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Oxycodone for Pain User Reviews

Brand names: OxyContin, Roxicodone, Xtampza ER, Oxaydo, RoxyBond, Dazidox, Oxydose ETH-Oxydose Endocodone Oxyfast …show all brand names

Oxycodone has an average rating of 8.3 out of 10 from a total of 431 reviews for the treatment of Pain. 80% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 9% reported a negative experience.

Oxycodone rating summary

8.3 average rating out of 10

431 ratings from 456 user reviews.

Compare all 1457 medications used in the treatment of Pain.


Reviews for Oxycodone

  • Jano
  • December 26, 2020

"I take the oxycodone 10/325. Recently, all pharmacies in my area changed to Rhodes brand. It's garbage. Either it does not have the right amount of medicine or the strength is incorrect. I never have a single issue with any other brand. I get withdrawal symptoms, my legs jump, and it keeps me from sleeping because it does not manage the pain as it should. If you try to split the pills, they crumble. Does no one oversee these pharmaceutical companies?"

3 / 10
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365 Report
  • Legit...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 16, 2020

"VA is now prescribing oxycodone made by Rhodes Pharma to its chronic pain patients. This stuff is pure garbage. IT DOES NOT WORK!!! I went through withdrawal and was sick for a week as soon as they switched me to this. I, like countless other reviewers, now live with increased pain, nausea, upset stomach, and depression. My life has been turned upside down. This is how the government treats its vets. It's DISGRACEFUL! My only hope is that enough people will come forward and expose this fake garbage they are giving us."

1 / 10
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351 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 15, 2008

OxyContin (oxycodone) "Ahhhh, the dreaded matter what you call it, by whatever media-scare tactic out there, what isn't trumpeted are the success stories...why is that? Does something have to be 'negative' to garner press? And if so, why is that? My story: Two brain surgeries. Mammoth amounts of pain. I tried everything -- nothing lasted like this drug. It has allowed me to go back to work, to live my life, to be a father to my children. Forget the strange looks at the pharmacy...I'm alive!"

9 / 10
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866 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • gimme...
  • August 26, 2010

OxyContin (oxycodone) "OxyContin has helped me so much to live my life. I have no arms and only one leg from an IED when I was in Afghanistan. I suffer from phantom limb pain and numerous other problems, but I don't care because had I not gotten in the way of the blast, then a 2-year-old and 3-year-old would have died. So, I'm fine with how I look. OxyContin has made the pain bearable."

10 / 10
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686 Report
  • cross...
  • June 27, 2009

OxyContin (oxycodone) "To keep this within limits, I will not get detailed on the benefits of OxyContin. As you can read on other forums, it works. I take 80mg 3x a day and it works great. Been on it for 5 years now, and liver tests done last month were excellent. I am tired of the bad rap this medicine gets, though. There are even sites devoted to its removal by people who have lost loved ones who abused the drug. While I feel for these people, no one told anyone to abuse this wonderful drug. When taken properly, this medicine works excellent with little to no side effects. It is said that you become dependent on this medicine, but it is meant for long term, and a good doctor will bring you down properly. So, withdrawals should be minimal. This is a true wonder drug."

10 / 10
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566 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Alway...
  • October 31, 2013

OxyContin (oxycodone) "After severely injuring my back while lifting a patient, herniating three discs, three failed back surgeries, and multiple ineffective pain relief measures, I finally accepted that I will need medication until a cure for spinal nerve damage is found. Using oxycodone means I can walk my dog, keep my house neat, enjoy life with my husband, and live life again. I am scrupulously careful about how much I take and keep them under lock and key for the safety of my grandchildren. With great care, this drug can give you your life back. However, if a person doesn't take very seriously the potential addiction properties, it can make a bad situation worse."

10 / 10
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303 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 20, 2008

OxyContin (oxycodone) "For years, I suffered from severe back pain, and despite medical records from specialists, I was treated like a street-level drug abuser by at least 20 different doctors. I was past the end of my rope. Two years ago, I found a doctor who had compassion and put me on OxyContin, and now I actually have a very productive life!"

9 / 10
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407 Report

More FAQ

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 18, 2020

Xtampza ER (oxycodone) "I am another patient to say Xtampza ER just sucks. It doesn't work. To get it to maybe work, I gotta be as fat with fatty, high-calorie foods? 7 spinal surgeries and 16 years on OxyContin, and I was all good. It controlled the tingling, nasty damaged nerve at the top of my butt crack that, when it is firing, is unbearable. I'm a 64-year-old pain patient suffering unbearably when the pain used to be under control."

4 / 10
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126 Report
  • pigeo...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • February 7, 2013

OxyContin (oxycodone) "I have been dealing with chronic back, neck, hip, knee, and both ankles pain for ten years now. I'm 48 yrs old. I've always worked until my body broke down. If it were not for the OxyContin, I would be bedridden and in a wheelchair. When taken appropriately, this is a miracle."

