mind is racing .
I say things and then regret them
Right away. It’s horrible.
Hi. I just went off them too cuz I for really sick... like can t move nausea sick. How long does that last? I'm going off then because I hear all the bad with drawls. Try CBD oi. Seriously. I hope you all feel better. I hope I do ... any of you read sick taking them?
I've been on latuda for 2 month I m going off of it, will I get withdrawals from 2 months if taking it.
I had a hypo manic attack and this is what my dr put me. Anti depressants make my manic worse thus drug us starting to make my symptoms worse.
This isn't the drug for me.
I see my dr tomorrow but I'm not taking it as of tonite. I just need to know if anyone out there knows how long you have to take it to gave withdrawals?
I've just taken it since Jan 2 of 2018. Can I safely get off this drug. I feel it caused drug induced akathesia
FYI - after 6 weeks of withdrawal I ended up staying on Latuda. Things have been going well. As far as kaismama response, I reported her to the administrator of this website shortly thereafter. That type of response and person has no business in being on mental health issues site.
I'm so sorry to hear that you went through 6 weeks of withdrawal. That sounds just awful. I have been through withdrawal from an antidepressant before, and experienced what are called the "zaps" where electrical pulses (that hurt) go zapping down the body from the head, and your brain feels like it's sloshing around in your head. It never goes away unless you go through a regimented taper of the medication, so you feel like a complete slave to the med, and you wish you never started it. It's so frustrating. You're trying to get off it, so to get off it, you get back on it. That's so counter-intuitive, you know?
I'm really glad that things have been going well for you now that some time has passed. So glad you're feeling better. :0)
VTCountry, I must respectfully disagree with your opinion that kaismama’s reply was inappropriate and that she should be banned from Drugs.com, as a result. It’s a well establish fact that there is a problem with self-med management within the Bipolar community. Med withdrawal without the instruction and guidance of the patient’s psychiatrist can and has had life altering and even deadly consequences, not only for the patient, but also for the patient’s family and others. I understand and share kaismama’s frustration with the question and the questioner. Although kaismama’s reply could have been gentler, her answer was true, direct, simple and not unfamiliar to the questioner. We are all warned about the possible consequences of discontinuing our BPD meds, and directed to talk with our prescribing doctor about medication management, if not directly, the warning is provided in writing with every bottle of medication. Best wishes to you, especially through the holiday season.
This lady should be a patient who has experienced the guinea pig effects of taking these meds, having more pumped in when medical professionals are @ a loss of what to do next. I've also seen diagnosis that were like fads:. 80's everyone had anxiety & I was put on a heavy duty benzo for that if which withdrawal was like coming off an opioid. Then come following decades where I've been diagnosed with everything from bipolar to BPD & no 2 professionals come to complete agreement. I say it's fad-like because everyone u talk to suddenly has the same diagnosis. In my whole life I've never experienced manic episodes UNLESS it was from a misses ned dose it withdrawal. I looked outside the box & am now getting Spravato nasal spray treatments. Long-lasting effects in a short period of if time with no side effects. She can go pound sand.
She obviously cannot give an intelligent opinion & no professional can have such an egotistical attitude in a field that is still being explored. That's why it's called the practice if medicine. There are no absolutes. If she is a professional, she is in the wrong field and should be considered dangerous when dealing with fragile illnesses.
Related topics
bipolar disorder, withdrawal, latuda
Further information
- Latuda uses and safety info
- Latuda prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Latuda (detailed)
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