I am currently on 100mg of zoloft for my depression and although i do see signs of improvement im not 100%, my dr suggested to increase my dose to 150 and if it didnt work she will refer me to a psychiatrist, im on my 6 weeks on zoloft. Im scared of the anxiety and side effects it causes... URGH
Increasing zoloft... increase anxiety?
Question posted by nenag on 30 July 2011
Last updated on 2 August 2011
5 Answers
i am on day 11 of zoloft, started at 25mg and supposed to go up to 50 mg in a few days. i am taking it for anxiety/panic problems and it has seemed to make mine a little worse right now. i have read that this can be a side effect and it blows... im also scared about uping the dose cause i dont want these side effects to get stronger or something, but i do want to feel better. its like a catch 22
Hello turkee25, i am on my 6th week on zoloft and i just got upped to 150 mg on Friday and let me tell you i was also scared of the side effects it causes. PLEASE dont let that discourage you. Today I feel the best i have ever felt in months. it works!! hang in there and rememer YOU CONTROL THIS!!!
wow thank you for your answer.
im supposed to go up to 50mgs tomorrow..AHHHHH... today has been an ok day so far (knock on wood) did you feel any side effects when you uped the dose??
did you have the higher anxiety when you first started taking the zoloft??
I didnt have higher anxiety but i did have side effects. I felt very tired and sleepy and every now and then i would have racing thoughts, but they go away. My counselor says that it takes 7 days for the upped dose to take effect so we will see on friday. I can tell you that i even got out of bed and showered liked nothing this mormning. I also walked yesterday for an hour and slept all through the night. Very encouraging signs!! I also went ahead and asked for the referral to a psychiatrist, i figured that if i had any other kind of disease i would want a specialist to look at me so why not a speacilist in mental health.
Hello nenag. Well, I've read the above comments, and I also once was on zoloft. Not taking away from what has been suggested by any of the fellow members. I know the drug fairly well, how it interacts, on our bodys and our minds. Having said that, the usual dose given to begin with is the one you're taking.100mg. Thats for ocd (obsessive compulsive disorder) along with depression. People with severe anxiety its usually given at a lesser dose, 50mg. Zoloft should not be increasing your anxiety, not by any means. The opposite is true. Thats a reason its prescribed, anxiety, panic disorders, and as said earlier, ocd along with depression.The side effects from taking zoloft are minimal, another reason why its prescribed and of course that the drug actually works. The benzodiazepines, as suggested by PHoole, in my opinion work wonders.
The problem as is well documented, they are and no doubt about it, addictive, extremely habit forming. These drugs are safe, and serve there purpose, but the longer you are no them, the more diificult to stop. Tapering is almost always a must. I could suggest from the benzos, these anti-anxiety, These are some of the short acting types (leave your body within hours after you take them)-serax, xanax-ativan, here are some of the long acting types. (they stay in your body for several days after taking them) centrex, valium,klonopin, librium. In my case, I suffer from anxiety. I now use paxil. Does it do the job like a benzo might? No, not at all, But I once was an avid user of benzos and no longer want to take them. As I've spoken before, in regards to the benzodiazepines, sadly, they have become a drug of recreation, making it even more to be given by prescription, often now a doctor will look away and not write one for a benzodiazepine, and try another drug family. Having said all of the above, just curious about your side effects. Insomnia is a common one. Then, diarrhea, and nausea, but they will almost always leave you within a week or two. Not pushing zoloft here, you can always buy an over the counter medication to fight these problems. The sky is the limit when it comes to medications, just trial and error . You'll find something, ha! :-0) the best to you.
Well, good morning my friend, Pledge. Haven't seen too much of you of late. Of course since my email account has been down could explain that. Is the coffee hot? ( Does a bear do do in the woods?) Be over ASAP! Welcome to all others as well. Don't ya just love the way I just invited everyone to your house... Mary
Oh, forgot to answer the question! Duh! Yes, zoloft is a great OCD & antidepressant. My hubby takes it , & has both, but please take your clonezepam too. You would not believe the difference it wiall make in your life. The reason your doctor is wanting to refer you to a physciatrist is they are usually the doctors that prescribe antidepressant medications. If you feel you are not doing much better, he/she may feel the physciatrist is better equipped to handle your problem. Just remember to take the clonezepam too...
Hi there Mary. Good to see you. And you guessed right, coffee is hot, and lots of goodies to go along with it. Been watching the final round of the Irish Open (Golf) out of Kerry,Ireland. I'm an avid lover of golf. Relaxs me, in as much as I don't get excited as say football. Its a super fine sport for my anxiety. almost theraputic. The weather has been cool there. No rain today. How are things out your way? Doing well I hope. My wife just finished filling up the hummingbird feeders. Finally showing up en mass. Stayed away for most of the summer. Good to see them. I really get a kick out of the way they feed. Thier speed is amazing, the wings I mean to say. Must be thousands of repititons per minute. Still hot as all get out here. I know out your way its much the same. How tis he pain factor. Does the heat help you Mary? Have I asked you that before,can't for the life of me remember. Oh, I find the site, past week at least, slow as the Dickens.
How about yourself? And I lose comments/threads. Often I enter something and I lose it. Now I copy it, to be safe, then post it. if it doesn't post, I've a copy. Ha! Care for a refill my friend? :-0)
Hello nenag! I have been on Zoloft for 10 years now. My anxiety symptoms decreased as my Zoloft was increased. If you are still having these symptoms as your Zoloft is increased than your Zoloft may need to be changed or your doctor may prescribe something for your anxiety. Does the Zoloft help your depression? It should not be causing more anxiety. Please follow up with your doctor . Sometimes we all need a trial of our medications to see if they can control our symptoms. I also think that seeing a psychiatrist is a good plan. They are the experts in this area. I wish you the best! Sweetie Pie
did your anxiety worse before it got better when you started the zoloft? im on day 11 and the past few days seems to be a little worse then before... thank you
I agree with Hpoole, you may need something to go with it. i take lexapro and xanax. It took me a while to find what worked for me. i'm not 100% but I'm alot better. just don't think I'm one that will ever be 100%. Good luck,
Thanks Von-1, i do have times that i feel good, but then it all goes down hill, i just want to feel normal... Good luck to you too and thanks for your response.
you are very welcome and I'm here if you ever need or just want to talk or vent. Von
you may want to ask your physician about getting on an anti-anxiety medication along with your anti-depressant. maybe one from the group called benzodiazepines, commonly referred to as the 'benzo's". Out of them all, i prefer either ativan or xanax. of course, any time you have a medication change, there will be some effects. try to be patient and stick it out! in the meantime, talk to your doctor about what i mentioned previously. :-)
she gave me clonazepam?? i havent really taking any, thank you so much for your fast response, it means alot to me...
ooooo! start taking the klonopin (clonazepam)!!! it will help you greatly with the anxiety!!! and no problem for the answer, my friend. please feel free to ask any other questions.
I think the referral to the psychiatrist is just to protect himself. If you feel better with the increased dosage you can probably cancel your appointment.
I think the referral to the psychiatrist is just to protect himself. If you feel better with the increased dosage you can probably cancel your appointment.
Related topics
zoloft, depression, anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder
Further information
- Zoloft uses and safety info
- Zoloft prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Zoloft (detailed)
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