Hello! I'm a 38 year old female and I started taking Vyvanse last May. I started on 40 mg, went to 50 mg and then was prescribed 60mg. 3 months after taking this medication I started to notice really strange vaginal spotting/bleeding. I wasn't sure what was going on at first. I had recently been hospitalized due to back surgery and thought maybe it was coming from my urethra due to the catheter being removed after 2 days. I went to my Dr. who did a uranalysis and found nothing. This appointment would lead me to 5 other doctors, 3 of which were gynecologists. I was swabbed around 4 different times for vaginitis and always had a negative result. Along with the bleeding, I had pelvic pain, lower and upper abdominal pain, extreme nausea, worsening joint pain, fatigue, full stomach even though I could barely eat, and hair loss. I had SEVERAL tests done. Lab work, ultrasound, internal pelvic ultrasound, pelvic exams, MRI, CT scan, uranalysis and a very painful endometrial biopsy which required them to manually open my cervix. My cervix has never opened and lacks the ability to do so which is why I had two cesarean sections. I was told it could be uterine cancer. I was told it could be ovarian cancer. I was told it could be an infection. I was scheduled for a uterine ablation after deciding against the recommended hysterectomy. Thank goodness my ablation isn't until April (I will be cancelling) and I'm so happy that I followed my gut and said "No" to a hysterectomy. I asked my family doctor to switch to Adderall because I thought Vyvanse was causing mood swings and guess what? The moment I stopped Vyvanse, my body started returning to normal and when I used to bleed every single day for close to 8 months, I have ZERO bleeding/spotting other than my now normal periods. All of the other symptoms have disappeared. Has anyone had a similar experience or has anyone had a Dr. suggest that Vyvanse might be the reason for unusual side effects? I am trying to look at all Vyvanse side effects and I don't see anything that points to the abnormal vaginal/uterine bleeding. I have found a clinical study, but that's about it so far. I'm convinced Vyvanse was the culprit, though.