I've been on combined monophasic bc pills for the past year or so.
I noticed today that I have sore nipples. Only the tips of them, though.
I had sex without a condom with my boyfriend 4 times, all with him finishing outside of me (not effective, I know). I was on antibiotics in early June, this happened mid-late July (I calculated and the antibiotics were no longer in affect)
I am on antibiotics now and am using a condom.
I'm just worried that I may have become pregnant. I take birth control for a reason, pregnancy protection being one of them.
I take all of my pills at the exact same minute, with a few pills here and there taken 1-2 minutes early or late. I'm just worried that it failed me and that I slipped up somehow.
I was supposed to start my period on Thursday, but I started a new pack this past Monday to skip it, since my boyfriend is still in town visiting, and I didn't want to deal with my period. So I will not be able to report on if it's normal or not. My last period was normal though, started at the expected time.
Hopefully someone can give me some information and advice.
Thank you.
Birth control pills, antibiotics, sore tips of nipples?
Question posted by Gdela on 13 Aug 2014
Last updated on 15 August 2014
The tender breast are probably just from the changes in hormone levels. Antibiotics can render the hormones less effective so the hormone level in your blood stream drops and your body responds to that plus you skipped your inactive pills so your body is just responding to these changes. Breast tenderness/sore nipples are a common side effect of birth control pills and hormone dips and spikes. No worries. It sounds like you have done everything correctly.
thank you for being so sweet and not making me feel bad.
Its probably nothing. Hormones do that and they can vary and get high for other reasons then pregnancy. You are taking your pills perfectly, and used a condom when you were on antibiotics. I wouldn't worry too much about it. You can do a pregnancy test if you're a nervous wreck and rule that out. If you want some info, I have a previous post you can read and there is the link to another one that my friend did. https://www.drugs.com/answers/girls-worrying-pregnancy-read-1256466.html
Thank you so much for your information. :)
Thank you. I don't know if you'll see this, but recently I've also been getting stomach aches, only at night before I sleep. I never throw up though I just feel unwell. I work out at night though. Anyway. I know asking "am I pregnant?" online is silly. I am thankful that you could provide your insight on my situation. Thank you
sickness goes away after a bit of time. I have anxiety so I worry about stuff more than I should (usually). Sorry to bother you with my frequent questions!
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birth control, sex, antibiotics, nipple, condom, birth control pills, pill
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