10 / 10
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259 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 6, 2008

OxyContin (oxycodone) "I was recently prescribed this medication, and it has worked wonders for my pain. The only drawback is that many pharmacies in my area aren't carrying it because of its negative press, and I felt like I was being treated like I was a drug addict at each pharmacy I went to. Oh well."

9 / 10
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300 Report
  • Heret...
  • August 8, 2009

OxyContin (oxycodone) "Works miracles for fibromyalgia. I don't ever want to experience the pain of a nerve attack without OxyContin ever again. I'm 19, so I can't just stay home and suffer and lounge around. I have a life to live, and if it weren't for OxyContin, I wouldn't be able to perform simple everyday tasks. I will say though it is much, much safer to stay with the lowest possible dose, which are the 10mg ones (I don't take generics so there are probably lower doses, I just don't know of them). If you use OxyContin in moderation and as prescribed, it is easy to control dependency. They also work great for rheumatoid arthritis. Hope this helps."

10 / 10
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277 Report
  • Thank...
  • April 4, 2008

OxyContin (oxycodone) "I was on Oxycodone 5/325 for about two years, and my doctor switched me to 3 20 MG OC's a day. I have been taking them for about 6 months now, and I feel like a new person. I have Chronic Neurological lower back pain. This drug has changed my life. I am able to roll around the floor with my kids again and do many things I could not do in the past. Great drug, but very addicting. If you take this med, take it exactly as the doctor advises. Best pain med out there. I have been through them all."

10 / 10
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267 Report
  • charl...
  • November 3, 2009

OxyContin (oxycodone) "I suffer from degenerative disc disease. For years, I was unable to live a normal functioning life. My doctor had me taking 4/10mg Norcos & 4/30mg Morphine pills daily. While they gave me some relief, I was still in a great deal of pain and felt like I was taking pills all the time. I spoke to my doctor about my continuing pain and the constant pill-popping with minimal relief. She told me about OxyContin. She said that she didn't normally prescribe it and only had one other patient on it, but I could try it to see if it gave me any better relief. I take 3/40mg OxyContins daily now, and the difference in my life is amazing. I hate the way people treat me when they learn that I am taking Oxy. It works wonders, so get off our backs."

9 / 10
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247 Report
  • Anonymous
  • May 1, 2009

OxyContin (oxycodone) "With degenerative bone disease, my lumbar spine shows up 'black' in x-rays, and nobody will do another surgery on me. So I've been on everything under the sun since 1999, but they all made me too loopy. Then the wonder drug OxyContin was prescribed to me, and my life was given back. I could clean my house, play with my children, basically get off the couch, and out of my wheelchair. I can walk now, barely use my cane anymore. I am so sick of the bad press, the drug tests, etc."

10 / 10
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242 Report
  • budss
  • October 12, 2009

OxyContin (oxycodone) "I am 58 years old. In my teens and early 20s, I played sports and have had numerous spine injuries. So far, I have had 5 spine surgeries, radiation for cancer. I have lived with constant pain that is unbelievable. My quality of life was poor, to say the least, although I have been very active in hunting and fishing despite the pain. This drug is a lifesaver. Any and every drug can be misused. The government has the doctor community afraid of their own shadows on this drug, but properly used for folks like me, it has no equal. My quality of life without this drug would be zero. Side effects are there but manageable. If you are living with severe pain, seek out a doctor that will prescribe this drug for you and monitor you for the side effects."

10 / 10
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227 Report
  • Jilly
  • June 2, 2019

Xtampza ER (oxycodone) "I trialed Xtampza ER for 5 days due to a forced step therapy trial. I went into the trial with a positive attitude because I wanted it to work and I can tolerate Oxycodone. (If it worked, my insurance company would stop hassling me because this med is cheaper than my current med.) However, by day two I could not walk or move because I experienced a rare side effect which I think was due to a filler. My muscle groups locked up consecutively one by one starting with my lower back and spreading across my body. My pain was also completely uncontrolled, so the dosage was not comparable to my previous morphine milligram equivalency. (My trusted pharmacist researched Xtampza and thought it would be equivalent, so I share this as a possible criticism of the drug itself and not a commentary on my tolerance.) I have complex regional pain syndrome, meaning I am an intractable pain patient, and have been prescribed pain medication for about eight years to manage my pain."

