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Venlafaxine for Hot Flashes User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Effexor, Effexor XR

Venlafaxine has an average rating of 6.7 out of 10 from a total of 129 reviews for the off-label treatment of Hot Flashes. 57% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 26% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Venlafaxine

  • mill
  • June 7, 2017

"I was having about 10 to 12 hot flashes a day. At night, it was unbearable. My OB-GYN told me about the medication and started me on 37.5 mg per day. In three days, I was not having any hot flashes at all, it was great! Four months later, my hot flashes began again, so he upped my dose to 75 milligrams. This worked for the hot flashes yet again. The only issue is, I went out of town for the weekend and forgot to take my meds with me. I missed 3 days on the medication, and the withdrawal symptoms hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt jittery, had a severe headache, I felt drained, and my body felt flu-like. Don't miss doses!!!"

8 / 10
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66 Report
  • Sister...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 27, 2015

"Taking Effexor made absolutely no difference in the frequency of my hot flashes. However, it did seem to make the hot flashes slightly less intense. My physician increased my dosage to see if it would make any difference. The increased dose did not make any difference. Withdrawing from Effexor is not pleasant. I started weaning off the medication almost 2 months ago and have not taken any of the medication for a week and am experiencing extreme fatigue and dizziness. I've been reading withdrawal experiences online and have learned that this could go on for several weeks. I wish I had never tried the medication."

1 / 10
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78 Report
  • Cindo
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 30, 2017

"This drug saved my life! Sweating stopped immediately after the first day. Agitation gone! If you are going crazy from menopause, take it! My stomach was upset for about a week. I wish I would've listened to my primary doctor a year ago. Just surrender, and life will work out calmly."

10 / 10
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65 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • JAB
  • February 15, 2016

"I started taking Venlafaxine HCL ER 75mg, and it has been working very well. I also found out that my mood has changed for the better. I have been taking it for a year now. I haven't had any sleep problems from Venlafaxine, and I also have diabetes and hypertension. I have experienced running out of medicine, and I can say that it wasn't that serious of a problem for me. I refilled my prescription within five days. What I would like to know is the best time to take my pill. I have been taking it in the morning with my other medicine and food."

10 / 10
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70 Report
  • BC Wa...
  • December 28, 2010

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "Have been on Effexor for 3 years to combat depression and severe hot flashes that are the result of treatment for breast cancer. It definitely does the job, and I plan to stay on it at least until I am done with my 5 years of oral chemo, and then will evaluate staying on it longer. Only drawback is that it will be difficult to get off of it. Will have to work closely with doctor to slowly wean, otherwise there are significant withdrawal symptoms."

9 / 10
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99 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • NBL
  • January 6, 2017

"I was prescribed venlafaxine 4 years ago for menopausal night sweats and lack of sleep. I began with 37.5 mg, but after a few months, it was increased to 75 mg because my body was now used to the lower dosage and I appeared to be returning to my original symptoms. In my last prescription, I requested the pills dispensed in 37.5 mg as I want to come off the drug completely, and unfortunately, this is the lowest dosage they are available in. I have tried a couple of times to come off the drug (37.5 mg), but the dizziness and brain jolts are unbearable, and I just go back to taking them again. I have read several blogs on coming off the drug, and the only way I see is a gradual decrease, even down to counting the tiny balls. I just started 1 every other day! Fingers crossed."

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64 Report
  • Sweaty...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • April 11, 2017

"I went through a full hysterectomy and ovariectomy in my early 40s due to positive BRCA2 breast cancer and double mastectomy at 30 years. After the hysterectomy/ovariectomy, the hot flashes and night sweats hit me like a Mack truck. I was exhausted and gained a quick 40 lbs. Surgically induced menopause makes these symptoms unbearable. My doctor recommended an antidepressant (Effexor), but I was totally against it as I did not want the stigma of depression on my medical records. I eventually gave in and, OMG, what a relief it was almost instantly. I have unfortunately had my prescription run out on 2 occasions, and the hot flash symptoms are back within 2 days, along with jitters and a bit of anxiety, among other issues! This stuff is a lifesaver."

9 / 10
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61 Report
  • Shorty...
  • October 14, 2015

"I started taking Effexor for postmenopausal symptoms. My symptoms were mostly irritability. Within a week, I noticed a dramatic change. My dosage was started at 35 mg once a day but was increased to 75 mg once a day. I have not had any of the side effects associated with this medicine."

