... the skin on my arms, ugly blood spots. When I had a stent put in 8 years ago there was another blockage 60%.
Last year when I had my last heart test they found that this blockage was completely gone and the Dr. said that he did not know why. Now I am afraid to stop taking Plavix because I believe that it cleared up the blockage.
How long should I take Plavix? I have been taking it for 8 years. I have a lot of bleeding under?
Question posted by librasue on 23 April 2010
Last updated on 14 October 2021 by 56ker60
9 Answers
Yay for the blockage being gone! Plavix didn’t make it go away, just prevented platelets from their usual stickiness and prevented it from getting bigger. Maybe you used good lifestyle changes to make that blockage go away? That would be more likely I think. I might consider a second opinion on continued plavix use if you aren’t satisfied with your physicians explaination. If he didn’t explain it to you, there is certainly the option of researching about plavix and stents so you can ask better questions. Bruising is a usual side effect of blood thinners and thin skin is a side effect of aging. Neither has an easy fix. Your dr does not need to know of the second opinion unless you want him to know. Be sure to have all the info about your stent and the procedures you have had in regards to your cardiac condition for the 2nd opinion. He/she needs to know everything to make the best decision regarding your care. Then it would be up to you to either get a 3rd opinion or determine the best course for you.
what time a day do you take plavix an for how long
If you have a DES ( Drug Eluting Stent) you will need to keep taking the plavix, seeing that it works with the stent and if the blockage cleared, more likely then not it was the plavix. If the bruises are small and they don't get larger after you've seen them then it isn't a real problem and you will be on plavix for the rest of your life.
They make a coated plavix
I have been on 6 years
the doctor told me it was my life line forever
Hey there Alleycat,
I wanted to say 'hi' and check in on you. How are you doing? You posted a question on another group and I was only able to answer one time. Hope you are doing better. Please keep in touch and let me know. I care. :) ~ Jillynnie
Hello my friends. I had open hart surgery and two stents. I am easy bleeding and have some ugly blue spots from internal bleeding on my arms. I am taking Plavix about five years and 2 baby aspirin almost 12 years. When I complaint to my cardiologist that I am bleeding internally, he told me that I may stop taking the aspirin or Plavix. I am preferring to take the Plavix to the rest of my life because Plavix mainly protects against strock. The aspirin can be drpped any time.
I was put on Plavix after my first heart attack four years ago. I was also told to take an aspirin daily. I knew I had a sensitivity to aspirin but I took it anyway because I was just so scared after having a heat attack that I did whatever I was told to do. Long story short, I ended up in the ER with a bleeding stomach and a whole lot of pain. My cardiologist immediately took my off the aspirin and told me I would just have to keep taking the Plavix and hope that it would be enough protection. So, after four years and now two more heart attacks I am still taking Plavix. Since I cannot tolerate aspirin I will be on Plavix forever, I assume. I believe the usual treatment is Plavix for one year after a heart attack then just take a daily aspirin.
I have not had any problem with bleeding nor much of one with bruising. Whenever I have procedures done on my back I have to be off the Plavix for 10 days prior the procedure to avoid bleeding. Three hear attacks and four stents and I'm still kicking, thanks, in part, to Plavix every day.
I also had a heart stent in 2008, and my dr. put me on plavix. I just had an appointment with my new cardiologist today, and asked him how long did i have to be on the plavix after the stent, because of the awful bruising i was having, and he told me i could go off of it. Usually, you are on plavix for 1 yr. after a stent. After that, plavix is not needed. I was also taking 1 aspirin daily, and he told me i could take 2 baby aspirins instead. I hope this helps you.
I had 2 stents placed in 2008 also. I have one other 70% blocked artery that is in a place where stents often fail. My doctor put me on Plavix mainly because of the remaining blockage. He told me that the Plavix will help keep the blockage from getting worse but would not get rid of it. If you have no remaining blockages it may be safe to go off Plavix but not if you still have a substantial blockage.
You describe bleeding under the skin on your arms as ugly blood spots. I bruise very easily; it takes only a slight bump anywhere on my body and it turns black & blue. Is this what you are describing? If so, I'm told this is normal when taking a blood thinner.
Your question of how long should we be taking Plavix is a good one that I am totally confused about also. Doctors don't seem to agree and articles on the internet have contradicting information. If the Plavix is responsible for your blockage disappearing, wouldn't that be wonderful? Could someone do more research on that?
Sorry this isn't much help but at least you know you are not alone.
I also have been taking Plavix with Aspirin since the last 2 years, I guess its the side effects of the medicine that one has dry skin, I have the same condition on my right lower leg, kindly see a doctor/pharmacist for more details.
Related topics
plavix, bleeding disorder, heart disease, blood disorders
Further information
- Plavix uses and safety info
- Plavix prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Plavix (detailed)
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