How many Lyrica 100 to equal to Gabapentin 300?
What is the equivalent of Lyrica 100 versus Gabapentin 300?
Question posted by 1Nena on 6 Sep 2013
Last updated on 24 October 2013 by chuck1957
Hey Nena this is one that many people get confused with you have 2 different drugs so you really can't compair the two its like apple to orange two different things so the milligrams don't really mean anything in this case its one of those that one works for one person and not the other Best to ask the doctor and see which one works best for you at which dose sorry i can't be of more help.
Chuck Wise retired pharmacy technician Cpht oregon... two different drugs and milligrams are not really compairable its like fruit and vegitables sorry Chuck. check with your doctor on this one.
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