... depression , panic, anxiety, crying heaps etc . Go advised me to switch back so I did , 5 days ago . I still feel awful . Anyone done this and how long does it last !! I'm
Also on Epilim ( sodium valproate) for Bipolar 2
Hi there after 2 yrs on Zoloft I switched to Lexapro .. Fine for two weeks then bang ... Panic ,?
Question posted by Nancypants on 12 June 2013
Last updated on 20 November 2013 by tinto123
GP I mean ! Doctor . I was on 25 mg Zoloft and then went off it and started 10 mg Lexapro at psychiatrists direction . It just feels like my serotonin well is totally empty and I'm so edgy, snappy at my kids, then self hating because of that.. Other times of the day I can have so much energy I can't sit still
4 Answers
Hi Nancypants, I just literally posted a similar question and feel your pain. I went off Effexor (was hurting my liver) and switched to Lexapro. After 4 weeks BOOM non stop panic. I am at my whits ends.
That said if the Zoloft worked for your in the past it will start to work for you again. Stick it out and you will get there!
God bless!
Switching anti-depressant meds is always very tricky. What works for one doesnt always work for another, etc. I've been on Zoloft before but much higher dose than you. After that, I was on Effexor and now on Lexapro with good results so far on 20mg but I tapered up slowly after tapering down slowly off Effexor. That part was difficult - endured many panic attacks and had to add Ativan to the regimen for awhile which helped alot!! Talk to your doc again. Hoping for the best end results for you :)
Is Ativan like Xanax or Klonopin? Are they in the same family?
Yes, they are all benzo's - Xanax prob works the fastest but doesnt last as long. Ativan seems smoother to me - I do well on it. Klonopin is too strong for me -
Thank you for your quick response. It's so nice having someone to talk to.
Also, you were honest on your answer and I appreciate that.
Glad to give you feedback - you're not alone in your struggles - hang in there and you'll do better soon. :)
For me, I would taper the Zoloft while adding the Lexapro. I was taken off of Effexor and placed on Remeron without tapering the Effexor and it was hell. I think Zoloft gets out of the system fast and the Lexaparo needs to build up as you taper the Zoloft. So until you see your doc, I would go back on a small amount of the Zoloft. I am not a Doctor, but this is just something that I would do for me.
Switching from Zoloft to Lexapro requires that you taper off Zoloft slowly and ramp up Lexapro, slowly. If this is not done, the side effects will be brutal as you have discovered. Visit your psychiatrist as soon as possible and have him/her advise you on how to get things leveled out.
Thanks Ronman, the Psych told me to go from 25mg Zoloft to 0 and straight into 10 mg Lex .. Does that mean she gave me bad advice ?she said Lexapro only takes 3 days for full effect ? It feels just like the time i weaned off Zoloft too fast in the past . Maybe I should get referral to another psychiatrist ..
I will NEVER second guess an MD. I am just a physicist and a chemist, but my doc would never have done that. I would ask her about this and tell her exactly how you are reacting to the change. Both are SSRIs, but act on different versions of serotonin. They are not interchangeable. You are describing signs of withdrawing from Zoloft. Again, ask your doctor.
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lexapro, zoloft, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder
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