I have been taking Abilify for well over a year but about 9 months ago started having severe right hip pain on sitting to standing and vice versa, walking and climbing stairs. It is now muscle pain and weakness and spreading into my other hip and pain in my back. I see there is an odd chance it is the Abilify and wondered if I was alone in the world on this one.
Has anybody had muscle and joint pain since taking Abilify?
Question posted by BellaSwan on 5 April 2010
Last updated on 6 September 2023 by IsabelRose
23 Answers
I started experiencing neck pain/stiff neck just after starting Abilify 5mg. I'm on 15mg now and the pain has not yet subsided, it's been about a month. I can't turn my neck or move my head when I try to sleep without pain.
We'll go figure I have some pain in neck and shoulder it's seems connected and also very stiff which is something my psychiatrist checks for monthly
Yes, I'm not 100% sure it's the abilify yet. I've been on it about 1 week. I'm on my feet all day at work and use my hands non stop on a manufacturing floor. I've never had issues. Yesterday it started. Sorry leg and arm muscles, I can't hardly do my job. I'm gonna stop taking it and see if it improves or not? I'll report back.
With your health, I would connect the dots quickly if you run into side effects. Regarding Ability, I started it and within 1 week I got stiffness and pain in my right calf when walking just 10 mins. Within a few more days, I could not walk more than 25 mind before having to stop although the week (and for years) before, 1 hour of walking created no issues.
I checked online and although only 3% reported it, muscle pain and stiffness was an issue within lower extremeties. Also, the side effects can occur with 1 or 2 days per my research, which further confirmed my concern.
I called my doctor and got right in. I explained the issues and although rare side effects, they agreed to take me off this and switched to another drug. Within 2 days, I could walk 45 mins with no pain and just improved from there.
In summary, listen to your body and your concerns while advocating for yourself for a change with the doctor. Don't live with it as the "new normal".
Yes!! I was on Abilify for 6 years. I started getting hip and back pain. It was so severe I often couldn't walk. They diagnosed me with fibromyalgia even and put me on all these pain meds (percs, tramadol etc etc) for 4 years. As my mental health improved I started weaning off the Abilify 3 years ago. To my surprise I lost my "fibromyalgia" and have experienced no abnormal pain or stiffness since. I immediately got off all my pain meds as well and have been drug-free for 3 years and am in full time university, something I never could have done before on my meds (I was so tired and in pain). I actually have less anxiety/depression, no pain and can function better without Abilify and of course all those pain meds. I'm 23 now and have been on anxiety meds since I was 9 until age 20. Pain meds from 16-20.
I just started taking 5mg a few days ago. I was already suffering arthritis pain in my right shoulder from a injury. Now though I have muscle and joint pain and my skin hurts in both shoulders, both hips, and my ribs and feet. That's why I questioned the Ability. I also have finally lost almost 50 pounds and read it can cause weight gain. I can't deal with that. I need to lose 50 more pounds. Should I ask for a different medication?
I have been on Ability for 60 days. I have muscle stiffness in one elbow, ankle and lower back. The trade off is it works. I exercise my muscles by stretching, flexing and general activity. I park in the back of the parking lot and briskly walk in. All the activity makes it tolerable.
Totally get back pain and hip pain and stiffness and pain in the joints... I've told my doc but he doesn't say much
I am wondering about Abilify also. For no reason i can think of i have pain in my left arm when i try to stretch it. I have been taking Abilify for 14 years. I am going to tell my doctor about it.
I was prescribed 10mg of Abilify 2 weeks ago due to a plummet in my depression. Two weeks prior I had sprained my right knee. I just went for x-ray for the right knee because 4 weeks later it is much worse (pain and limited movement). I also have severe shin splints by the evening time, joint pain in my knees, and shoulder muscle pain on both sides. I can't move around well enough to play with my kids and that is depressing in itself. My Dr dropped the dose to 5mg but to be honest I don't really even want to take that. Especially because I can't say how well it is helping with the depression/anxiety. I've tried serotonin, Seroquel, Xanax, prozac, etc. I focus mostly on positive thinking and see a counselor. I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I hope this helps someone know they're not alone.
I'm not sure if I had that while taking it, but definitely when I stopped it! I had extremely painful leg cramps, and I'm still suffering from restless leg syndrome that only began after taking antipsychotics.
Yes, almost certainly. The correlation with pain and weakness in my lower back/upper buttocks seems just too strong to be coincidental. My therapist also noticed I'd developed a slight hand tremor. Sleeping five hours a night. Only been taking it for a month (now @7.5 mg) but at this rate it I'll have to find another med to treat my chronic listlessness. Already on Cymbalta, which helps, but not nearly enough.
I was on Abilify when I was younger, probably 6 or 7 years ago and just recently started back on it. It did help somewhat back then and I didn't have ANY issues aside for a dystonic reaction from my stomach doctor stupidly prescribing me something that reacted horribly to it and saphris. The problem I am having now is horrendous leg cramps after being on a starter 2mg dose twice a day for a few weeks now. It is getting to the point where I have to physically jump and push my feet hard into the floor to be able to walk somewhat normally and my toes keep curling inward on themselves for no reason which is bringing back nasty memories of the reaction I had years back. This just recently started a few days ago and is progressively getting more intense. Started with simple little charlie horse feelings and now it's full blown pain and locked up muscles/tendons. Not sure if it's worth this much trouble for so little gain I know that much. I used to recommend this drug to people in my circle who have the same issues as me and now I feel like a moron for doing so.
I've been taking Abilify for about 10 years and haven't noticed that reaction. I hope you get to the bottom of this.
I have been taking abilify for about a year. I have terrible right hip pain, right side back pain and my left knee. Just in general I feel my muscles are painful. Cheryl.
Related topics
Further information
- Abilify uses and safety info
- Abilify prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Abilify (detailed)
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