I was taking 10mg of Lexapro for 2 months and about 1 week. I am a very active person and I noticed that I started to become permanently exhausted, have gained some weight, and I started to get frequent headaches. These symptoms were not worth it to me, and I decided to try to manage my anxiety holistically. I stopped taking it cold turkey (I know, not the best idea). Anyhow, I am now 2 weeks off and so far I feel pretty normal aside from stomach issues, but it isn't anything unmanageable. However, I noticed something new last night. This is kinda hard to explain but I'll do my best. Weirdly enough, I only noticed this when I am changed into my pajamas last night because I have to touch my hips on either side of my body. My hips and upper thighs are sore to the touch, maybe even somewhat tingly to the touch. Could this be Lexapro withdrawal related? I've googled and haven't found much on this.