Clonazepam and propranolol for performance anxiety?
Question posted by Synthea on 11 March 2021
Last updated on 9 February 2022 by SwimKleySwim
Has any one taken both clonazepam and propranolol for performance anxiety? I normally take both only as needed for acute anxiety only (clonazepam - 0.5mg - 1 mg) and performance only (propranolol 40 - 60mg). I recently took 40mg of propranolol approximately 6 hours before a performance and then another 50mg an hour before my performance based on a pharmacists recommendation. It wasn't helping as it should so I also took 0.25mg of clonazepam - which I've never done before. I will also admit that I drank a couple glasses of wine. I know the dangers of alcohol and clonazepam. I had already had wine before I decided to take the clonazepam. I am not recommending or encouraging anyone to mix alcohol with any prescription medication. I am merely telling my story.
Anyway, after taking the low dose of clonazepam, my nerves were a lot calmer. But to this day I cannot remember being on stage. I do remember my interactions and conversations with others just not performing and I mean at all. From everyone's feedback I apparently remembered lyrics, was on key and hit my marks.
Has this happened to anyone else? What is most interesting is that I remember everything of the evening off-stage. Thanks!
I'm not surprised at all that you don't remember the being on stage part but did well and remember most everything else. 1. Because Clonazepam can erase hours of memory by itself. Add the alcohol, and you've got yourself a recipe for amnesia in a bottle. 2. People that suffer with anxiety though tend to block out certain thoughts or times of extreme panic as a coping mechanism. I'm guessing that your brain was on overload during your performance thus blocking it from your memory. But when your performance was done and you were able to calm down your thoughts (memories) were able to function more normally.
Votes: +0
12 March 2021
That’s an interesting question. A few years ago I had to present to a group that was supposed to be around 200 people, so I took my “pre-presentation” propranolol dose per usual. About two hours before the presentation I was told another speaker presenting concurrently to me had to suddenly cancel and my group now would be 500 people. I got very nervous and took a .50mg of Klonopin “just to cover my bases”. The presentation was spectacular I was told, I also flawlessly responded to 15 minutes of Q&A. My boss said it was hands down the best presentation of my career. I cannot remember any of it. I have absolutely no recollection of it at all. It’s on video, I’ve watched the video, and I STILL don’t remember it. It still to this day really bothers me. After that experience, although it ended well, I have never mixed propranolol with clonazepam ever again.
I did discuss it with my prescribing doctor and she agreed I should not take a combo of these two medications. The odd thing is I have mixed Xanax with propranolol a few times over the years and never had any memory issues. We are all different, and I hope this helps! Good luck to you.
Votes: +0
11 March 2021
“Taking Clonazepam and Propranolol may have additive effects in lowering your blood pressure”. Also,
You asked “But to this day I cannot remember being on stage; Memory problem is a common side effect of Clonazepam. You should be aware that Klonopin/Clonazepam can cause addiction. Therefore, it should be taken for short term effects(at least six weeks).
Do you take Propranolol with a meal? because this will make it easier for your body to absorb the medication.