I started Lyrica around 32 days ago, but I also started on the "Habitrol" brand Nicotine patch at the same time.
I have routine bloodwork done by my PCP every 6 months and was shocked to find that my LFT's were Crazy high(normal Ast range10-35.) mine was 105!! (normal Alt is 6-40) mine was 175. Has anyone else had abnormal blood results.
Has anyone had an elevated AST or ALT(liver function tests)?
Question posted by bonniecna on 2 Oct 2010
Last updated on 14 November 2010
I think you should alert your prescriber about your ALTs and ASTs because Lyrica has been known to wreak renal havoc on some patients so I wouldn't be at all surprised if it can't affect your liver as well. Hope this helps.
Thanks for answering. I was planning to do that on Monday.I also have to notify my PCP cause he's the one that ordered the tests and had them send me a copy for my records. My Rheumatologist ordered the meds. I make sure I keep all my doctors informed and on the same page.
I'm on a very low dose (75mg) so, in the meantime, I'm gonna do more research at Medscape and Mayo Clinic and find out what the weaning process is from such a low dose.
I was on Cymbalta for awhile but couldn't afford to keep getting it.
Life's tough sometimes. (I'm afraid it's getting worse) BUT I've toughed alot worse... like my 60th Birthday!!! LOL naahhhhh... 50 was worse. hahaha
I found an interesting site that gives drug info FOR PROFESSIONALS.
We consumers can take back our power by knowing all we can about the drugs out there. www.pfizerpro.com Hope this is helpful to anyone out there with concerns
Talk about frustrating!!! I called both of my doctors offices and the nurses at both told me "stop taking the Lyrica" (really??? ) and the docs will see me at my next appt. My PCP sees me on the 14th and my Rheumatologist isn't seeing me until Nov 8th.
No discussion... just stop the Lyrica!!!
Well, I DID as soon as I saw my blood results. Because I was on a low dose the only side effect That's recognizable is... I'm more like my "old self".Happy, not crying constantly
All of my research has led me nowhere re: Lyrica and the liver. But the same thing happened when I was trying to find out if Hep C symptoms(besides high qual and quantitative cells) can mimic Fibro Pain.
The answer is YES!! Also, I personally de-bunked the theory that Hep C is sexually transmitted. My hubby and I have been very actively intimate for 13 years and he has no probs.
Ok, Psyched, what's your story??
No story here. I will warn you that you shouldn't stop taking Lyrica abruptly because it can cause you to have a seizure... it's recommended that you come off of it over the course of a week. I do hope you will be careful. As for feeling like your old self again, I think that's great! Maybe you don't need the Lyrica and the docs can find something else for your pain. Hope things keep going well for ya!
After my docs saw my ast and alt, he had me stop, not only the Lyrica, but also my cholesteroI med and anti-inflammatory. had additional bloodtests done and was found to have low Serum Folate. (folic acid) but my enzymes, altho down some, were still high. I had an ultrasound and my gall bladder, kidneys and pancreas are normal. But my Liver is slightly enlarged. My PCP gave me a script for 1mg Folic Acid(OTC folic acid comes in mcg's). I will be seeing my Gastroenterologist on Wed and I think he'll tell me that my Chronic Hep C has become active or that, over time, and because of all my other meds,my cirhossis has worsened. I'll probably need a new Liver biopsy as the last one was over 10 years ago. If it's bad, I may have to go back to Interferon with Ribaviron. My daughter recommended Milk Thistle and I will be researching that as well as discussing it with my gut doc. Thanks for your comment, Psyched
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habitrol, lyrica, smoking cessation, fibromyalgia, nicotine
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