My husband is addicted to pain pills and owes drug dealers money. How much could he possibly owe? And should I be concerned that a pill dealer could come and hurt my family. He says he has been clean for 2 months but I found methodone which he said doesn't "cost anything". I want out of this situation but he wont leave but I also don't want to break up my family while he is clean if he really is.
Addiction - Does anyone know how much percocets (30) cost on the street? What about Methodone?
Question posted by brokenheartx100 on 22 March 2011
Last updated on 26 July 2023 by 2ndtry
13 Answers
In my area, it cost $1 per milligram.
Wtf are yall getting 3z for 8 to 12 dollars hook me up
If it is a percent 30mlg don't listen to any of these people they go for 30 to 35 in mass and if he's getting them on the cuff even more than that check the bank accounts see if $60 comes out a lot or multiples of 30 or 35 they are very expensive and if I was you I'd run take his name of all counts credit everything been through it now I'm in credit got that because of my girlfriend
Well depending on time mgs of the perks they go anywhere from 2.50 to ,6 bucks each up to 10 mgs but then thrre are roxys that range from 10-80 dollars a pop so it all just depends on the milligrams. As far as worrying about a pill dealer comin to your house all also rdepends on whether this dealer is into just pils or trying top get hid fix with something harder usually pill dealers are more laid back I would ask your husband what kind of person ur up against if he cares about u and your family he shouldn't have a problem telling u about this dude. Talk to him out of concern tho not out of blame most likely he will shut down if he feels like you are blaming him. Good luck
Prices do vary but generally $5-$10 per perc/methadone. As mentioned elsewhere, drug dealers are exactly that whether it's legal or illegal. I know many people that sell their pain meds just to support their income, sad as it is most of them are parents, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, child, etc...
Sweetie, I truly feel for you. I know what it's like, I've seen it one to many times in the field I'm in. First of all, he shouldn't be doing it to begin with, but of course he's going to regardless, and I'm NOT here to judge. So, here is what I have heard and seen... Oxy 30's are $12-15 a piece depending on who you talk to... Methadone goes for about the same depending on the milligrams.It is true that "if" he is going to a methadone "clinic", then it does not cost anything.
Now, as far as him owing money, I couldn't tell you how much he could possibly owe because I do not know how many he has bought. If you can tell me that, then I could give you an estimate. I've seen people with a $300.00 dollar a day habit up to thousands, but it's typically never less than $100.00 a day if he is a heavy user. Some people may just go buy 2 or 3 to get them through the day, and that's about $30-$45...
If he owes these drug dealers money and they are NOT close friends or "friends" at all, then I would most definitely be concerned. I'm not trying to scare you but I am not going to sit here and lie to you either, you asked the question so I'm going to give you the truth... YES, you should be concerned that the DD's could come to your home and do something stupid to you or your family. If you have children, I would take them somewhere safe until he pays these people off. They may not hurt the family, but they may come and rob your house to get what is "owed" to them. I would try to talk to him and tell him not to do it if he cannot pay the DD's up front. If anything, have him go to a Pain Management Doc..they will give him what he needs, and if he can pay that kind of cash on the streets then he can afford to seek pain management.
I hope everything works out for you, I see your post was back in March, so I'd like to here from you to just know you're okay. Go to Walgreens and pick up a drug test if you don't believe him. And, if you just get really scared, you can get a court order and put him in rehab.
My own experience says $1.00 a mil. 5 mil. $5.00. 10 mil., $10.00, and so on. Same on oxy's, 20 mil., $20.00. Good Luck!!
It depends on how many Miligrams. 5 mg Percs go for $5 on the streets, 7 mg is $7, 10's are $10 15's are $15-20 & 30 mg percs go for $20-$30 sometimes more if you are out in the county or country. These are the prices in the city. As far as Methadone, I am on the Meth program & all day long people sell there Meth, liqiud & pills, the liqiud is usually 1/2 of mg. the disketts are $20 for the 40 mg & usually $5 for the 10 mg pills, again it can be more in the county & out in the country because it is harder to get so people are willing to pay more. I really hope your Husband is clean, I have seen too many friends die from pills, heroin & methadone. I know I use to say I was clean when I was not, if you are still finding methadone then I can assure you he is not clean. I had to get pregnant in order to give up the drugs I have now been clean for over 6 years.
i hope he realizes what that messed up life is all about before he dies. But stand by him, unless you already have been for too long. Sometimes an addict has to loose everything before they get clean.
