Been taking nytol 1 a night to help me sleep, now addictied, help?i know their 1 a night, ive been taking a packet a night. for 3 years. ive tried just to stop but the withdrowl becomes to great. please is there any one with some good advice, my gp is no help at all. i live in the UK.
How can I get off Nytol - am addicted and have been taking them for 3 years?
Question posted by arm64 on 13 Oct 2010
Last updated on 13 October 2010 by dazeygrl
I am not addicted to sleeping pills however I do take them on occasion if I have a long span of not sleeping. Have you tried taking a supplement called Melatonin? It can help you sleep, there are also several teas that are out there that will help you sleep. In the U.S. We have one called SleepyTime tea. I've had insomnia since I was 11 & am now in my 30s. I know how frustrating it is not being able to sleep. Try more of the natural sleep aids & see if that works for you.
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