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How long should I wait giving my Prolia shot after my steroid injection of my back?


JandoraKyani 19 May 2024

Hi Willow1954, I found your question a little confuzzling but I'll do my best to answer it. If you're asking how long you should wait to have Prolia after getting a steroid injection in your back, my answer would be, is if you're due to have the Prolia, you shouldn't wait at all. As everyone on Prolia should know, & I say should, because I didn't (my GP didn't tell me) It's very important to not be late for the Prolia shot as you could very likely suffer with spontaneous multiple vertical fractures due to the rebound bone loss effect caused by osteomorphs. I hope this helps & that I understood your question correctly :)

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injection, steroid, prolia

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