Seems like we've been down this street before brokenheartx. I don't know how you think the price is going to help you. I do know that methadone is going for about $3 a piece in my neck of the woods. Wish I knew about Vicodin or Oxycodone because I'm afraid the doctors are going to force me to get mine this way unfortunately because of people like your husbands. They absolutely will not prescribe any 4 to 6 hour pain drug in my area because of the abuse & of patients selling their's on the street. You have a very serious problem & need to start your life without that jerk! If he is really getting treatment, (I don't believe it for a minute) & getting the correct treatment, he will make it even on his own. I believe he is telling you this because he is afraid you are serious this time & may leave him for good ( I hope so) I told you before you are having a hard enough time of it.
I had to pack up my kids while mine was at work & literally leave. I got everything I could into my car & didn't look back. I live right on the Miss. River, & moved across the state line, went on state aid until I could re-establish. I had a good friend I stayed with. Surely you have someone. A family member whatever.
I know that you think if you just hang in there if he is on treatment, maybe it will work. He's just messing with you, girl! Get real & take our advice. Get the hell out of there! I can't say much more to you, the rest is up to you. Either you want a NEW clean of sober life without all the hassles or you are going to play the victuim the rest of your life. I might also mention, that if you try another relationship in the future be very very careful not to fall into the same trap. I did. Traded one abuser for another! Did that for another 10 years, & finally had to run away from him too! Do yourself a favor & get out while the getting is good. There I've said my 5AM peace. Now get going & good luck to you.
Just trying to understand his lifestyle. I don't do any drugs and I feel like if I can have more information, he won't be able to play me. Yes, I want out of this situation but its my house and I am NOT leaving. I have suffered enough and this is all I have left. I have told him billions of times to leave and he won't.
It really does seem that we *all have* been down this road before brokenheartx. First of all if it is your house then u do have rights. Just by him bringing drugs into the household around your children he is putting them in harm's way. You need to go down to the courthouse and 1) File a legal eviction on him
and 2) If u care about your children then u file a restraining order against him, keeping him away from your children and your house.
Don't just take his word about getting clean, u need to see proof. Just because pills don't seem as hard as other drugs out there that's soo not true. And they're just as expensive as other habits. I am a recovering opiate addict and I used to spend about 100 a day on pills.. Opiate addiction can b beat, but it's tough. Make sure he's serious about kicking the habit.. He could owe these dealers thousands of dollars and that's not good for u or your family.
U and your family will b in my prayers. I wish u luck..
jealousi, I've been trying to tell her this for some time. Guess she still not there yet. Someday she will get it. If this guy is getting clean, than he will understand her apprehension & stay away for awhile. I don't see that happening at all in this case.
Aside from the drug debt there are also psych issues which likely led to this problem (assuming he wasn't hooked on legit pain meds). In either case your doctor and/or mental health professional needs to be utilized.
Oxcy's go for $15-$20 a pop. Unfortunately most doc will get u addicted and pull the rug out from under u when they think u've asked for too much in their eyes. I had a PCP get me started on Fentanyl patches and morphine on my 2nd visit bc I told her I've tried vic and tabs and they didn't work.
Best of luck!
perc 30s can go from like eighteen to twenty five dollars and methadone are only a few bucks maybe five. methadone can help u get clean but is also very addictive so you have to be careful with those. im not sure how much he can possibly owe depending how bad his habit was and drug dealers do say crazy stuff sumtimes prob jus to scare him into payin him, if hes really tryin to get clean he needs support so try to be there for him as much as possible its a terrible rd to go down, let me kno if you have anymore ?s id love to help
I live n the bay area in california and that is backwards... here in the bay area, percs can be from $2-$5 and methadone is much more exp.
