... debilitating. Chest pain, joint pain, insomnia, fatique, itching, depression and much more!!! Please take small doses and work up gradually - and track any changes that are bothersome. Good luck!
Be Careful taking Vitamin D! If you are sensitive, there are numerous side effects, some quite?
Question posted by sg72 on 15 Oct 2012
Last updated on 7 July 2017
9 Answers
Hi gang,
Since I had thyroid cancer and had my thyroid removed. My parathyroids have been moved around and do not work anymore so I am on Calcium and Rocaltrol (vitamin D2) for life. I guess I am lucky because I do not have any bad syptoms with this. I am a person that usually has alot of side effects with meds. Hope you all fell better soon!
I live in N.E.PA where sun is very scarce. Despite milk, yogurt, cheese, my Vit D level is almost non-existent. My doctor started me on a very low dose and we are gradually raising it, especially since we are going into the winter darkness. Fortunately, I have not had a single problem with any side effects!
When looking at blood panel lab reports, if you have had a comprehensive panel done, your calcium, potassium and sodium levels will be shown, amongst others.
Normal calcium at our lab on the comp is 8.6 to 10.2. Anyone with thyroid conditions, diabetes, etc. need to be sure this is in range in order for cell regulation to work. Too high of any of these three elements can cause damage. Just as too low can. That is why I am not a big advocate for self medicating. Without knowledge, we can make errors that create suffering rather than relief. When one knows their numbers, life gets easier.
When you have questions regarding your labs, have a good talk with your doctor. We have plenty of help here as well as discussion. What works for one may not be the solution for another. Lots depends on diet and on our condition. For example, I need to eat a lot of animal protein because my body destroys certain enzymes. For another this would cause strong weight gain. My weight is stable. My diet doesn't work for most yet remains right for me.
When I read people's stories I concern myself that time is not taken to talk with the doctor to be sure this is right for that person to make a change. We remain different. I encourage all to be experts in their condition. Wishing good health to all and a day of joy. Karen
I take vitamin D3 for my bones that are crumbling. I have had so many fractures it's unbelievable. I also am on Forteo which is the last ditch effort to help my bones. I take 3000 mg a day. My husband also has to take it as his vit D level as checked by the doctor was only 7 & he put him on a prescrition of vit D of 50000 units(or 1.25 units) every 5 days. His is still only at 16. He will be on it for some time. Its a very individualized situation. This is something for your dictor to decide. We also both take citracal for the calcium which is very important to take with vitamin D. If you want to keep strong bones you should do as your doctor tells you to do. Just my thoughts...
Right on Mary--I think more people are hit with side -effects of not having enough vitamin D. Less people are out side and broken hips are like an epidemic, which is one reason I'm concerned about being poisoned with a med that impairs my ability to absorb vitamin D in any form. The pain in my legs keeps me indoors. Before this happened, I was brown as a nut, and my vitamin D was low. They did a bone scan-but it was excellent. Vitamin D also is an energy and stamina vitamin-and that's the main reason I'm concerned. In Jan. the FDA released a statement to doctors that people on statin have a huge increase of falls. So that leads me back to vitamin D. I don't know how long my bones will stay good. Exercise, weight lifting keep and even rebuild bones, but I can't really do that because of the muscle damage. Some days it's painful to carry a bitty bag of trash from my bathroom.
It's good to have the warnings and be aware of these things-but I think that as a patient I should have taken more responsibility in telling my doctor -no- about the statins-there is a Patients Bill of rights for a reason.
I do know that if you take a cholesterol med that your body absorbs less vitamin D. I'm reading this off of a printout from the ama-assn.org. So, I want to take more vitamin D and need to ask for lab work. It's pretty neat. I can mail him through my electronic medical chart-and he mails me back to open my chart for messages. I'm glad that you shared this with us.
To add to my last comment and not sound paranoid, I have been getting chest pains and am due to see my heart doctor soon, but I only take the green gel capsule once a week, have to call pharmacy tomorrow and find out what miligram it is... If anyone can answer my ? and tell me where I would look on labs to see what my level is I would appreciate it, for I have copies of lab work here at my apt...
Labs should say Vitamin D... The range on my reports are 20 to 80.
Thank you sg72,
I am going to look at my labs right now and see if I have the one with the vitamin test on it...
hi sg72,
don't see a thing on my labs that say vitamins!! maybe it is under a differant name or whatever, i go see my pcp on friday and am going to have him check my vitamin d count again, but as I was saying in earlier post I only take one gel capsule on monday's, just have to find out what mil. it is...
thank you
I would look into Magnesium deficiency. Often times high doses of Vitamin D can deplete your magnesium. Mg helps with blood pressure, heart palpitations and many other things. I believe Mg is the most abundant mineral in your heart.
