Please I need some help. I am only 21 and i cant really understand whats happening. almost every single one of my teeth is decaying and bad. my gums and teeth hurt daily. It's like I can feel them decaying away and it seriously HURTS! I live on my own and I don't have the money to go to a dentist. just to look at me is $150-300 and I don't have money like that at all. I haven't really been to the dentist since i was like 12. My parents just stopped taking me. No insurance I guess. I have Aflac through my employer and it's not enough to help. My teeth just continue to rot away no matter what I do. I've also never had any teeth removed ever and my wisdom teeth have mostly all come in. My whole jaw has been realigned. I look like a different person than before. I also sometimes get a really nasty taste and pus from the back of my teeth. It is quite unpleasing. My tongue sometimes gets big red bumps that hurt too. They last only a few days though then go away. I just wonder is there any way at all that I can find someone who will work on my teeth for either cheap or let me make payments or something. Maybe a chance for students to learn? Trust me I've got a lot going on in there and I am sure it could be a great lesson or something for a college professor or something. Is there something out there to help people like me that cant afford dental work. I just want to know what it's like to not be in pain every day and not have people think I am a crack head or something. My teeth disgust me and I am sure others too. I have seen this happen to people but not this young. Please let me know if there is anything out there.
I am only 21 and my whole mouth is rotting away?
Question posted by sammytoes13 on 27 Feb 2013
Last updated on 10 February 2021 by annieskid25
33 Answers
I was 17 and pregnant when all my teeth rotted and started breaking and on Medicaid, which insists on false teeth, will not help if you're over 18, and takes forever to give a decision on dental work. By 19, I started college, and was able to see a dentist using student aid. I had no infection, just very rotten teeth, that hurt, and the dentist said it would be 3200 to fix my teeth, many years ago. I ended up having to get false teeth. I had been seeing a dentist on moms insurance 6 months before all my teeth rotted, and mom took out a student loan for part of my teeth and I took out a student loan for the rest, in order to get false teeth. You're really not supposed to get bottom false teeth because it can mess up your jawline, but I had no choice. It's so nice to be able to eat again, but i do have problems with jaw disappearing 25 years later, and will have to stop smoking to get it fixed according to the dentist.
I am 22 and am going through the same thing no matter what I do or no matter how many times I go to get a filling... it just starts rotting away behide the filling again. im a single mom and cant find a job because of this and I am so ashamed to smile or laugh but because of my teeth. Ive always taken care of them but now i cant stop the decay. I just dont know what to do i just cant afford to do anything about.
I feel you man. I’m almost 19 and have the worst teeth I have ever seen. My parents tried to stop my teeth from rotting away but it just kept going and they could afford it. We looked at replacing all my teeth when I was 17 and the doctor said it would cost 21k to fix them all or around 3-5k for veneers but wouldn’t recommend them at such a young age because it would screw up my jaw structure. I’ve looked at a lot of things but the problem is I’m in Alaska so I’m kinda stuck with what I’ve got. If you find anything that helps please feel free to let me know. Wish everyone with the same problems as me best of luck!
So, I know this post is pretty old, but I'm curious to know if you got your teeth in better health, since you posted this. I know how exactly how you feel or felt. Back in 2009, when I was 19, I met up with a guy that was my best friend, all through 6th grade to 11th grade, to fight him, and when I was taking my coat off, and my hands, and arms were behind my back, still tied up in my coat, he sucker punched me, and it broke my jaw, and chin bone. I can't say for sure, but I have a feeling he was wearing brass knuckles. Either that or he had his fist packed with something heavy. Anyway, the break was so bad, that it split open the bottom of my gum line on the bottom of my side teeth, to where it exposed my jaw bone. My buddy's parents rushed me to my local hospital, where they basically doped me up with morphine, then I had to be rushed to a hospital in Seattle 2 hours away, by ambulance.
