... year old now he is holding his head behind his ear crying
Clotrimazole Topical - can these drops be used in the ear, they were prescibed that way for my 8?
Question posted by momlltx3 on 14 Sep 2009
Last updated on 19 December 2018
5 Answers
I finally got into specialist, told me to quit taking them. I had extreme pain, and it brought me to tears. I'm 62 years old, now I have hole in eardrum. He cleaned out ear as I had 2 fungal infections plus bacteria from taking antiobotic drops before this. Now He has given me powder fungal and bacteria. I understand why he is crying,very painful. Hope you can see specialist. Also have hearing loss. Started 3 weeks ago, hope it gets better.
I was diagnosed with an ear infection at age 5. Doctors treated this with Amoxil for recurring infections over the years. In my early 20's I was referred to ENT at the local hospital. Different antibiotics, more years of recurring infections.
At 24 I had an operation to rebuild the middle ear bones which had been destroyed by infection. This failed to work and left me with 100% hearing loss in my right ear.
Three years later I visited my GP with yet another ear infection. As he reached for his prescription pad I asked him what he would be giving me. Amoxil - again.
The thought occurred to me that it just might be time that someone took a swab and sent it to the lab to find out exactly what the infection is being caused by. Not sure why none of the professionals that had seen me over the years had not thought to do this before, but the doctor grudgingly agreed, but insisted I should take the antibiotics anyway.
3 days later, at 8am, the doctors receptionist called me to tell me to stop taking the antibiotics immediately as I have a fungal infection which is being made worse by antibiotics.
I was given a course of canestan drops which cleared the infection and I have been problem free for just over 20 years. I felt little or no discomfort using Canestan drops.
Ear infections can cause life changing hearing loss. If you or your child have one insist on a swab being taken and analysed at the lab every time.
Quick treatment is imperative, so is the correct treatment.
I am currently using this drop for a fungal ear infection. To be brief, it burns and is VERY uncomfortable for about 20 minutes.
I am taking clotrimazole 1%solution for my ear fungal infection.It is giving me pain and the feeling of discomfort. Does anyone else feel the same.Please help me.
Yes --- Ihave the same problem... Just in my right ear I feel burning and it hurts after I apply it in my ear... Then it feels clogged worse than ever... But I was told to keep using it... I find I need to take ibuprophen for the discomfort--- I have tried everything else and nothing worked --- so now I am trying this... We shall see... Good luck to you too...
hi.. I also was I a lot of discomfort when I used the drops so I stopped using them my doctor has prescribed them again and told me I should keep using them bit I'm so scared. will it be painful every time I use the drops and does it get better. would really appreciate some help x
Does it feel like ur ear is on fire when taking the clotrimazole usp 1% ear drops. my ear burns when taking this stuff, not only that my ear is bleeding as well. So i don’t recommend this stuff to young children, they will be an a huge amount of pain.. This is going on my 2 week of this drug and it’s making my ear worse i think.. And my other ear closed up as well due to this medicine!!
Did it get better? Did your ear get better?
I was described the Clotrimazole solution for a fungal ear infection, and those drops hurt like the dickens!! I am very pain tolerant, but those drops have me beat. The cure is worse than the infection!!
I saw my ENT today, and he found a small perforation in the eardrum that he was not able to see before due to the swelling because of the fungal infection. THAT explains the extreme pain I felt when using those drops. I am happy to report he told me to stop them!!!
Hi, my 4 year old had tubes placed in both ears and adenoids removed about 2 weeks ago, he was prescribed antibiotic (zithromax) and ear drops antibiotic to both ears, a week ago they did a culture it turns out that he has a yeast infection she prescribed Clotrimazole Topical solution and it says for external use only, I just want to make sure is safe to put this in his ears. I got the drops today I called the doctors office they never called me back, they closed early for the holiday weekend. Did you use this treatment for your son and Did it work?
Yes. Clotrimazole solution can be used to treat fungal ear infections. Two to three drops of the solution should be put in the ear two to three times daily. Treatment should be continued for at least two weeks after the symptoms of the infection have cleared up.
It probably feels uncomfortable for your son. Warm the dropper bottle up in your hands before using the solution and get your son to lie down whilst you instil them. If it is too difficult speak to your doctor.
Ear wax was dark or black and ear itched. Ear doctor clean and perscribed a anti fungal solution clotrimazol topic 1% (athlete foot solution). I found it harsh on my ear drum to just put in drops (affected hearing). I applied the solution buy gently touching the walls of the ear cannal with a wetted q tip.
Related topics
Further information
- Clotrimazole uses and safety info
- Clotrimazole prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Clotrimazole (detailed)
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