8 / 10
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69 Report
  • indyg...
  • October 24, 2011

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) "I was having extreme hot flashes and started taking Effexor 75 mg, and it almost immediately stopped 95% of them. I am up to 150 mg per day now, and the only issue I have with the medication is the horrible withdrawal symptoms. I was without insurance for a month, and within 2 days of not taking it, I was at the hospital with what I thought was the flu. My Doctor had warned me not to stop cold turkey, but I had no idea it would be that severe. But if you take as directed and discontinue with your Doctor's help, there should be no problem. The pros definitely outweigh the cons."

9 / 10
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89 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 28, 2013

"I've been taking Effexor for about 9 months. My doctor prescribed it to me for hot flashes. I don't have any problems with depression or anxiety. My husband and I have been married for 37 years, and have never had any sexual problems until I started taking Effexor. I don't have any desire anymore. After 37 years, I do know that is an important part of marriage. I'm coming off the Effexor and so far the side effects are nausea and dizziness."

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81 Report
  • GigiMN
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 11, 2017

"I am on day 3 of venlafaxine (37.5 mg) for hot flashes. I quit HRT a year ago at age 63 and began horrible and frequent hot flashes and haven't slept well in a year. On this med, day 1 I felt some nausea, but the intensity of flashes was greatly reduced. On day 2, nausea went away, but I was super sleepy. Today is day 3, and I have no side effects. The hot flashes happen less frequently and with way less intensity. My doctor says to wait a week or two, and things will continue to improve. So pleased with this medication! And the generic was only $8 for 30 pills."

9 / 10
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54 Report
  • Trouper
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • June 6, 2024

"I struggled terribly with hot flashes and night sweats when I first started menopause at 51 years old. My doctor put me on HRT, but my breasts were so sore and swollen it was unbearable. He then suggested I try Venlafaxine 37.5mg. It has been life-changing for me. No more hot flashes, no night sweats, and I am a happier person altogether. My husband calls it my 'happy pill'. I am now 60 years old and still taking the same dose every day. I don't think I ever want to stop taking this drug. My doctor says it's perfectly safe to take it long term."

10 / 10
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5 Report
  • toronto...
  • May 30, 2013

"I had terrible hot flashes so my doctor prescribed Venlafaxine 37.5mg. They worked great for about a year and a half until about one month ago. I'm again having hot flashes so I don't know if increasing the amount will help but I need a solution. I think there has been some change in my hormone levels which is causing the problem."

7 / 10
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75 Report
  • The...
  • September 1, 2015

"This worked great for my hot flashes when nothing but HRT worked. My doctor said I had to get off the HRT, so I tried this, and it is great. The first couple of weeks, I felt a little jittery, but my body has adjusted, and I don't have that problem anymore."

8 / 10
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62 Report
  • Julie
  • August 19, 2015

"I started taking Effexor to counteract the hot flashes caused by Tamoxifen. This was truly a miracle cure for the hot flashes. Literally, I took the first dose of Effexor, and the hot flashes were completely gone within an hour. I continued taking the medication for 4 days with not a single hot flash. It was amazing! But I had to stop taking it because I slept about 10 hours in 4 days. I constantly felt nervous, anxious, and unable to relax. Sleeping was almost impossible. Sadly, I chose the hot flashes over insomnia. Very disappointed."

6 / 10
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62 Report
  • Redkat
  • December 21, 2011

"I am on Venlafaxine 75mg ER, 3 times a day. Before taking venlafaxine, my hot flashes were so bad that I would be soaked. I still have hot flashes, but only every half hour now instead of constant. Ran out of pills on the weekend, and it was one of the worst weekends ever! My moods were up and down, sweating and flushing from head to toe. Never run out!"

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78 Report
  • Ace
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 18, 2019

"I had a total hysterectomy 8 weeks ago and cannot do HRT. I didn't sleep for the first 7.5 weeks, then started Effexor 37.5 mg, and the first night no hot flashes and slept all night. It has been a life changer for me."

10 / 10
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39 Report
  • Cher...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 8, 2017

"70 mg worked great for hot flashes, but sexual side effects were a problem. Reduced down to 37.5 mg, and that helped. Still have a few hot flashes, but they are tolerable. This med is also used off-label to help chronic back pain, which I have. Helps uplift your mood, too."

