I've heard that Cinnamon, along with dosage of Chrominum Pecolinate helps lowers blood sugar... Type 2 Diabetic take these, along with his medication and not have any side effects? I would like my husband to try this to see if it works
Type 2 diabetes- Is it safe with my meds to take Cinnamon and Chromium to help lower blood-sugar?
Question posted by TutTut on 2 Sep 2012
Last updated on 14 September 2019 by Bearadise
3 Answers
Not sure but would like to know as im diabetic
Cinnamon is fine to use with toast, etc. the thing is, generally we use it with carbsand sugar. Not good. Some cooking of savories uses it for seasoning as well. What you need is a lot of cinnamon. More than I could eat in a day, that is for sure.
I looked into it too. there is supposed to be a supplement, but I don't know where it is coming from and out of country stuff has lots of potential problems and dangers. His best bet is to stay in control of his carb balance and get the right amount of protein. Eating what he should and careful of overeating.
Have no idea if this would be harmful but check with his physician. You don't mention other meds nor conditions, so it would be hard to say. Let me know what your doc says. Curious about that. :-).
I have cinnamon capsules, because its also good for pain.
Yes, I found cinnamon capsules at the drug store (500 mg). You can get Chrominum Pecolinate on line or at the health food store. We will check with the physician, though. Thank You
Karen, you can buy the cinnamon capsules at any drugstore or health food store. I still suggest he check with his doctor before adding with any diabetic medications too tho'. Gary was going to try the cinnamon too, but his doctor did not want him to. He did the chromium picolinate at 200 mcg for several years & we did not see a difference at all. That was when it was diet controlled. I am leary of him adding it to his glyberide, & metforim now before checking with his new endoctrinologist. We will ask again about the cinnamon & let you know... Mary (Doesn't see him til the 13th)
Hi all. Yep, I know you can buy it. But, again, the source is the issue as well as the type of cinnamon. It has to be cassis only, the pure dark very expensive cinnamon. Usually the paler one we get at the grocery store is not that variety. So it has to be lissted as the active ingredient in the capsules not the word cinnamon which will be the cheaper stuff. The second thing to know is that too much is toxic. So your health is on consideration. The final thing is that it does interact with various medications. Hence the doctor is still the safest route before you try it. Herbal and natural do not mean safe.
Tests done on this have shown equivocal results or only slight. In other words nothing happens to most people. But if you go to WEDMB and look up cinnamon you will get the info on it. Believe me, if I thought it would work I would take it.
Cinnamon Health Benefits
Simply saying, a person has to be very careful before something is tried. My money is limited so I have to spend it where it does the best for me. Would be very interested in what people's doctors (Endocrinologist) has to say about this. Thanks, Karen
tut tut, I just out of curiosity without knowing what meds you actually take, & using my husbands meds came up with this; glyberide/metforim & chromium picolinate should not be used together, as it can make the patient hypoglycemic instead of hyperglycemic as in the case of diabetes. In other words using the two together would be like taking a double dose of your medicine & make you taking too much where it would make your glucose or sugar level too low. So Please, check with your doctor as I don't have a clue as to what you are taking ,& wouldn't want to take a chance in advising you at all. You can type in your meds, & cinnamon & chromium picolinate in the 'interreactor checker' at the top of the page in blue that might help you, but don't take chances with your life, ok? Check with your doctor before adding any supplements to your meds... Mary
It does lower it, however not very much. I would not try it with diabetic meds without talking to my doc.
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diabetes, type 2, cinnamon, side effect, dosage, blood disorders, diabetic, medication
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