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Prozac for Anxiety and Stress User Reviews (Page 3)

Prozac has an average rating of 7.4 out of 10 from a total of 385 reviews for the treatment of Anxiety and Stress. 68% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 18% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Prozac

  • Texas...
  • June 19, 2016

"Been on Prozac for 3 weeks now and starting to see light at the end of the tunnel. Stomach pain and nausea the first couple of weeks but much better now. I'm sleeping well and feel more relaxed. I find I actually want to do things like take a walk, play with grandkids, clean the house, and take care of myself. I didn't want to do anything before Prozac. I just existed. Thanks to Prozac, I'm now living at 56 years old!"

8 / 10
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201 Report
  • Rainier
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 13, 2024

"Writing my second review now that it’s been 5 full weeks (on day 35). I can’t believe how much better I feel. 5 weeks ago I was having the worst anxiety of my entire life. Horrible obsessive thoughts I couldn’t get out of. I felt like I was losing my grip on my life. I started EMDR therapy and Prozac 20mg. As many on here said, the anxiety got worse before it got better. This forum was my lifeline throughout it. I now feel happy, calm, and free. I am so thankful I got through the side effects. Now at this point the only remaining side effect is sleepiness and fatigue. Some days it’s worse than others - I hope this fades with time. I hope everyone can give this a solid chance and wait out the initial weeks. I know it’s horrible. But whether it’s this med or another, it will get better. Keep fighting."

10 / 10
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18 Report
  • yourn...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 11, 2014

"Not happy, not sad, just there. Actually not even there... Everything is kind of like a daze. But it feels a lot better than being crazy stressed out all the time and freaking out over trivial things, just I don't feel like myself. But the good thing is I'm living in the moment instead of the past or worrying about the future."

5 / 10
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214 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • gabby
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 2, 2013

"This medicine has been a lifesaver for me. It's the only antidepressant that has worked. I lost weight on it (which I needed to), feel less stressed, can handle stress, thoughts are not obsessive anymore, I laugh more and interact more with friends. I don't feel scared every day. If you are thinking of taking it, give it at least 4-6 weeks to kick in. It's worth it."

9 / 10
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234 Report
  • TAE
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 4, 2023

"I have battled anxiety (GAD), panic disorder, depression, hypochondria, and OCD for over 10 years. I did not want to be on medication, but you get to a point where you will try anything. My doctor prescribed 10 mg of Prozac. I had no negative side effects, and it took about 8-12 weeks to see full results. I can’t believe what a difference 10 mg can make. I feel 95% normal, and that is a lot when I felt 0% normal. It’s amazing. Don’t be afraid to try a medication if you are suffering."

10 / 10
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45 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • EmBo
  • December 8, 2014

"I am one of the few people who doesn't suffer from some mixed form of depression & anxiety; I'm straight anxious. I have been on 10-20 mg Prozac for about 7 months now - starting was a little rocky in terms of heightened anxiety, gastrointestinal problems, and nausea, but those leveled off after 3 wks. Now, in conjunction with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and daily mental work, I have to say that this medicine really has helped me get to a place where I can actually implement permanent habits and positive thought cycles and RELAX, whereas before I had a lot of trouble not being stuck as a result of my ruminating, anxiety, fear, guilt, etc. It's also been really great for my marriage, and my husband has been a big teammate. It's been good."

9 / 10
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201 Report
  • spine...
  • September 20, 2014

"I have been an anxiety/depression patient for 5 years now. Have taken all kinds of medicines, have had stints of quitting only to fall back on the meds, went medication-free for 3 full months before symptoms began to show again. I can honestly say that FOR ME, Prozac has allowed me to live life. At my worst, I wasn't even able to go in a store even if it was only for one item. Now I can take my kids grocery shopping with no issues. Like I said, FOR ME, this has worked."

