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Is hydrocortisone cream okay for diaper rash infection?


Inactive 28 June 2010

You can use that briefly, not everyday. You can also try monistat if it is bad or Mylanta liquid or Maalox liquid. When a baby has had diarrhea, the yeasts and acids from the GI tract will cause pretty bad diaper rash. The maalox can be gently wiped on, let it dry a bit and then put a small amount of monistat cream and see if it responds. My daughter was born with group b strep, had many IV antibiotics in the hospital and it caused her to have just an absolute burn on her rear, they hospital doctor ordered maalox liquid to be painted on to neutralize the acid.

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Rajive Goel 28 June 2010

It would be best to consult a specialist, although hydrocortiosne cream is indicated to treat severe allergies, arthritis, asthma, multiple sclerosis, and skin conditions.

Hydrocortisone is a corticosteroid. It works by decreasing or preventing tissues from responding to inflammation. It also modifies the body's response to certain immune stimulation.

Perhaps it could be too strong for a child, hope this helps?

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infections, diaper rash, skin rash, hydrocortisone

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