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MS Contin for Pain User Reviews

MS Contin has an average rating of 8.2 out of 10 from a total of 40 reviews for the treatment of Pain. 85% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 10% reported a negative experience.

MS Contin rating summary

8.2 average rating out of 10

40 ratings from 42 user reviews.

Compare all 1457 medications used in the treatment of Pain.


Reviews for MS Contin

  • not...
  • October 28, 2008

"After years of undiagnosed Crohn's, RA, AS, MS, and FMS (the short list) and finally osteo-related compound and non-compound fractures throughout my whole skeleton from 5 years on methotrexate - I couldn't live without morphine. I use a combination of MS Contin (SR- 60mg/8 hours) and Statex (full release for breakthrough pain). My Crohn's makes me sensitive to every bad side effect of all those 'great' multi-use medicines like gabapentin and Lyrica. So I'm stuck with opioid-based medicines and without them, I couldn't walk. I sleep in a recliner because of bumps on my spine and fractures in my pelvis and walk with a rolling walker. I couldn't live with my pain. I wish more people understood."

8 / 10
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286 Report
  • Ladyb...
  • May 2, 2015

"I have had chronic, constant migraine for 40 years, complicated by fibromyalgia which added all-over body pain. After years with various short-acting pain meds like Lortab and Percocet, my doctor finally tried OxyContin first (worked, but I got tolerant very quickly) and finally MS Contin, with Percocet as my breakthrough med. My life changed immediately. I take 30mg MS 4 times per day, with up to 3 Percocet. This dosage has not changed in 15 years and allowed me to return to work full time. I have a (relatively) normal life with occasional bad days. MS Contin was not available in generic form when I started and cost a huge amount every month. Happily, it's generic now and extremely affordable. It saved my sanity."

10 / 10
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107 Report
  • Bigkev
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 3, 2013

"I experienced a slipped disc years ago, and after a few injections, I was still in pain. I was then treated with physical therapy, tramadol, OxyContin, and finally morphine. The MS Contin was a godsend! I take 2 60mg MS Contins a day, with 4 15mg instant release for breakthrough pain. Although I only get 8-9 hours of relief from a 12-hour pill, I feel 3 times a day for MS Contin would keep my levels more steady. But my doctor is reluctant to increase it. Sometimes I feel a little tired, but the quality of my life has improved dramatically without the high drugged feeling and mood swings of other opiates."

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Frequently asked questions

  • Anonymous
  • March 2, 2012

"I was on 50mg methadone three times a day for over two years and had pain every day. Waking up in the morning was unbearable. I was prescribed MS Contin 60mg three times a day two days ago. The first morning I woke up, I got right up, went into the kitchen to make my tea, and stopped dead in my tracks. Wait a minute, my back doesn't hurt, my body doesn't hurt, I got out of bed without cussing up a storm! This is a miracle. I can't believe it. I'm also on oxycodone 15mg 4 times daily for breakthrough pain. My body is now ridding of all the built-up toxins from methadone, including once-a-month bowel movements. I'm much happier now."

10 / 10
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107 Report
  • Its...
  • June 10, 2009

"While the first 5 years of taking MS Contin seemed to be a better life, my tolerance increased to the point that I was taking nearly a gram a day (1,000 mg). The last 2 years have been spent getting off this medication, and I can assure you it was no cakewalk. I will never use this again, but as I said, when I needed it, it beat every other pain medication I tried hands down."

8 / 10
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122 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • darmo...
  • April 10, 2008

"I have advanced osteoarthritis, disc degenerative disease, foraminal stenosis, and central stenosis. In addition, I have had two back surgeries in the last year. I have to take a higher dosage (60mg twice a day) but it allows me to function in a reasonable manner. Without it, the pain is excruciating. Now I can exercise and move."

8 / 10
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125 Report
  • Back_...
  • January 26, 2009

"I had anterior lumbar fusion - implants, plates, you name it, in November 2008. My third surgery. Post-operation, I was sure something went wrong due to the agonizing 24/7 pain. I was taking a combination of 12-14 Norcos or Percocets a day. I was shocked by how many pain pills I was burning through. My surgeon couldn't find anything wrong. All in all, a humbling, frightening experience. Then I was prescribed MS Contin and the agony is over. Now I'm planning to return to work. I'm walking again. My wife is weeping with joy instead of mourning. MS Contin saved my life."