7 / 10
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200 Report

More FAQ

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 25, 2013

"I am starting my 3rd week on Prozac, 20 mg daily. I feel like a new person and am so grateful. I agonized over this choice for weeks, but after 6 months of unbearable anxiety and sadness, then skyrocketing blood pressure, I knew I had to do something. I visited my GP - we did the physical, blood tests, etc. to rule out other factors. It turns out empty nest beginning menopause have done a number on me. The medicine made me feel nauseous, sleepy, like being on cold medicine. On the 10th day, my appetite returned! I don't notice side effects at all anymore. The sadness - 97% gone. The anxiety - 75% gone. I also start visits with a therapist in 2 weeks. Again, I'm grateful to get my life back."

10 / 10
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212 Report
  • EL94
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 14, 2015

"I'm currently taking Prozac (Fluoxetine) for severe generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, and panic attacks. I only take 20mg a day, and even though the first month left me with horrendous nausea and weight loss, it subsided after about 25 days. Now, I find that my appetite as a whole has decreased slightly, but the nausea has subsided. My anxiety has improved so much to the point that I'm actually leaving the house for activities other than work, and I'm having conversations with people I'd usually ignore because I'd feel so self-conscious. I've actually had people (that don't know I suffer from anxiety or that I'm taking Prozac (Fluoxetine)) comment on how well I look recently and how happy I appear within myself."

9 / 10
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183 Report
  • Aj2817
  • January 24, 2016

"I've recently started taking Prozac and have never been on an SSRI before, but have always thought I needed one for my constant worrying thoughts and random depression. I haven't been taking it for very long and already feel like a weight has been lifted. I feel happier and it's easier to get rid of my bad thoughts that previously consumed my life. I feel better than I've ever felt and wish I would have tried it sooner!"

10 / 10
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170 Report
  • doing...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 11, 2014

"Prozac has literally saved my life not once but twice! The first was after the birth of my son. I was on 20mg, struggling with obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, and severe anxiety. Prozac, along with therapy, made it possible for me to live a normal life for almost 5 years. I just recently had a horrible bout with anxiety. I am finally coming out of that nightmare. I had a lot of life stressors that brought on the anxiety and caused the break. As much as I tried, I couldn't come out of it, so my doctor increased my dose to 40mg. I have been on the 40mg for exactly a week today, and I am so excited and cautious to say that when I woke up this morning, my heart wasn't beating out of my chest, and I have been able to enjoy my day!"

10 / 10
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196 Report
  • Jay
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 5, 2020

"Okay, so I was diagnosed with depression a while back, and recently I was put on Prozac. The first couple of days were completely fine, a little bit of nausea and sleepiness, but day 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 have been so hard. I'm talking physically, mentally, I think I'm doing okay, but physically, I have to throw up every morning because of the nausea. I'm not okay until I take the meds and rest for a little bit. The doctors told me that those side effects should disappear today - day 7 - or tomorrow - day 8 - and if they don't, I need to contact him ASAP and let him know so he can give me a solution. But yesterday - day 6 - I was super happy, I didn't stay in my room, man, I didn't even wanna go back home. I haven't been having any suicidal thoughts at all. To be honest, each person has a different experience, but it will be really tough in the beginning for all of us, so stay strong and take care. I'll come back after the side effects wore off and let you guys know how I'm doing."

8 / 10
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103 Report
  • Prozac...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 27, 2023

"This is my 7th week on Prozac. I decided to finally give it a try as my anxiety and low mood can get the best of me sometimes, and I'm tired of just hoping for better days, living through the misery, and knowing better days aren't coming. This med will affect people in too many different ways, and I've heavily researched all the cons and side effects that come with it. The only negative side effect I've experienced is some mild shaking in the first 3 weeks, like some sort of constant restlessness. I've had insomnia prior to taking this, and it has made it harder to go to sleep in the first 4 weeks, but after that, it did certainly get easier for me. I can't say it has transformed me entirely, but what I can confirm is that I feel relaxed and at peace in situations where I never would before. I care less about certain things and don't ruminate over silly things like before, and it's definitely liberating. I also feel less hungry than usual and fill up quicker on meals, which is a bonus for me."

