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Can lyrica & gabapentin be taken together or are they similiar medications?

9 Answers

E1even1 7 Oct 2018

No, they should not be taken together. Together, they can cause your brain to think you are breathing when you clearly are not. You can have increased interactions as well. Whoever said Gabapentin is Cymbalta may be taking them together. GABAPENTIN IS NEURONTIN, NOT CYMBALTA. CYMBALTA IS DULOXETINE, NOT GABAPENTIN. Get your facts straight.

Votes: +2
Inactive 4 Oct 2018

As with all medications, it varies between users. Some people have severe side effects and other people have no interactions. For me, gabapentin and Lyrica work very well together and I have no negative side effects. They both work on nerves in different ways which is very helpful to some people but may be dangerous for other people.

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Nitro061 5 Oct 2018

How many mg of gabapentin are you on ? Never heard of anyone on both? I maxed out at 2800mg but it lost its effects.

Bodiddley 5 July 2018

I took both Lyrica & Gabapentin for years in high dosages, got off because Lyrica started hurting my eye sight. Started back on Lyrica in small doses a year ago Dr. just added Gabapentin 100mg again for tremors. Now I am told not to take together, I never have had a problem with the mix at small dosage. It was the Lyrica that was the problem. I will say I have had very little help on either with the pain of neuropathy or fibromyalgia. Still hoping.

Votes: +0
Malenda 4 July 2018

I take about 17 medications. I am taking both Lyrica and gabapentin together .

Votes: +0
Kristopher8 22 May 2018

I am a sci patient & I take both and get total relief

Votes: +1
Inactive 4 June 2018

See how well you do in a few years when you can’t remember your own name.

Monimoe 4 Sep 2018

Does the gabapentin cause memory loss for you? I've been taking gabapentin for almost a year now and find it hard to focus and get going! Not motivated at all! Forget stuff all the time. But I still handle the Bill's and finances ok. Would love your opinion. Ty

DirtyRedd44 19 March 2018

Yes they can... although they are similar and used to treat the same illnesses, Lyrica is stronger and it stops the excruciating pain while gabapentin stops the lessor pains. I take them both and it gives me total relief.

Votes: +2
Budgielover 31 March 2018

How many mg's of gabapentin do you take a day? And pregabalin?

Inactive 5 Oct 2018

600 pregabalin (LYRICA)
2400 Gabapentin (NEURONTIN)

Pam1971 14 Dec 2018

My Dr. told me you can't take them together, and that it will cause organ damage =O
What is up with that?!
Are you doing ok =O

vonnielynn 7 Aug 2017

yes i think they can be taken together because they affect different nerves.

Votes: +1
ABCDEFI234 13 Oct 2016

I have body weakness and memory loss too.

Votes: +2
Rajive Goel 25 June 2011

gabapentin ↔ pregabalin

MONITOR: Central nervous system- and/or respiratory-depressant effects may be additively or synergistically increased in patients taking multiple drugs that cause these effects, especially in elderly or debilitated patients.

MANAGEMENT: During concomitant use of these drugs, patients should be monitored for potentially excessive or prolonged CNS and respiratory depression. Ambulatory patients should be counseled to avoid hazardous activities requiring mental alertness and motor coordination until they know how these agents affect them, and to notify their physician if they experience excessive or prolonged CNS effects that interfere with their normal activities.


Gabapentin is a prescription medication used to treat the following conditions:

Epilepsy -- Gabapentin is approved to be used along with other seizure medications to treat partial seizures in adults and children as young as three years old.

Shingles nerve pain -- This medication is also approved to treat the chronic nerve pain that often occurs after an outbreak of shingles (known medically as postherpetic neuralgia).

Pregabalin (Lyrica) is a prescription medication used to treat the following conditions:

Epilepsy -- The medication is approved to be used along with other seizure medications to treat a certain type of seizures called partial seizures.

Fibromyalgia -- Pregabalin helps relieve the pain associated with this condition.

Nerve pain -- The medication is also approved to treat the chronic nerve pain that occurs after an outbreak of shingles (known medically as postherpetic neuralgia) or due to diabetes (known medically as diabetic neuropathy).

Hope the info helps?

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lyrica, gabapentin, medication

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