I Was told I was low in vitamin D and read that vitamin D3 is the vitamin to take. It's all confusing to me. I am a 69 year old female with severe Crohns Disease, anemia (just had two more blood transfusions) and arthritis. A combination of D3, Magnesium and Calcium made a huge difference with my arthritis pain, but I'm not really sure which D I should be taking or how much is safe. I don't want to cause another problem in my enthusiasm to help my arthritis
I Was told I was low in vitamin D and read that vitamin D3 is the vitamin to take. It's all confusi?
Question posted by Mary C on 21 Oct 2011
Last updated on 7 March 2020 by JohnDill
5 Answers
Be sure to take vitamin k2 whenever you supplement with vitamin d3. They have them in convenient double pills...
My doctor suspected that I might be low in Vitamin D. She did bloodwork and it came back with my Vitamin levels "insufficient". And this was a couple of months after I had started taking 2000 I.U. a day of Vitamin D3. So after the blood work, she told me to take 4,000 I.U. daily. My next bloodwork showed that I was back in "sufficient" levels of Vitamin D. Have your doctor check your levels for you, and then let him or her advise you on how much Vitamin D3 you need to take.
I would suggest "always ask your Doc". Vitamins and supplements can have interactions with meds and are not always completely benign. FYI, I have found that if you have a great Primary Care provider, Doc or ARNP, anyone they refer you to will usually be equally good. [Just my experience].
Good luck, hope this helps.
Cheers, Shusha
D3 is VASTLY superior to D2. See the Vitamin D3 Blog for more on that.
Yes, you are correct to take the Vitaman d3. You can take upwards to 3,000 iu'ssafely, & the calcium citrate with magnesium & D3 is also what you want, but I would increase the D3 with a separate Vit. D3/ 2 to 3000 IU's. & you can also take more magnesium,& you should takd a general good quality vitaman & mineral supplement. Fish oil also helps with the heart, breathing & other problems. I also take 1,000 IU's of vit. c for leg cramps at night. If I forget, I get the worse cramps ever. Hope this helps...
Related topics
vitamin d, vitamin d3, vitamins, anemia, vitamin d deficiency, dietary supplementation, vitamin/mineral supplementation and deficiency
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