I was prescribed just 25mg/day at bedtime. I wanted to discontinue it because I thought it was giving me weird side effects. I had been taking the medication for about 5 weeks when I chose to stop it.
How Long Does it take for Amitriptyline to Get Out of your System?
Question posted by denny426 on 1 Feb 2010
Last updated on 28 November 2016 by Clamjuice
4 Answers
It takes approximately 5.5 x elimination half life for a drug to be cleared from your system.
Amitriptyline is over 90% protein bound. Its elimination half-life varies from 10 to 50 hours, with an average of 15 hours.
If we use the maximum elimination half life of 50 hours it'll take 275 hours i.e. 11.45 days (5.5 x 50 hours). However there is always individual variation, so should only be used as a estimate.
For more information on Amitriptyline see:
Does this medication give me a dirty U.A.
Hi. I have seen your question but it is dated 1 Feb 2010 and yet it has come up on my new email re BMS. Amitriptyline is the best answer for me at the moment, I have found nothing else which helps in the same way. The only sode efeect that I get is a dry mouth and when taking any drugs they take a while to get into and settle in our systems. Persevere longer if you can because it will help until something else is found. If this is dated Feb 2010 you hopefully have found some kind of solution, and if you have please let us know. Regards June
Hi June,
The date must be incorrect on my posting. I just posted my comments a couple of months ago. I am off the amitriptyline. The dry mouth got so bad that it was difficult to speak. I just started Klonopin, but have only been on it for a week, so I don't know if it is helping much yet. I'm to see my dr the end of the month, so I hopefully will know something in the next couple of weeks. Is the amitriptyline the only drug you have used for your BMS?
Hi Debbie. When given to me the amitriptyline worked very well after getting into my system and I have not needed to try anything else and the Dr. at Eastmans, London said it was the best one if it was okay for me. The dry mouth only really effects me at night during sleep. so better the devil I know because to go back to what I had was over the scale of ten but now goes bewteen 2 and 4. I have another appt on 27th Nov. I will let you know. I have just noted that my answer I sent 15 mins ago says it was posted 1 Feb 2010 when it is actually 21.29 Oct 16, 2012 I think I added you as a friend, which I dont really know what it means, but I will keep you and everyone else up to date re BMS. At Eastmans in London they do have some people specialising in this, but there is no anwer to why or how it occurs - it is a syndrome with ??? that cannot be answered. Regards June
Thanks for your reply June. I go back to my dr on October 30. I start taking my Klonopin twice a day starting tomorrow, so I'm hopefully the increased dosage will help, because so far with only taking it at night time (.5 mg) I can't really tell if it's helping because I've always been able to sleep without the burning. Deb
hi all i was on Amitriptyline 10mg tabs to take 3 times a day.ive took these for 28 days and ive had bad side affects.so i went back to my doctor and told him i want to come of them.he told me to take only one 10mg tab a day for a week then the week after take one 10mg every other day... i only took the tab for 3 days after by taking one every day for three days then i just stopped... any one no how long it will take for the hole lot to come out of my system thanks all
I am writing for my 82 year old Aunt who has been battling BMS for over 10 years. About a year and a half ago, someone from another site suggested Noratrypline. She started to get some relief after about 2 mouth. She started out very slowly with 10mg and has slowly increased it to where she is now taking 50mg. Her doctor would like to increase it by 10mg additional but it is too strong for her (she has many medication sensitivies). THE ONLY THING that the Noratrypline has done for her, has taken the edge off the pain. This medication knocks her out, which is why it was prescribed to take it at night. Not a cure, but a slight help with the pain. Sorry I could not be more helpful, we have been to numerous doctors etc... Her Neice.
Related topics
amitriptyline, side effect, anxiety and stress, burning mouth syndrome
Further information
- Amitriptyline uses and safety info
- Amitriptyline prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Amitriptyline (detailed)
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