Hello to all,
Now this got me nervous, I never new to much about what vitamin D does other then protect your bones I think, am I at least right about that?? Anyway, about 9 mths ago, my pcp did bw and he told me my vitamin D level was extremely low, so he put me on this gel capsule, it is one time a week, on Monday I take it this way I take it the same time same day every week, were do u look on your labs to see what your level is, and what is your level suppose to be... in other words if I look at my bw, does it say vitamin D, and then tell me my level, I don't even no the dosage of vitamin D I am on, it is not the doctors fault, he tole me, but I have neuro issues and forget alot, almost like a moderate form of dementia which I am on namenda for, can't tell anything differant, no sidee effects from the namenda, oh sorry we were talking about vitamin D, what should my numbers or level be and what does should I be on of vitamin D... thanks in advance...
Abel it takes a lot of extra vitamin D to be an issue? When a doctor tells you to take it because of a blood test, then take what he prescribes. As long as you have periodic blood tests you will be fine. As I said above it is people who self medicate and think more is better that get into trouble. Talk to your doctor.
Hi endlessprey,
I think that comment was for me it said abel instead of angel... lol... anyway if it was for me thank u for responding..i am going to look at my labs now to see if is say vitamin d on it
I have a friend who has just emailed me to say her Vitamin D levels are down and she said her doctor told her that half the people in this country have low Vitamin D levels. Seems a strong statement but while at the pool today at least 3 people I spoke with have low levels of Vitamin D. Wonder if the sun is not as strong with the change in our weather patterns due to global warming??? You asked Angel about where to look on your sheet with the lab results... well, there is a column that states "In Range" and one that says "Out of Range". The out of range column will state the number... the column that states "Reference Range" is the area that states what the numbers SHOULD BE... ie my Vitamin D level is in the Out of Range column with the number "16" and it has an L which means Low and in the Reference Column it is 20 which means I am 4 units lower than the range it should be at.
Some items will have an H which means it is higher than it should be. Hope this helps you understand a little about it. Good to go over this with your doctor as they can explain all of your tests to you. My doctor sent my blood tests with a note saying to make an appointment regarding the Vitamin D levels. Try to get out in the sun at least 10 or 15 minutes in a day and if you go to Google, you can look up the foods that contain Vitamin D... and the reason we need to have sufficient Vitamin D levels. I will look it up and put it in another comment.
Hi Aguarious,
Don't see anywhere on my test where it says vitamin D, it says stuff like glucose and a lot of other things, so maybe this wasn't the lab work that had the vitamin test done on it, unless it had another name for it
My doctor has told my husband the normal level is 0, & it's right on his lab sheet in balck7 white in the normal range...
I mjistyped that! The normal range is 70 not 0. Sorry about that... Mary
We are outside less- and sun protection creams are much stronger than they used to be-that prevents the absorption of vitamin D from the sun. Also we're told to wear hats, blah, blah, blah because of skin cancer. Mary remember me telling you about the 30 year old zit or whatever it was above my lip and just inside my nose- skin cancer-basal cell carcinoma- it's sort of like getting a sun caused skin cancer inside a heavy person's butt crack. I go in for rescission Nov. 5. Hopefully, the new tissue removal will be free of cancer cells. The removal of that thing stopped the nerve pain in my mouth, but I'm worried that the new surgery will bother the nerve and the pain will start up, or even be worse. I do know that if the lab says that I need a third cut- that I'll go to the day surgery unit and be put under. Those lidocaine shots in the nose really hurt-and I can't move a muscle above my knees during the shots.
When the shots were finished-my toes were almost permanently curled and tears were running from my eyes because of the pain. I almost didn't make a sound, just some <uhs> on a low scale. I tried to to self-pay doctors to remove this when it was small-I hate doctors-they think they know everything-There was the time that I had the money to do it. It didn't look like skin cancer and had a very unusual shape for any of the skin cancers, besides being in an unusual place-normally on the end of your nose- not in your nose. They want a patient to listen to their body and the patient knows best, as long as what the patient says is agreeable to the doctor. At least I don't need chemo or radiation once they get a clean cut. I guess I'll look like like a ditch digger went to work on my face.
I started taking Vitamin D2 50,000 mg once week
I was fine for the first week then the next week came i took my Vitamin D2 50,000 i started feeling with dizziness sick to my stomach body aches chills every week is the same symptoms it goes away after 3 days in have to stay in bed the first 2days by the 3 day i'm a little better. I hate feeling like these. I all ready email my Doctor..
