a friend in recent years has had lots of tooth decay. I recently read a drug counseling booklet given to a child at school during a drug prevention program and noticed the same pattern of decay on a methamphetamine user. I am wondering if this could cause the same thing with Adderall. The friend in earlier years had very good teeth and dental care. I don't know how long "friend" has been on Adderall.
Can Adderall cause severe tooth decay? Has anyone noticed this problem?
Question posted by friend 4 on 4 Nov 2011
Last updated on 18 June 2024 by Gshucks14
40 Answers
I started taking methlyn ER not sure if I spelled it correctly in first grade. About 30 the doctor switched me to Adderall XR and I started to get tremors so my dad a surgeon was like you need to stop taking that crap. You should take Vyvanse. I don’t know the medical reason why but he said the tremors are a side effect of Adderall he said that isn’t in doubt. Ever since I stopped I got my first cavity I played baseball so I had chopped teeth the tooth that was repaired 30 years ago started to break down and inside the at tooth was black. Now I have several teeth break and falling apart, but my teeth are dying from the inside and as you are your teeth move and apparently the root is getting damage faster. I don’t really get it but my teeth have never hurt. I was brushing one day and when I was done my front teeth the gums were bleeding and part of the enamel came off. So I had to black spots in the middle of my teeth.
I have to have a white smile for my brother and my sisters wedding in July and October. Awesome but my old man says it mostly because of your add medicine. He said you and I have hard teeth lots of fluoride it’s on purpose because he got a root canal and the anesthesia didn’t work won’t go to the dentist now. Anyways my teeth are dying from the inside and I didn’t know it I was on adderall for 3 or 4 years.
I was on 60 mg Adderall for maybe 15 years. I just stopped taking it about3 years ago. First because covid-19 I didn't return to my doctor and since I have not left home. I have stayed home for the past 4 years. I go nowhere. I am ashamed of my once beautiful teeth. They are sore and my gums are gingivitis and my front teeth are decaying. I would be very interested in any class action lawsuit for teeth restoration. I would like to leave home again before my life is over. I'm 59. Was on those Adderall at least from the age of 45. The dry mouth, the sores, clenching my teeth, chewing on my mouth. I had no idea this would be tge result. I'm in ohio . Please keep me informed
I've been on Adderall over a
10 years now and my teeth are slowly breaking down. The longer I'm on the medication the worse they get. I'm 36 years old and missing 7 of my molars thankfully it's left my smile for last
The dentists say it can happen from Adderall.
Yes, I have experienced similar effects. I wish someone can tell how to stop & prevent it.
I'm also interested in whether or not there is a lawsuit yet because I would absolutely sign up as well!
Me too
I'm on board
Friend 4 this sounds like you are describing me! I am 54 and have been prescribed adderall for at least ten years with no knowledge or warnings about the damage that this medication could cause. I used to have nice teeth until about 5 years ago when my teeth started breaking off at the gum line I had a couple of the broken ones removed and it was like a domino effect. I went to a new dentist Feb 2021 and after a thorough exam he asked me what medications I was currently taking. As soon as I said adderall, he told me that was what caused all the damage to my teeth. Evidently there was much more damage then I realized because I couldn’t see under my gums. He extracted all teeth and in the process my bones were breaking vertically and horizontally because of how brittle they were.
It’s been almost 18 months now and I haven’t been able to even wear dentures because of the bone loss and I can’t afford to have bone grafts and implants put in so I sit in my house due to the embarrassment of not having teeth. I would love to join a class action lawsuit. The makers of this medication should have some responsibility to the patients that have suffered damage.
Hello I was just notified of this question in my email. I have been taking Adderall for quite a few years and also Vyvanse for quite a few years. I also now have no teeth left on the top or bottom that aren't broke, most of them are completely flat and black and even the teeth that I had previously gotten repaired and had crowns put on even those ones deteriorated from the inside out and fell out. I would be willing to join a class act against the Adderall company for this because I was also never warned about this and I am only 41 years old and I hardly ever leave my house because I am so embarrassed about my teeth.