1 / 10
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102 Report
  • September 29, 2009

OxyContin (oxycodone) "I am so very pleased to read all of these reviews. I have been on OxyContin for just over a year. After one cervical and two lumbar fusions, my ortho doctor refused to prescribe anything stronger than Percocet. He referred me to the pain clinic, and I am so very lucky to have a knowledgeable doctor. Oprah had a show on prescription drug addicts today (my family all have issues with this medication). I would like to see someone brave enough to stand up for all of us in chronic pain that HAVE to take this medication to simply function. I take 60mg 2x a day and have felt guilty, that is until I happened upon these postings. Now I feel like I can ask my doctor to up my dose one more time so that I can get the full benefit of the medicine."

9 / 10
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190 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 10, 2020

"I just had surgery Friday for an ectopic pregnancy. I was prescribed two of these oxycodone pills before I left the hospital and denied anything for pain besides Tylenol at home. I went back to the hospital after 12 hours because I tried it their way with just Tylenol, and the pain became unbearable. I waited two hours in the ER with horrible pain from surgery. Finally, I was prescribed some morphine, and then when they released me, I was prescribed 13 of these oxycodone pills. One every 6 hours for two days and then one every 12 hours until I run out. They work mostly on taking the edge off but do not help me move or anything like Percocet did with my first surgery. I hate this opioid crisis because we have to suffer because of all the drug addicts. I was denied pain pills after a major surgery in NC because of all of the addicts. I am highly upset because my pain will not just go away after 13 of these pills, and I am not allowed a refill or anything."

7 / 10
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74 Report
  • Big...
  • July 17, 2015

"Have been on oxycodone 30 mg for about 4 years, have DDD and annular radial tear. Basically, my back is wrecked. Tried all other types of meds but none made my life worth living again like the oxycodone. Although I'm prescribed 5 a day, I find some days don't need all 5. Wish people would not abuse meds because it has made it hard for the ones who do!"

9 / 10
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122 Report
  • Bad...
  • June 7, 2008

OxyContin (oxycodone) "I'm a chronic back pain sufferer who's endured extensive physical therapy, endless pain medicines, muscle relaxers, antiepileptic/antispasmodics, etc., before reluctantly undergoing surgery - Anterior lumbar fusion with posterior stabilization. Unfortunately, surgery failed to relieve the pain. OxyContin has been a life-saver for me (80 mg 2/daily Percocet 10/325 for breakthrough pain) - Nothing short of miraculous in its ability to allow me to perform daily tasks I was unable to perform previously."

9 / 10
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182 Report
  • Hip...
  • September 11, 2019

"I normally take oxycodone 10 mg. After hip surgery, I needed a stay at in-house rehab facility. I was prescribed oxycodone 10 mg. I noticed immediately this medication was not working at all. The manufacturer was different and was by Rhodes Pharmaceuticals. These facilities have contracts to use only this manufacturer. I have reported to management I am receiving no relief from this drug. Any input on who this should be reported to would be helpful. There are long-term nursing home patients here that I hear complain that pain meds are giving no relief. I have experienced this firsthand. I am fortunate enough to be able to speak out and go home in a month. I hate that elderly people living here are suffering."

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74 Report
  • TKano
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 6, 2019

Xtampza ER (oxycodone) "After nearly a year of using 18mg Xtampza (started at 9mg and worked up to 18mg), I’ve found waking an hour early and taking it with high-fat yogurt and sleeping another hour leaves me feeling refreshed and on my way. It only seems to work for 6-8 hours so I use 20mg baclofen and 10mg oxy for breakthrough between doses. It also helps to use Tylenol in addition as it synergizes both forms. Also, if you can get your BP up for at least 20 minutes by taking a fast-paced walk it also helps get the meds into your system much quicker. It’s not always easy but exercise helps in every way if you’re able. It’s not the perfect medicine but without it I would be miserable and likely unable to work and tolerate the cancers and radiation proctitis nearly as well as I am."

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78 Report
  • paulo...
  • May 26, 2008

OxyContin (oxycodone) "I lived in torture for years after back and neck surgery failed. Like a fool, I refused to take narcotic medicine until I started studying their intrinsic effects on people. For the past 4 years, I've been taking OxyContin, now 320 mg/day, and I can only thank God for these little green miracles. I've never felt 'high' on them. I take them to function, PERIOD."

10 / 10
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170 Report
  • Grate...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 26, 2012

OxyContin (oxycodone) "I have been on every ER pain medicine except for methadone. OxyContin is changing my life drastically for the better. I can now walk longer distances, help around the house, play with the kids and much, much more. In short, this medicine is a life changer. I switched from fentanyl which always made me tired and grumpy. God bless my patient wife. I have a new life and I'm so grateful!"

10 / 10
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136 Report
  • nm-2019
  • November 19, 2019

"Right now, people who now really NEED opioid painkillers can't get them because doctors are under scrutiny (as some well should be). That is the biggest travesty of this whole thing. Because people have behaved badly on all levels (including people who knowingly abused these drugs), people are suffering, including many elderly who need them for end-of-life care. The whole thing is beyond shameful."

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68 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.