I was taking 400mg 4x a day for years until it ate my stomach out. I now take Naproxen 500mg 2x a day. 2 a day just do not last, can Ibuprofen be take inbetween the 2 Naproxen.
Can Ibuprofen and Naproxen be taken together?
Question posted by mriootome on 3 Nov 2012
Last updated on 24 May 2018
This question has also been asked and answered here: Naproxen vs ibuprofen: What's the difference?
5 Answers
Can I take Aleve and Motrin together
As someone with a lot of muscle pain right now from a car accident. I have ulcers daily and it's from stress. I cannot take an NSAID for risk of bleeding ulcers. I used to take Advil like candy before for headaches and every little pain. I am sensitive to pain cannot take it for anything.
Naproxen is an NSAID that is longer acting than ibuprofen. My husband was told to take one or the other, not both. That is because side effects like bleeding stomach or intestines are common by taking too much NSAID. Don't add aspirin to the mix either. By the way these meds work better with muscle pain. Tylenol works better with fever.
See the doctor and let him know you are not getting the relief you need. He can proceed from there.
my doctor told me not to take ibuprofen with naproxen!!
I'm on Naproxen but I was also given omeprazole one a day to stop ulcers/bleeds from happening do none of you users of naproxen take this as well ?
i take omeperazole NOW - now that it's probably too late!!! i'll be sure to thank my doctor for that on monday when i see her!!!
I just recently had a total hip replacement, and the doctor suggested naproxen instead of my 800 mg ibuprofen, but the naproxen was really really really hard on my soffit guess and throat. So I talk to my doctor I believe it was my lupus doctor cause I had appointment with her and she told me to buy veggie caps, which are capsules that are designed to bypass the esophagus and go right to the small bowel so it doesn’t burn, and it worked! I was really surprised and impressed that she told me this little method even though she’s been my doctor for 17 years she usually doesn’t give anything but medical-based information. But I was hurting really bad and I did not want to get strung out on opioids again from another surgery. So I cut it up and put it in this clear veggie capsule if that makes any sense, I’m sorry if I’m not making sense I have really bad brain fog today! This is my first comment or post and I just registered.
I took a naproxen this morning at 6 AM and I’m going to piggyback it with a half of an 800 mg a Ibuprofen. But I would not recommend that. I know I shouldn’t but it hurts too bad and I don’t want an opioid I know I sound like a broken record but I just can’t deal with that anymore as long as I take it with a lot of food and I’m in a lot of food I don’t get distress but half the time when you’re in that much pain as you all well now you have no appetite you just have no appetite! Everyone have a blessed day
Are you trying for more ulcers? First, why are you taking naprosyn at all? It gave you ulcers once. Ibuprofen has that effect also, and mixing them is just plain asking for trouble. NSAIDS not only harm your stomach because of mechanical irritation to it, but also in the way they work. Have you discussed the fact that you still have pain with your doc?
Hello mriootome, & welcome to the site. Both of these meds are considered NSAIDS which are notorious for causing stomach problems such as you have had. My own mother died from a bleed becasue of too much motrin taken daily for back pain. What are you taking these for? You need to consult with a doctor that specializes in pain if this is why you take them. there are other ways of handling pain than takng NSAIDS. I too cannot take any of these types of drugs drug to getting bleeds & pain in my stomach. More info would surely help us give you a better answer...
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