9 / 10
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110 Report
  • trying...
  • July 12, 2008

"I have been on this for a while and if not for the drug, I would not come close to a normal life. I still hurt, but this makes it manageable. The dosage has been changed twice in 8 years. Spurs, 3 bulging discs, metal, pins, and screws from a previous operation. Total success until I felt I have Osteo in my whole spine. Even if they would operate, I have had the spinal shots, I would still have to take medication. It saved me from no life at all."

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109 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 11, 2009

"I have chronic lower back and leg pain. It's been over 20 years now. After several surgeries, I have decided against letting another surgeon touch me. MS Contin is a godsend! I sleep all night and don't wake up feeling horrible and barely able to move. The days are better too. I don't have those 8-10 level pain days anymore. I still have pain, but it's much more controlled."

9 / 10
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86 Report
  • C3_My...
  • May 21, 2009

"I have been on this medicine, changing from 30 mg MS Contin twice a day and 60 mg at night, to 60 mg MS Contin three times a day, going on two weeks now. I am also still taking my 15 mg Oxycodone immediate release for breakthrough pain, taking that five times a day as well. All I can say is 'Yay' for my doctor. I have my life back. I am working two jobs and also I am able to ride my bicycle now. If not for my pain management doctor treating my pain with these medicines, I wouldn't be able to do any of this. The 60 mg MS Contin works hand in hand with the oxycodone. I went from total 100 percent days of severe pain and extreme knee cramps and locking up, to almost no pain days, totally pain-free with this medicine. What a relief."

10 / 10
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87 Report
  • Hurts...
  • January 8, 2014

"Took my pain from a 9 to a 2! Lasts all day, and rarely have to take my breakthrough pain medication. I have ADHD, chronic pain, panic attack disorder. MS Contin, 180 twice a day, Oxycodone IR, 30 mg every four hours, 6 mg when required of Xanax IR, Adderall, 30 mg IR twice a day."

8 / 10
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66 Report
  • living...
  • May 2, 2009

"I have suffered for many years with AS and Degenerative Disc disease. With all the NSAIDs, Methotrexate, and painkillers, I developed ulcers in my esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. Thankfully, my doctor decided to switch me to Morphine because it is easier on the system. Now, I take 60 mg MS Contin twice a day and 4 to 6 mg Dilaudid as needed for breakthrough pain. The plus is that the ulcers have all healed, and although the pain is not totally gone, it is very manageable. The minus is that I have had to gradually increase my dosage over the years because your body learns to tolerate it. Adjusting to a new dose can take a little while, and it causes constipation (Benefiber works great)."

9 / 10
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86 Report
  • Xenite
  • April 24, 2010

"This medicine has been a godsend miracle for me! I suffer from spinal stenosis, 4 herniated discs, and nerve damage in both legs. I injured myself in 2007, and my chronic pain has steadily increased. I have been treated with different pain medicines over the last few years, including Percocet, Hydrocodone, and Morphine. The problem I had on the others was, while they helped, they would give me a numb feeling. I enjoy reading and... well... thinking! So that wasn't enjoyable for me. The MS Contin works odd to me. I can't really explain why, but I get all the pain relief with none of the high feeling that makes you about as active as a slug. This medicine can cause constipation."

9 / 10
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81 Report
  • Outla...
  • September 30, 2011

"I am a self-employed landscaper who relies on my body to make an income. After taking many types of medicines for the chronic pain in my lower back, MS Contin 60 mg has been by far the most effective. I have been able to work now on this medicine with very little side effects. What I like the most is only taking one pill every 12 hours. I can concentrate more on my life/work and less on the amount of pills I need in a day."

10 / 10
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69 Report
  • mi5ja...
  • December 8, 2008

"I was nearly killed in a bicycle versus motor vehicle accident. All things considered, I am extremely lucky to be alive and still able to walk. I landed on my head and neck after striking the front corner panel of the vehicle at nearly 40 mph. As a result of this, I have 'mildly bulging discs' in C4-C7 (I think C# may be different?) with neural stenosis and syringomyelia, which is a disorder in which a cyst forms within the spinal cord. I was taking 6-8 Percocet a day, then I moved to Lortab, and I had a problem with constantly needing more than I was given, and I would end up in severe pain for several hours out of the day. Then my doctor suggested MS Contin, and my opiate consumption went down from what it was, and my pain control was improved."

9 / 10
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56 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 14, 2009

"My back was broken 5 months ago, and I have been on just about everything you could imagine. I am now on MS Contin, and the pain is literally gone. I can't believe it. I have been on so many other pain relief medicines - you name it, I have tried it with no relief. I finally have the pain relief I so desperately needed."

