... days ago. Supposed to take them for two weeks. |How long until I start feeling better? Also, can you get dizzy/lightheaded with hp or is it the meds? I am so tired all of the time and can't even find the energy to mow the lawn, grocery shop, do housework or even concentrate on driving? Is this normal? Should I insist on an endoscopy? Thank you
Helicobacter Pylori Infection - Hello..I was diagnosed with H-Pylori last week, Started the meds 3?
Question posted by Kayjayv9 on 25 May 2014
Last updated on 5 May 2015
You could have an ulcer. That would cause the symptoms. You don't need an endoscopy if you're being treated. Things have to heal up before you'll feel better.
I am also having belching after 2hr of evry meal and dizziness was the most problematic thus i couldnt do my normal work even walk steadily.
I have done endoscopy and there is few erosions with h.pylorie infection.i am taking antibiotics for last 4days and i m feeling a little better now.
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helicobacter pylori infection, infections, vertigo, diagnosis
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