Will it be hard to wean off of 5 mg of Lexapro? What side effects might I experience?
Question posted by Marla82 on 24 Feb 2022
Last updated on 27 February 2022
Hey, Marla!
As mom said, 5mg is a relatively low dose but if you're particularly sensitive to the drug you might experience some discontinuation symptoms if you taper off too quickly... and as I remember you've been taking it for quite a while now. You can Google "Lexapro withdrawal symptoms" but remember if you go slowly enough you may not have any problem at all.
Reach out to your doctor for a tapering dose schedule and ask for a script for the liquid formulation as it will be much easier to measure out the increasingly small doses.
If I may ask, why do you want to stop the Lexapro? Side effects?
I am at the point where I feel the Lexapro has helped me get though the difficult time I was having in my therapy dealing with past abuse issues. It helped me settle my cycling thoughts down so I could focus on opening up in therapy. I do have the liquid so I can decrease it gradually. How did you taper and did you have any issues.
Actually, I was taking 20mg/day but had to stop abruptly for a medical reason and had no problem with any discontinuation symptoms. I've been lucky with all my different meds over the years... no real side effects or withdrawal problems.
Best of luck to you and I'm glad that you're in a better frame of mind now.
Lexapro is a stronger SSRI than some others. 5mg sounds like a low dose but it is equivalent to 10mg citalopram.
If it were me ( and I successfully weaned off lexapro a few years ago) I would ask your doctor for a script of liquid lexapro. That way you can taper off more slowly. I would probably go to 4mg and hold for a month then to 3mg and hold till you reach 0. That way you are less likely to suffer withdrawal issues
I do have the liquid Lexapro so I can taper very slowly. How did you wean off when you were taking Lexapro and what dose were you at when you did take it?
I started off at 30mg then gradually over a few years with my doctors support got down to 10mg which worked well for me.
I had done a lot of self help to manage my anxiety and felt that I would like to come off medication. I decided to wean off slowly from 10mg, it took me a few years but I wasn’t in a rush! I’d seen too many people suffer trying to withdraw quicker. I jumped from 10mg to 5mg but realised later that was too big a jump. It took me a long time to stabilise so I stayed on 5mg for about a year. Then I got a script and with the help of liquid lexapro slowly weaned from 5mg to 0 over the course of about 18 months. I was super careful because of my experience within the withdrawal community.
I stayed off medication for three years. The first two I did really well but the third year my anxiety returned with a vengeance and I went back on medication last year.
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Further information
- Lexapro uses and safety info
- Lexapro prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Lexapro (detailed)
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