10 / 10
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54 Report
  • I scr...
  • July 22, 2017

"Doctor tried MS Contin (morphine ER) it lasts six to eight hours not twelve hours. I scream daily as my breakthrough pain meds were taken from me. Does it compliment breakthrough pain meds yes but by itself it is not a good alternative at all!!!"

3 / 10
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29 Report
  • Auror...
  • May 14, 2017

"I am retired, but still read and do many other activities. I was taking MsContin 30mg 3x and Oxycodone IR 10mg 4x per day. I stopped reading and crocheting. I stopped watching my favorite programs. I never knew when I was going to fall asleep. I became hostile, angry, depressed, paranoid and had substantial memory loss. I stopped talking to people and was tired all the time. I didn't connect it to my pain medication because I have numerous chronic illnesses. Last year my doctor suggested a change to Oxycontin, but I was afraid. A month ago I started taking Oxycodone IR 10mg four times a day and Xtampza 18mg three times per day. I wish I had done it sooner. I have eat a good meal with the Xtampza but,I am awake and my real personality is back. My energy is up."

1 / 10
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28 Report
  • Jay
  • April 17, 2009

"I am a chronic pain patient and have tried Vicodin 5/500, Norco 7.5/325, Norco 10/325, Percocet, Percodan, Darvocet, and finally I have found relief with 120 mg of MS CONTIN a day and Percodan for breakthrough pain (up to 4 tablets a day as needed). I am now able to work a full-time job, get up before noon, and resume a normal life. I am so thankful my doctor decided to try the MS Contin. The only issue is constipation, but it is controlled with Miralax."

10 / 10
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45 Report
  • sando...
  • August 7, 2008

"1st day of MS Contin 30 mg twice a day. I have been taking 6 Percocet a day and still in substantial pain. So far with this new drug, I am still in pain, but very manageable. I am heading for lower back procedures and possible surgery, hope to be off or at least reduce pain medicines over the next few months, but for now, I will take manageable pain."

10 / 10
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46 Report
  • Rick
  • February 14, 2010

"I was recently prescribed MS Contin for chronic pain from two failed shoulder surgeries and awaiting a third surgery. I had been taking Percocet for three years, but it had become ineffective. This medication is really a wonderful solution. I am relatively pain-free now. It does take an hour or more for it to take effect, even on an empty stomach. I have had no side effects. It is more expensive, but since it is so effective, I don't mind that. I am a retired PA-C and understand chronic pain and pharmacology, so I say thanks to for the free access to all you need to know about your medications, whether you are a practitioner or patient."

8 / 10
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43 Report
  • TheSt...
  • May 21, 2009

"This medicine is great. I have been taking pain medicines for 20 years, and this is the best so far. I take 3 x 60 mg in the morning and 3 x 60 mg in the evening and haven't been in pain for the last 2 years."

10 / 10
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42 Report
  • chris...
  • October 23, 2009

"I have been on MS Contin for about 6 months now, and I use it as my primary pain medicine. It has helped me more than any other pain medicine that the doctor has tried on me. As I have already stated, it is my primary pain medicine, taken every 12 hours. I also take oxycodone 30 mg, 4 times a day for the breakthrough pain."

9 / 10
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41 Report
  • catar...
  • December 19, 2008

"I have been on many different types of pain medicines for over 10 years now. I have degenerative nerve damage since a young age. Also crushed, herniated, and bulging discs in my entire lower lumbar region. I have been in unmanageable pain many times before trying MS Contin. This seems to give me the best possible relief while still allowing me to function in society. The pain is now under control, and I do live a normal life. I take Soma, a muscle relaxer, and that seems to help when I overdo things. I am prescribed 4 of the 60 mg in the a.m. and 4 in the p.m. without side effects."

8 / 10
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42 Report
  • Uniqu...
  • April 18, 2009

"I started taking MS Contin 60 mg this week. I was taking Methadone 120 mg a day for over 5 years. I am having some trouble with the changeover, but after 3 days, I am getting better. I also take Oxycodone 15 mg up to 4 times a day for pain. My doctor started me on 60 mg 2 times a day, then told me to double it. Still having some trouble with the withdrawals from Methadone, but I hope this will work. So far, it's okay. I am being treated for chronic pain from a laminectomy and spinal fusion without hardware (Failed Back Syndrome)."

6 / 10
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39 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.