Hi brokenheartx100
I'm sad to hear your distress,your husband is causing you alot of emotional pain at the moment,i know you dont want to hear this but i think he is playing you-thats my opinion,i've no idea what they charge on the street,depending on the quantity and the like-it varies.
I know he's saying he's been clean for 2months but is there any proof?Is he willing to take a drug test for you?He has to understand that your trust is gone in him at the moment and by him admitting he owes money to dealers on the street and putting you and your kids in danger(i'm not saying you will come to any harm)but by him putting you in that situation is very selfish.I know you say you dont want to break up your family but its not you doing the damage,you're trying to protect yourself and your kids and thats something you should be proud of.Your husband will have to agree to a drug test or something along those ...
lines,that way you'll know wheather he's talking truth or bull.
I know its not easy and i feel for you but you need to think of your kids first because it will effect them in the long run,just make sure he's clean as he says before you let him stay.You have a right not to want him in your home or near your kids if he is using,you just have to be strong and stand up to him.
Keep us posted,i wish you all the best and have you in my prayers
Take care
I agree with Puckiemull he can't put you and the children at the kind of risk, people who are addicted will do whatever they have to and she is right about him being willing to get down to business and take a drug test and give you some comfort in knowing that he is willing to back up what he says, I indeed want things to get better and I wish you the very best
I find it a strange coincidence you ask that because a person in my building knows I am on & have been on pain meds for a long time came to my door(nxt store neighbor) said he could get percocet for 5$ a piece & I know methadone go for 50cents a milligram,at least in the fine state of WI. Its not much but it can add up especially if you have a habit & need them everyday. Hope that helps,but it may be less(that is prob. the most they would cost anywhere) where you live.
Hey brokenheartx,
I wish I could tell ya the price of the drugs but I can't, it varies from place to place and you just can't tell if your husband is in debt to the dealers. Whether any of the dealers would actually try to hurt you are your children is doubtful but you can never be certain. The methadone you found is a pretty good indicator of your husband's use, whether he paid for it or not doesn't really matter.
I can only encourage you to locate and attend some Nar-anon meetings. You can google "Nar-anon" to read about this program and find local meetings. You need the support and guidance right now. Please investigate this avenue.
Only you can make the decision as to whether you can be supportive of your husband. If he is truly clean then let him show it through his actions. If he is not, you will know soon enough. You need to not enable him. Let him suffer the consequences of his mistakes. The only way he will recover is to hit bottom and then seek help. Ask him if he would attend a Narcotics Anonymous meeting while you go to Nar-anon.
Wishing you the very best,
Yes be careful does not matter what drug it is!! If he owns money to a dealer then he owns money!!! Dealers don't care !!! On the street perks go for $5 a pill which can get very expensive! Him bring on methadone is a great thing!!! It shows he is tryin to clean up and get better for him and your family!! You need to support his progress !! It's hard when u get addicted to pills!! It's happens ever day and it could happen to anyone!!! So help him through this understand weres he's coming from!! And work out a plan for him!! And again methadone is the first step to getting better
If he is on the Methadone Program, then yes that is great. That does show he wants help. I just hope he is on the prog, & not just buying it in the street. If he is ask him if he is willing to get on the program. It is so much better than going out there coping the stuff off the streets, plus they have groups for them that will help them learn to deal with their addiction. You have to stay strong for him & you.
hey,I'm new to this site but I've been around the block when it comes to buying&selling pills,prices do very depending on the person selling it&how despert the buyer is,now I've seen pills go from 4-5,up to 60.bucks depending tho I've been on a methadone program going on my 90th day I live in Pittsburgh,there's pretty many places to go to these methadone programs here,its free to me cause I'm on disability,some places charge 100.a week I think but in the long run its so well worth the money you&your family will save instead ur husband buying pills¬ to scare you sum ppl drug dealers can be very evil its all bout there money&if you f wit there money well I'm sure you know wat I'm trying to say so please be carefull&get your husband into a methadone program a legal one,and p.s.methadone pills on streets are not free by no means... I hope it works out for you.
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diskets, percocet, opiate withdrawal, pain, addiction
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