I started taking Vitamin D2 50,000 mg once week
I was fine for the first week then the next week came i took my Vitamin D2 50,000 i started feeling with dizziness sick to my stomach body aches chills every week is the same symptoms it goes away after 3 days in have to stay in bed the first 2days by the 3 day i'm a little better. I hate feeling like these. I all ready email my Doctor..
Exceeding the recommended limit is where one gets into trouble. When depleted, the doctor gives you what you need to take. People get into trouble when they self medicate. Be sure this is coming from an endocrinologist. Not all physicians have the skill needed for proper treatment.
I have been on 50,000 units per week when seriously ill. Then switched to 1000 units per day. This is monitored by blood tests every two to four weeks. I am in the house 24/7 and so sunlight is not part of my way to get the vitamin D.
For people who are outside daily for about fifteen minutes they ought to be fine. Since those with lives keeping them inside buildings, cars, stores, they received little sunlight. In addition, those of us who live in northern areas don't get enough sun to affect our vitamin D production due to the angle of the sun in winter.
Wow! that is scary as my Vitamin D just showed up to be a 16 and the levels should be 20 so now my doctor wants to see me. What do you consider beginning with such as 1000 mgs or less or more? I am extremely sensitive to medications (I think Omeprazole is what interfered with the production of Vitamin D so I am taking it less and less) and doctors don't seem to heed that too much. Were all those side affects experienced by you that you state in the above comments? Thanks for your info. I will wait for your answser before I take any Vitamin D.
You need to discuss this with your doctor. One should be very careful about making decisions on another person's comments. You should always discuss this with your own doctor. There may be other factors in that person's system that is interferring with their Vitamin D. These factors may not be present in your system at all or to a lower level.
I have an appointment with my doctor on Friday this week regarding this issue but I like input from others so that I can inject them in my conversation with the doctor. By the way I live in Southern California and I am sure to go out every day and sit and read in the sun. I have a new doctor so I like to have information of my own to ask her about... she also is interested in having her patients take a part in their own health. I am not a vitamin taking person since meds or even vitamins do affect me so I will wait until I talk with her.
Thanks for your input.
AquariusAnne CA
Yes, I had most of the side effects - some early on - itching, muscle cramps - then some others as it became toxic in my system. So much chest pain that I was taking Nitro per episode many times a day and then was prescribed a daily "Preventative" nitro dose that didn't have an effect on the pain. Went through heart tests - but no solutions... Doc never said Vit D could cause the chest pains. I didn't know Vitamin D had so many side effects. I also take pantoprozol, so my D level is low. But taking Vit D is so much worse for me!
I started with the Calcium/Vit D combo for about a year. Then added only 1000ui per day - which was too much for me and everything started.
I have always been extremely sensitive to meds, enviromental & foods. But this has been the worst so far.
I hope no one else experiences the effects I have. Please be careful. Good luck!
It could be just your luck of the draw. Some people need that supplement to save their bones . I am one of them & take 3000 mg daily. for m crumbling vones. If it wasn't for the vit D3 I would really be a mess. I have never had any side effedcts from it. so you see, it is different for everyone, & you can't make a statement that it will do this to everyone, but thank you for the information...
You only receive Vit D from the sun until you get a tan. Once you have a tan, you no longer get vid D from the sun. This is a proven fact...
Hi Mary,
my doctor has me on 50,000 units of vitamin d, whatever that means don't no nothing about the unit stuff, I had bw done a while back and doctor said my vitamin d level was extremely low and put me on on 50,000 units of vit.d, only every Monday, where do I look on labs to see what my level is, does it actually say vitamin d or something else... appreciate if u can answer thanks
Hi Angel, somewhere on your lab sheet if he is testing you regularly (every 3 months usually) it should say Vitamin D 25 Hydroxy Total. If it does not, then he is not testing you each time you have your labs done. When you level is quite low, & you are on that dose of prescription Vit D, it takes awhile to build it up to normal. I would ask your doctor about it next time you see him..
Thanks Mary,
I see my pcp on Friday and will make him check again my level, among other things, hope all is well with u, I did send u a pq yesterday and it said it went through and I also seen on my side that it went through so I hope we can talk... hope you and hubby are doing well... you 2 are in my prayers daily
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vitamin d, vitamins, depression, vitamin d deficiency, insomnia, osteoarthritis, pain, pruritus, vitamin/mineral supplementation and deficiency, side effect
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