I feel your pain. I had no idea that would destroy your teeth and never once did anyone inform me of these less common side effects. I would love to know how many others are experiencing this issue and take it to an attorney!
Honestly I have ADD since I was diagnosed at the age of 16 years old after very through testing originally I was on Ritlian SR and never had any issues with my teeth at all. The dentist even said I had great teeth with long roots and a straight smile he even said he hardly ever saw teeth like that anymore. Now back in 2006 when I was 28 years old I decided since I had insurance to go back on my meds and the doctor I was seeing at the time put me on Adderall XR and after awhile it was all down hill from there. My teeth are so bad now and I'm 44 and I don't have any left on top and on the bottom I only have 8 teeth which 2 of them being my actual teeth and 1 of those in the front just recently broke. The rest are all crowns except 1 which I see them having to pull. It's so embarrassing and gives me horrible self esteem. So if anyone is willing to join together in a class action suit I'm all for it.
Especially because I was never warned of these possible side effects either. I would get those dental implants but my insurance doesn't cover them and I have had no luck with dentures.
I could go several ways with this, but hear me out…. Upon starting adderall regularly (after trying several others) I was 18 years old.
I always had more cavities, then my sibling or immediate family growing up. The problems were always minor fillings.
Did I brush and floss regularly? I’ll keep it real… brushing, without a doubt! My sister would have loooved to have called me out for bad breath! Lord forbid if a friend did… wasn’t going to happen if I had a say.
So with that, YES I brushed and flossed… so yes the flossing routine may not have been up to par. Regardless, my dad didn’t have 6 mth dental exams and never had a cavity in his life, heck the man didn’t have dental floss over half of his life! What’s a little less flossing going to do…. Yes I know this isn’t, ‘today’s standards.’
Ok so it could be whats in our food, more sugary drinks, etc., yea no. Daddy had his coffee, all day every day! Don’t get me started on the amount of sweet tea that went through our house! Or I’ll humor some of you and say, not flossing but ever other day, just completely destroyed my teeth.
If you all want, I can get the wheel in motion and start talking to Attorneys who would be interested in this. I just dont know how to contact you all or know who would be interested. Let me know asap, thanks.
I am definitely interested in getting the wheel in motion. Please let me know if you have any information since your post is from years ago. I would just like to know if anything can be done. Thank you for any information you or anyone else can provide to me
First I have to admit, after reading some of these comments, I laughed so hard. Especially the one where their teeth looked like fence post stuck in the mud..wow that hurt.
Now being serious, this may only be funny because it is almost a relief I have found others like me. I have been using about 2 years this time and about 9 yrs prior. My teeth have become very brittle and cavity prone. Especially the last couple years. I break a tooth and get a crown. The remaining tooth rots from under the crown. The repairs are temporary and now I feel like I am on last resort.
My dentist has been surprised at the rate of decay and all the issues. I brush and floss daily. They said something else has to be going on.
Look we all need to get an attorney to look into this. In the end we will not have any teeth! This has been a major embarresment to me. My dentist is running out of options and I am ashamed of who I have become. I was never warned of this, or I would of quit taking it long ago.
I bet their are thousands more who have no idea the cause. Most of us didn't. Thank God for the O.P. who asked this question!!
I was on Adderall XR for a few years and it caused severe tooth decay
Well I will say this. I have this friend who has ADHD and takes his medicine regularly for over 7yrs and he had the prettiest white teeth then all of a sudden he has dentures. He said he was told he had paradontice that's severe gum disease feeling little pain he failed to pay attention to his dentist decision and he woke up one day and his front tooth had fell out. But he also said he smokes cigarettes and when he takes his medication it makes him smoke more cigarettes and that caused the teeth issues.
Has anyone contacted a lawyer to start a class action suit
I would love to know as well
Related topics
Further information
- Adderall uses and safety info
- Adderall prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Adderall (detailed)
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