8 / 10
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52 Report
  • Relaxed
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 3, 2016

"I had a friend tell me about venlafaxine and how it helped her hot flashes. I'm so happy I took her advice! Not only did it eliminate my hot flashes, it improved my mood and took away the irritability I had. My husband calls it my happy pill. It's so nice to not have the hot flashes and feel so irritable. This was a much better choice than taking hormones! I've had to increase the dosage over the last year to 150 mg."

9 / 10
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57 Report
  • annoy...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 1, 2015

"I had a hysterectomy over 25 years ago and was on HRTs since then. However, I am on Medicare, and they don't easily cover HRT prescriptions for women over 65. I quit taking them last summer and since have suffered with hot flashes and night sweats, waking up every 2 hours drenched with sweat. I went back to my doctor to ask about getting back on HRTs, and she suggested that I try Effexor 37.5 mg for a month to see if it would help. Well, the first couple of weeks my hot flashes disappeared. But as my body adjusted to the medication, the hot flashes started coming back. I now have 2 or 3 during the day and sometimes 1 at night, but I find that is tolerable. My doctor said she could up the dosage if I wanted, but I said no, I was fine with it."

7 / 10
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60 Report
  • Kacis...
  • November 6, 2019

"I started into peri-menopause in 2009, hot flashes and night sweats. The doctor put me on venlafaxine, it helped a lot with both, but after being on it for 10 years now, I wanted to try to go off. I tried a couple of other times just briefly, but the headaches got to me. This time, I was more determined, so I properly weaned myself off of it. Having said that, I got past the headaches, nausea, and diarrhea, but I have been very anxious and nervous since I went off of it, and the hot flashes returned and are worse than ever. I found myself getting upset or mad about the most silly things, which I never was as a nervous or anxious person. So, I went back on them today as I just couldn’t handle the side effects of not taking them. By the way, I had been off of them for almost a month. I wish there was a better solution, but for my own health and sanity, I am going to continue to take them."

7 / 10
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37 Report
  • ODano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 7, 2017

"I was on the estradiol 25 patch for nine years after a complete hysterectomy. Concerned about breast cancer, my doctor put me on venlafaxine 37.5 mg to help with hot flashes plus anxiety after my son passed away. The effect was unbelievable. Minimal hot flashes, and my grief and sadness were not nearly as bad as before. It was immediate. I was nauseated for a couple of weeks at first, which passed. I also had anxiety for about two weeks, which has passed. It has done wonders for me. I suggest that you not give up on it at the beginning because after about a month it really calmed me and helped with both situations that I needed help with. Hope this helps. Did not increase my dose as of yet... four months."

7 / 10
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50 Report
  • BDeeC
  • November 6, 2016

"I was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 41. Fortunately for me, it was stage 0 DCIS. Unfortunately for me, the hot flashes started a few years later and almost ruined my life. I was getting about 30 a day, including having to get out of bed to walk around outside to cool down every hour. I was on no sleep, couldn't work, couldn't function. I couldn't take anything because of the BC, but I knew I couldn't continue like that, so I did my own research, spoke to three different oncologists, and told my doctor about the drug. He had never heard of it but gave me a few samples. The hot flashes literally disappeared immediately. I took them for a year with zero side effects except 15 lbs of weight gain, but I wasn't dieting or exercising. Saved my life!"

10 / 10
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52 Report
  • c4c3
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 8, 2019

"My doctor prescribed Wellbutrin this summer after taking Pristiq for years. I had angry outbursts and moments of actual rage. I was mean and hated how I felt. I've been suffering from hot flashes almost every hour and throughout the night since last year. At 49, with a partial hysterectomy 4 years ago, I assumed all was associated with menopause. I asked the doctor to change to something else but never mentioned my hot flashes, only my angry outbursts. He prescribed Effexor, and it has been an absolute Godsend. Within two days, I felt like my old self, I am calm and have not had any outbursts. My hot flashes are gone. I occasionally will have one very minor once a day. No night sweats. I am so grateful for this medicine!"

10 / 10
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36 Report
  • princ...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 18, 2013

"I have just started taking venlafaxine ER 37.5 mg once daily. Only one tab taken for severe hot flashes and my chest is tight, out of breath, dizzy. According to the side effects, these are considered a possible allergic reaction. Calling my doctor before taking again."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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