When I got there, the doctor numbed me as best as he could, and then had to reset my jaw. Most intense pain I've ever felt. Anyway, I had to go home, and wait 2 weeks to go back to Seattle, and have surgery, to have a plate screwed onto my jaw to keep it placed together. After the surgery, once I was conscious, and able to understand, the doctor told me, that the break was so bad, that it destroyed a ton of nerves, and said that over time, no matter how well I took care of my teeth, the nerve damage would cause my teeth to weaken, and slowly go to crap. For a long time, my entire bottom lip, and chin, were completely numb because of the nerve damage, and even now I don't feel them 100%. In 2013, I became heavily addicted to pain medications. Opiates are really bad for your teeth, and I took pain pills like Skittles for 4 years. So, the nerve damage, the pain meds, drinking lots of pop, has caused my teeth to go to crap. I've had to have almost all my bottom side teeth pulled. Now my bottom front teeth have shifted close together. My teeth that sit next to the left of one of my big front teeth are rotting now. A couple of my top back teeth are broken. So yeah, my teeth aren't gonna be able to get saved at this point. My girlfriend of 5 years, and the mother of my child, years before I met her, at one point in time, had good dental insurance, through a job she had, and she had work done, where they basically file down your teeth to almost the size of toothpicks, and then they put fake teeth over them, and cement them in? I have NO idea what they're called. But, the beginning of this year, her real teeth underneath the fake one's, started to go bad. So she decided to say screw it, and had them take ALL her teeth out, and she got dentures. And I've always been terrified to do that. But she seems to be extremely happy, that she did it. Her uncle is an ex meth addict, and had all his teeth pulled a long time ago, and got dentures, and said it's the best decision he's ever made. He said, don't have to deal with tooth aches, or taking care of them. But I'm terrified to do it. Especially because once you get them all pulled, you have to wait for like a month or longer, for all your gums to completely heal, and not be swollen, so you can get mouldings done for your dentures. So I'd have to walk around toothless!! I just can't muster up the courage to do it all. But at this point, I don't think I have a choice. Anyone here get dentures?
I am experiencing this as well after I had my first kid my doctor told me that the baby was taking in all my calcium and that's why my teeth are decaying I really want to get them fixed or taken out I am 30 years old and hate being in pain all the time can't even enjoy a meal
Just turned 18 and haven't been able to go to the dentist in years. I have three in front that you can see inside. Mostly drugs and depression. Any cheap but decent insurance suggestions? I'm not sure what to do.
I'm a 26 year old mother of 5. Truth be told, my teeth don't show signs until they break. I have lost a tooth for every pregnancy after my first, had to have them removed. So far, this means I have lost almost all my grinding teeth (molars). I was told my children stripped the calcium from my teeth, but I can almost feel my teeth to seem hollow inside. I brush and use mouthwash, and sometimes rinse with salt water to maybe help fix them. I also take vitamins. Yet it seems I am bound to lose all my teeth. I bit into soft things and they would chip (I literally mean soft - I bit into a steamed bun that was just bread right out of the steamer and lost half a tooth that had no prior signs of hurting or breaking, I bit into a soft Asian fruit cake and while chewing gently another tooth chipped). Eating is becoming difficult and even with dental insurance I can't afford the copay for the hard fixes.
I'm scared of what others will think of me if I have to replace my teeth. I'm afraid for my children since their father's family has weak teeth in their history and he has very poor teeth.
I am 21 I understand how that feels I have a hard time getting a job have very low self esteem I really want to do something with my life but this makes it so hard..
Going to a dentil clinic is much more affordable then going to the dentist per say .ive gone to a dental school where they have charged little too nothing.depending on where you live makes a big difference .the new Hampshire are has a wide choice of low cost dentil clinic. Good luck with your search
I'm going thru the same thing with my teeth I'm so embarrassed to smile or even talk. I wanted to knoe if you found a solution or help and what it was
I feel bad for you because I know exactly what you are going through. my teeth are in terrible shape I don't smile anymore. I used to love to laugh and joke now I cover my mouth when I smile. then I cry later on because I feel worthless. the one thing that I used to love to do and didn't cost me a dime to feel great about myself is gone. I feel like people are judging me all the time. I have that iron deficiency that makes your teeth brittle. ive never done drugs or anything. but when people see you that's what they think. I hate pain my kids ask why my teeth are so bad and why I cry when they hurt. I try to explain but the only thing I say Is don't take your smile for granted. you only get one. I had a bad experience when I was 5 and was scared of dentists bcause they use to strap me down to the chair an pry your mouth open. i cried myself to sleep in chair. Later as I got older never really got over that. and never had the money anyway to pay.
so my mouth suffered. i wish that I could have a second chance at life by being able to smile, and eat and feel good about myself witout pain all the time. i just want to smile again aand not be so self contious and want to cry when I see others with perfect smiles. please help me someone.
