I've been on Implanon 3 years, I thought it lasted 5?
Question posted by AmyQuarl09 on 15 Nov 2012
Last updated on 21 November 2019 by Katera86
I've been on Implanon 3 years and it was supposed to be removed in September I thought it lasted 5 Years and recently found out its only 3. I don't have the money or insurance to get it removed. Really what I'm worried about is could I be pregnant I'm realizing I'm having symptoms the same as with my 1st child before I blew it off thinking I'm just sick. I'm on birth control that's highly effective but now I wonder please help me
This is my second time with this birth control this time it’s different it was supposed to be removed September here we are mid November and I’m freaking out no spotting yet my harm muscles twitch and may burn from time to time I can’t feel it I really want it out ASAP
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16 March 2018
Hey, I'm not sure if this helps, new studies show it can last up to 4 years. I've had mine in 14 months past my expiration date(feb 2017), now I'm getting light brown spotting every other week or so, I feel like it's wearing off. I don't have the money or insurance right now to get it removed. Planned parenthood is the way to go. I plan on making an appointment asap
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Miranda Simmkns
10 Jan 2018
And I still haven’t got pregnant
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19 Dec 2017
I have had my implant in for 6years I am terrified of getting it out I have asked the doctors if I will be okay to leave it and they said it will not Cause any damage to keep it in. Two years on Still not got pregnant and no period can anybody help me please
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28 June 2016
hey im gemma and i had an implant put in in 2005 and it should of been removed 2008 however it was put in by a sexual health centre whilst i was young and the doctors refused to remove it!! anyway i changed doctors and have had it removed in june 2016 a couple of weeks back- and this is where it gets interesting i haven't been able to get pregnant since 2008 and have been referred for ivf being told the implant wont be active as medicine has run out so i had my period a week before the removal and it is now a week after removal and i am pouring with blood even though i already had my period i am emotional irritable and moody now if the implant was no longer active why is my body reacting this way???
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10 June 2016
Why do you need money or insurance to get it removed???
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10 June 2016
When t got mine my doctor said it could be up to 5 years
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24 April 2016
Please I had my implanon last year August But of recent I have been noticing weight gain and lots of stretch marks on my body, some days ago I started experiencing light flow of blood. Pls I don't know if I should have it removed
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9 April 2016
I've got this in and am due to have it out this month. As far as I am aware you shouldn't have to pay to get it removed as contraception is free on the NHS, I have had it in since I was 16 and wasn't told I'd need insurance or to pay to have it removed
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2 Dec 2015
I have a question I've had my implanon birth control in my arm for more than 3 years and I want to know if I could get pregnant while I have it inside ? & also I want to know why I'm cramping so much idk how to tell if I'm going thru pms or ovulating can someone help me please thank you. Sincerely Babiiloka
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12 Oct 2015
Hello I have the implanon for over 3 years in my arm, I neither have insurance or medicad to get it removed, been trying to get pregnant but no luck yet. So is it damage to leave it for that long period of time, anything I should worry about?
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2 Dec 2015
Can't say for sure, only tell you my own experience. Had my implanon in for over 5 years. Never got pregnant in that time. Still experience a little pain in the area where I had it removed though. But now 11 months after having it removed, I am 3 months pregnant.
18 Jan 2016
Hi. You said you had implant in for over 5 years. Did your implant get inside muscle at all? I'm so scared just found out it's not 5 years but 3! :(
22 Jan 2016
No, though it was rather embedded in the skin. Doctor told me I had to have local anaethestic, wasn't given the option not to, as it was overdue. Did take around 15 minutes for the doctor to finally pull it out. Just felt uncomfortable afterwards, not really painful unless I really banged it.
26 May 2016
You don't have insurance or money to have it taken out, what makes you think you have money to have another child?
27 Nov 2016
I had mine in for 5 years. And my doctor took it out in 5 min no lie it was still in the same place
I've had mine in for 2 years last year in August I took my own out only because I didn't have no money no insurance & my belly was in a lot of pain for almost a month so I took it out & took it out right I didn't have a period the whole time I was on it.. After I took it out 15 days later I had my period & every since that I had my period every month,, I may be pregnant.
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16 May 2015
How did you take yours out? I've had mine in since March of 2012. It is now 2 months expired, and I've had unprotected sex with my BD multiple times since then. Now I'm having weird discharge and pregnancy symptoms. I would have gotten my implantbtaken out months ago, but I can't afford it. My arm is super tinder by my implant sometimes. Could this mean that it's broken? Also, I never stopped having a period while on Nexplanon. Sometimes I would bleed for weeks at a time, then stop for a few days, and then it would start back up again.
17 Nov 2015
Hi alj11 I'm just a little curious how did you do that what did you need because I'm in that same predicament
7 March 2018
Hello, I know this post is from 2012 but, I was just wondering how you took it out yourself?
You should get the implanon took out asap because if not, your baby can be forming outside of the Fallopian tubes and the baby may have problems when born
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13 June 2014
The birth control, Implanon, is designed to last UP TO three years. This may vary woman to woman, based on weight, lifestyle, hormones, etc. I've seen many women start menstruating before and after that three year mark. Check with your doctor and use a back up contraception method. As far as insurance problems go, try Planned Parenthood. They typically are good about working with women who don't have health insurance. They may not be able to lower the actual cost of the removal/insertion of implanon, but they may let you start a payment plan. I hope that helped! -Makenna Upton RN
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2 July 2014
Can an expired implanon give false negative results on hpt?
14 July 2014
Can an expired implanon give u false negative hpt results? I have missed two periods and had some spotting for a few days last week I took a hpt and it was neg. I am having some symptoms but they can also b pms too… What is going on… I went to the ER about a month ago and they did a popsmear and a UA which all came back normal. P.S. My implanon has been expired since february.
4 May 2015
Okay so I have my implant and it expired on November 11 2015 where can I get it removed how much would they charged to take it out ?
10 June 2016
When I got mine the doctor specifically told me it was between 3-5 years
My implant is 5 months expired I had in protected sex can I get pregnant ?
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21 Aug 2016
I got my first implanon implant when I was 16 and it was suppose to been taken out when I was 19 but of course when your insurance isn't good and you don't have any money I had no way to take it out. It's been in my arm for five years now. It's still in my arm now and I'm 24 yrs old now. I have crazy mood swings--where I'm always angry, weird cravings for things, hot flashes, times where I'm cold, times where ALL of my emotions come out at once, I'm also seen a pattern where I would gain weight but then I would lose weight. Now recently I have been losing weight. I am a naturally small sized athletic slim person. So my muscle definitions shows I've been noticing that has gone away and I've become very skinny. I'm 92lbs but I feel like I'm losing more weight I'm probably 70 or 80 lbs now. I'm not sure what to do either.