It feels like I was kicked hard by someone with the heal of their shoe. I have had this before a couple of years ago. The blunt pain is in the middle and at times radiates up to between my shoulder blades where I also feel a tightening of my throat. There have also been times when the pain also extends to my lower back. Has anyone experienced this kind of pain or have any idea what's going on and how to address it?
I'm experiencing blunt pain in the middle of my back. Has anyone else had this, what did you do?
Question posted by gentlefootprint on 3 April 2011
Last updated on 12 April 2011
5 Answers
absolutely! I have degenerative disk diseas and some time if I sleep wrong or evev sit or stand for a long period I have terrible muscle spasms and have a hard time swallowing. Ask your doc for a good muscle relaxer . i take them and get alot of relief. Also you might ask for an MRI or to be tested for Osteoarthritis. Ill pray you find relief.
There is a new muscle relaxer out called Amrix that is actually Flexaril, but it is once a day,and doesn't knock you out like the Flexaril does. You take it between 7-8PM, and then the worst of the symptoms are over with (tiredness, dry mouth, etc.) by the time you wake up. It certainly helps me. Hopefully it can help you too.
Thanks for your suggestion to try a muscle relaxer, redrobin. I've been getting such great information from everybody here. I feel lucky. Ellin, I'll ask my doctor about the amrix. I have a follow-up with him April 27th.
Hi: I'm a fan of chiropractic too, as I have a LOT of chronic back pain, both cervical and lumbar. Mary is right though, you need to look for the right 'match' to you, as far as the style or 'method' they use. I now have a very gentle chiro, who doesn't hurt me at all--but it took some time to find him--usually word of mouth is the best. There is also something called an "Activator" which is a small hand held 'tool' that can be used against your trigger points. It wasn't strong enough for me, but it might be a good way for you to start. ***You have to ask when you call the office, to see if they use this method. Some also use "drop' tables--which I strongly urge you to avoid! It seems that some Chiros are just tired of the stress on THEIR bodies of doing manual manipulation, so they put you on this table that has several separate 'sections' to it.
They can then punch a button and one or more of the table's sections will 'drop' lower than the others--which supposedly has the same effect as manually adjusting you. BUT, if you are not used to it, it can scare you the first time--- if they don't explain the process, and, in my case, it actually made my neck a lot worse...
madhatterbash, just saw your post on this matter. I live where Palmer College of Chiropratic is, & they are teaching a new method of more gentle stretching instead of crunching the bones. The table thing too is fairly new & works great for some people. They actually have a clinic here that advertises using this stretch method for lower back disc problems. They say that it can put them back in place. What do I know, I wouldn't try it! Mine are scar tissed out of place!
Thanks, Madhatter. The drop tables sound like torture... especially with my weight. I'm looking for the kinder, gentler chiro Mary talks about!
Hi, Mary: I've seen the 'stretch' tables you are talking about--and they are different from the 'drop' tables. I just urge everyone to be cautious and to do their research first!
Since your doctor has ruled out other things, maybe you should try a chriropractic approach. They can do wonders, & if you are out of alignment it could be causing your symptoms. Just a thought...
Thats a great suggestion Mary!
That possibility has crossed my mind. I know people who swear by them. Given I'm not a candidate for surgery, maybe it's time to see a chiropractor.
They do more than just cracking your bones into place. My chiro does a wonderful job with stim pads (like a tens unit only much stronger). They place them on your back with a warm heating pad for 10 minutes to relax the muscles. Then he massages my trigger points & works on the scar tissue in my lower back. He used to put my spine in alignment, but since my bones are so fragile now I can't have that done because of breaking them, but it may work for you. It's worth a try. A lot of insurance pays for it too. Good luck. Let me know how you come out if you try it...
Thanks, Mary. Your experience with a chiropractor eases much of my anxiety. The idea of "cracking" had me thinking how many bones would be broken. I can handle what you describe.
I live by Palmer College of Chiropractric & have had interns also. They are teaching them a newer more gentile form of moving the bones. Some do it by just stretching your body. It's not painful at all. Good luck & like I said let me know how it helps.
Have they donr an MRI of your spine to see if you may have a herniation of a disc or something along that line? I have a herniation of a disc in my low back along with disc degeneration and facet joint degeneration and my low back has pain that I could describe as feeling like I've been kicked with the heel of someones boot! I also have a 'grabbing' feeling in my buttocks when I walk as well but it sounds like yours is higher up so that feeling my be what you are experiencing in your lower back. I have had a number of treatments but nothing has really helped much. I take pain medications so I can funtion for the most part. I would have someone do an MRI to see if it could be something spinal.
Sorry to hear you live with such pain. I had an MRI over 10 years ago. It showed at that time disc degeneration. I had an epidural steroid injection... Now that left me with the sensation that I had been kicked in the back by Paul Bunyon's boot! Corrective surgery is out of the question because of my weight, but I will certainly bring this up with my doctor. Thanks so much!
If your last MRI was 10 years ago and you had a herniated disc then you definitely need another. Many changes could have occured in the last ten years. I hope you are able to find out what is going on!
Honestly gentlefoot, this sounds like a question for a doctor. It almost sounds as if your heart or lungs are involved, but for something that affects so seriously that it feels like tightening of your throat, you don't want to take a chance by what other feel it might be. Go to the doctor ASAP. This could be very serious, or nothing, but don't ignore that!! Good luck, hope that it a simple problem.
Thanks for taking a stab at this, Ellen. I was hospitalized three days last week and underwent bloodwork, ECGs, chest x-rays, echocardiogram and nuclear tests with heart both chemically induced stress and at rest. I had gone to am appointment with my doctor to see why I had painful chest contractions from side-to-side. Everything came back okay as far as heart attack or blockages. I still have cardiomyopathy, but my heart muscle hadn't weakened since an echo earlier this year. In 2009 I was hospitalized for a week with atrial fibrillation. My cardiologist thought the blunt back pain may have been how I was experiencing a blockage.
So, heart and lungs have been ruled out, but I'm still left with trying to figure out where the back pain is coming from.
Oh wow gentlefoot. I'm so sorry. It figures that doctors can't find the problem. I should have known better. It's just that I have lost so many loved ones from hidden heart disease, (and you didn't add that in your letter that everything checked out alright). I agree, you need an updated MRI to see if there is further disc degeneration. I know from experience that I have a HORRIBLE lower back, and the pain wraps around my pelvic area from nerves which makes me think that I have horrible cramps. I also have trouble urinating which is getting worse and worse, all from nerve damage. Wish that I could help you more. Good luck, Ellen
I, as I'm sure you too Ellen, would love to part company with pain. With the exception of smoking or drinking, I'm a poster child for risk factors. Your description makes me wonder if you are a diabetic. I'm going to turn 60 in two weeks - so much for "growing old gracefully".
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