I am 23 years old. My teeth have ruined my life; decaying/brown, black, yellow. my self esteem is in the negatives all the time due to this. I would do anything for a second chance to take better care when i was younger. It causes me depression and sadness frequently. I know i have a good head on my shoulders so to speak, and thats just it, I have so much more to give but i am too ashamed and embarrassed to show the world who i am. It seems to be all i think about everytime i have a conversation face to face (which is often as i work in a small retail shop) im always thinking "they saw my teeth they think im disgusting." Its so embarrassing it has caused me so much anxiety and shame. I see cavities/decay on majority of my teeth. I fear for my future and cant see myself getting dentures this young.
I cant munger up the courage to be seen by my family and friends when they hear the extensive and gross damage to my teeth and the procedures i will definatley need and recovery time off of work/life i will need. I wish i could get the help financially or professionally i desperatley need but i am terrified to have anyone look at my teeth on purpose, even a dentist and would never be able to afford it. It has plagued my mind for years. everything i read says time is the enemy when it comes to oral health. Hopefully mine can be is just nice to know for once i am not alone.
My heart broke when i read your post..
I'm in the same boat :(
Constant pain, rotting teeth, can't sleep.. I'm so depressed over this.
Wish we had free universal healthcare, including dentistry here in the States
You can use colloidal silver for the pain, it is a natural antibiotic. I have had an abscess tooth for 10+ years and my face will swell out periodically and there is a lot of pain when it does. I can take 6 drops of colloidal silver mixed with a teaspoon full of distilled water once a day for maybe 3 days, and the swelling goes down and the pain ends. It lasts for a few months before it comes back. I typically don't wait for the swelling anymore, I just use the colloidal silver at the first sign of tenderness and don't even get to the pain stage. Poor folks have poor ways... Hope this helps someone. :)
I literally feel the same way... its hard to live like this...
I'm so sorry you're experiencing this as teeth are all going bad at an alarming rate and nothing I do helps, I'm in so much pain, I feel you :( I'm in Canada on disability, so it's the same for me, I can't afford it, so I'm trying to find ways to "preserve" my teeth while I save up..if i find anything I'll come straight here and post it, if you find something that helps let us know? Hope you feel better soon
I know how you feel. I'm 27 and My Teeth have started to have black dots and I'm so scared for what they ware going to look like, i fear im going to be alone forever because who wants to date someime with rotting teeth. I have always hated my teeth so I have never really smiled big. When i talk to people or look at pictures of people I automatically look at their teeth because usually they are so much nicer then mine. On day I hope to have a pretty smile. Dentists are so expesive and I can't afford them. :(
I am 43 yr old man. I have not smiled in years due to having one tooth left after an assault. I have been married to my wife for 14 years and my kids have never seen me smile. We have six girls that are now grown and I have never taken a family photo due to teeth being bad. My mom was single and poor and couldn't afford to taker to the dentist. Now I don't some as I have no teeth left but 1. I am Embarrassed and I do t have any mo ey. I have never kissed wife due to my teeth being so bad. I was assaulted by my brother in law who stomped my face with his foot and it caused all but one tooth to come out. Now i an so embarrassed to smile and I wonder if there is a dentist who does pro bono work for people like me? I work but due to my wife's bad health I am the only one working. I have no money and the damage to my mouth is extensive. I have not seen a dentist in 25+ years. I want to take a family photo of my beautiful family but that has never been possible.
Someone please Help me. I have been to college of dentistry they want to much money. I don't have any. I support my wife and I as our kids have grown up now. I want to be able to smile art grandkids and people without being humiliated. Is there someone that can help me? I live in maryland
11thstprod I love in Maryland and would be very appreciative of you could help me. Thank you.
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