I'm curious about the amount of time 30mg of the pill amphetamine/dextroamphetamine lasts.
How long does this pill work?
Question posted by Moonflowers0107 on 13 Oct 2009
Last updated on 24 March 2018
i take 2 10 mg pills of dextroamphetamine in the morning and then kinda as needed through out the day (usually 15 mg around noon and 15 again around 3). Sometimes 20mg will actually make me high (purely unintentional) until 3pm and i won't take anymore pills for the rest of the day. Other days i can take the full 50mg and i feel as if i could have used more. I don't know what the deal is, but i used to take the ER form and the high feelings and side effects were more predictable (as in i knew what not to take in order to avoid them). Seeing as the release was more extended, or "smooth" as my Dr. says, it didn't make me high at inopportune times (like at work, which is very unnerving and unpleasant). The disadvantage was the ER form didn't work as intended or as well, and i didn't get that immediate "punch" that i needed of the intended consequences of the drug. If everything goes as normal 20mg lasts me from about 8-11 or 12 or 3-4 hours, but i have a high tolerance to drugs usually.
The only part of the answer that stumps is the designation "ER." In the paragraph the person says "I used to take the ER form.
I have no clue what he/she is talking about. What ER form mean? Please help me. Thank You.
That is because with the 50 mg your over dosed. It feels like you need more. But you don't . Down load Dr.Charles Parkers audio book ADHD Medication rules. He is amazing and teaches you how to get to what he calls the sweat spot. He also has u-tube videos check them out.
Who asked about ER?
It means Extended Release, and the brown/clear 15mg Dexedrine Spansules are supposed to give around 1.25mg per hour constantly over 12 hrs - but with me I tend to get more over a shorter period. I took an IR (instant release) Dextrostat 10mg about 2.5 hours ago and actually fell asleep after an hour; I did have a coffee as well, maybe that interferes with it but I need to stay alert and awake all day. I am not an habitual user; only when totally necessary. I can't understand, 10mg amfetamine sulphate usually keeps me awake and almost wired for at least 8 hours...
Her comment of, “ER”, means extended release. This means that throughout the day the drug will be released slowly and evenly. This is opposed to, “IR”, or instant release, where you feel the effects 10-15 minutes after ingestion.
The duration of effect of 30 mg (PO, orally) mixed amphetamine salts of a single entity (generic for Adderall) in tablet form - immediate release - typically ranges from 4 to 6 hours.
Duration of effect and plasma concentrations of amphetamines are increased dramatically with co-adminstration of antacids, particularly sodium bicarbonate. Conversely, acidifying agents commonly found in juices, coffee, and caffeinated beverages may decrease this drug's efficacy. There are many variables which can determine how long any drug "lasts": tolerance, metabolism, age, sex, BMI, and (if) any other concurrent medications an individual takes.
If you're taking this for the first time, even under close medical supervision during initial titration, the side-effects should be expected to be prolonged and intensified. Adverse effects and, for many, positive or beneficial effects of amphetamines will most likely subside as your body adjusts to the medication. [Any dosage modification should be under the exclusive direction of your physician.]
Related topics
Further information
- Amphetamine / Dextroamphetamine uses and safety info
- Amphetamine / Dextroamphetamine prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Amphetamine / Dextroamphetamine (detailed)
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