I’ve been on Adderall XR for a little over 3 years and as soon as I hit my 3 year mark I’ve gained 25 pounds in 4 months. Any ideas on how to get rid of It? Changes I should make in my prescription? Has anyone else experienced this and have tips?
Is It common to have rapid weight gain during long-term use of Adderall XR?
Question posted by Cowanjo on 9 March 2018
Last updated on 5 June 2020 by grammatik
I have been taking 60 mg daily of Adderall XR (two 30 mg pills) for more than 10 years. Like many of you, I lost weight initially and was happy because i wasn't hungry. About two years ago I began gaining weight and never considered the Adderall as a cause because I know it's supposed to act like amphtetamine which is used to make people lose weight.
I have now gained 40 pounds and look terrible and nothing I have tried has made a bit of a difference. My cholesterol is down to 137 and my triglycerides are low and all other blood work is fine. I would love to switch, but I think I do need to take it to keep me mentally focused and on point.
Aren't there any better drugs out there for losing weight?
Yes I have gained 30lbs. What I find confusing is when people lose weight.
Pre medication, having ADHD, I found eating a waste of time, my brain couldn’t be “bothered” to spend the time eating. Since taking Adderall XR I can now concentrate long enough to eat a meal. So to me weight gain makes sense.
Related topics
adderall, adderall xr, weight loss (obesity/overweight), weight, rid
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