I have been on the generic Lexapro 10mg for the last five years and this last year I noticed my anxiety slowly creeping back up. The symptoms, the foggy head, constant worry and obsessing over things, anticipating anxiety, all of it.
Is this normal? Do peoples body’s get used to the medication? Should I up my dose or find a new medication completely?
Hi, Las! It's not uncommon for an antidepressant/anxiolytic to begin being less effective after long term use. Sometimes it can "poop out" altogether. Have you had anything going on in your life that could be cause for your increased anxiety? Personally, I'd try a dosage increase first... you can go up to 20mg/day. Other options are adding another medication like Abilify or Rexulti or a switch to another medication. Have a talk with your doctor and the two of you can decide where to go from here. Best regards and I hope you're feeling better quickly.
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20 May 2022
Wildcat, Thanks so much for your response! I’m glad to know this is a common thing. I made an appt with my doctor to discuss my medication dosage. I think I will try increasing it first, like you suggested. I hope that will do the trick!
Yes my life has been a bit chaotic the last year with ups and downs. So I know it has something to do with it, but lately I feel like I’m spiraling and it’s quickly getting worse. Looking back at my first few years on the medication , I remember how good I felt and how happy I was. So I really want to get back to that feeling.