I've been taking Lexapro for 2 months for panic attacks and because of the side effects I decided to stop it.It made me feel like a walking zombie and now, 1 month after use I'm having withdrawal symptoms that are so hard to cope with. Derealisation/depersonalization is the most disturbing one ( I feel like my body is on autopilot mode, I'm writing this and thinking if I really am doing this or just dreaming), vertigo, muscle weakness, feelings of panic, symptoms of depression like apathy, lethargy, lack of energy, extreme fatigue, muscle tension, when I'm walking I'm feeling like I will fall, hands and body aches, confusion, poor concentration.Is here someone that experienced it? how long until they pass? every day is horrible, I feel like I can't take it any more.
Lexapro withdrawal symptoms after 2 months of use?
Question posted by Tterentte on 26 Feb 2019
Last updated on 10 December 2019 by Ceg245
4 Answers
Update on how withdrawal is going?
Thank you for your concern.Some symptoms have subsided, vertigo, dizziness. They come and go.somehow is better but it’s not easy to cope with, derealization still here, anxiety diminished.
It’ll get better, don’t lose hope!
I will not lose hope, i’m only 21.It’s going to take plenty of time but everything will be ok in the end.Thank you again for your interest in my situation.Really apreciate and feel good to know that other people care
I only took Lexapro for a month and pretty much all the side effects. I quit it cold turkey last Monday. I’ve been having the same side effects but they’re slowly starting to get better I believe. Most aggravated one is neck tension
Any update on how you feel?
Wow. I would definitely go see your doctor as soon as possible. If you’ve been off of it for a month already - you shouldn’t be feeling like that.
Thank you for responding.I did an MRI, all good.Blood tests are all good.So withdrawal is the fact.One thing I know for sure is that I tappered way too fast, from 10 mg to 0mg in 2 weeks so that is the explanation why i am feeling like this.I talked to a doctor and he said to wait another 60 days, it will pass for sure.It’s just that is terrible sometimes, so hard to cope with..
Related topics
lexapro, depression, anxiety, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, withdrawal, side effect, symptom, zombie
Further information
- Lexapro uses and safety info
- Lexapro prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Lexapro (detailed)
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