9 / 10
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26 Report
  • March 7, 2017

"I decided to post my experience with Prozac to support others as well. I was suffering from extreme anxiety and panic attacks. Prior to this, I had no prior history of mental disorders, so this was all new to me. It was also interfering with my life, work, and social life. I decided to see a psychiatrist. She recommended Prozac. The first 4 weeks were really tough. I had really bad nausea, constant headaches, felt like my brain was being rewired, felt out of it, and couldn't sleep well. Once I hit the 5th week and beyond, everything started getting better. I have been on Prozac for 4 months and feel like my old self. I feel normal again, all the symptoms are gone, and the anxiety and panic attacks are gone."

9 / 10
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147 Report
  • menop...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 23, 2013

"I am going through menopause. I have been crying most days for about a year. I have constant obsessive negative thoughts about myself. I went to the doctor to request HRT. She talked me into Prozac. I was diagnosed with low depression, mid-range anxiety, and high stress. I have only been taking this for 6 days, but already my life has changed. The tears have stopped, I am no longer obsessing about things that might or might not happen. My confidence is back. I am reaching out more socially, and feel once again that life is good. I do, however, eat well and exercise regularly. I don't think anything can counteract a poor diet and no exercise. Hot flashes have also almost disappeared. So far no side effects."

10 / 10
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201 Report
  • Eunice...
  • October 6, 2013

"I have been on Prozac 40 mg for 10 weeks now. I feel super great. I was taking Xanax too, but I feel I don't need to take my Xanax anymore. Prozac has been working for me just great! The first week, I was feeling terrible anxiety, numbness in my face, dry mouth, fears. It was crazy, but on the 9th day, I started to feel more focused. So now, it's been 10 weeks, and I feel how I used to feel before, just great. So please, hang in there, give Prozac at least 2 weeks to kick in."

10 / 10
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193 Report
  • MIC
  • February 16, 2017

"I have been suffering from anxiety and paranoia for about 6 months now. The past month has been extreme with constant thoughts that I'm going to die, when healthwise I'm perfectly fine besides needing to lose a few pounds. It has gotten to the point where every ache and pain makes me think something is wrong with me and that I'm going to die. I fear being alone with my 8-month-old the most. I fear something will happen to me and nobody will know, and my baby will be alone in the house until daddy gets home. I tried almost everything except medicine because I am scared of side effects. Prescribed fluoxetine 20mg. I've had the prescription for 2 weeks and been holding off. I finally gave in and started today. Your posts give me hope."

10 / 10
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142 Report
  • Jodeyxo
  • December 29, 2016

"I started taking Prozac 9 weeks ago after Mirtazapine stopped working. I was suffering with bad OCD, anxiety, and panic attacks on a daily basis. When I first started on the medication, I thought it would be a miracle drug, however, the side effects were horrendous. For 7 solid weeks, I was a mess. I was depressed (I don't even suffer with depression). I was crying at my desk all the time. I had horrible thoughts, crippling anxiety, would not leave my house, or talk to anyone. The only thing that would get me through the day was Diazepam. I am on 40mg and after 7 weeks, it was like a light turned on, and I have been 'normal' for 2 weeks straight. I am so happy I stuck with it. I know it's hard, but trust me, it's worth it."

10 / 10
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144 Report
  • Manfy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 7, 2020

"Started this about two weeks ago and already feel like a different person and like I can enjoy life again. I’ve had crippling anxiety and depression for a very long time, and my thought process about everything was negative. I could barely get out of bed...I had tried almost every antidepressant and they all made me feel worse, or very, very sick. I finally have hope again."

9 / 10
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99 Report
  • Angel...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 16, 2014

"Prozac has changed my life. I feel like I can enjoy small things like sitting outside and feeling the wind hit my face. I would have several panic attacks during the day and developed agoraphobia. Now with only 10 mg daily, it helps. I have come off slowly with no withdrawals!"

10 / 10
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177 Report
  • seash...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 3, 2019

"Started Prozac one week ago. I've struggled with anxiety, guilt, and fear for most of my life. Have also struggled with panic attacks for the last couple of years. Recently felt my fear and anxiety become so intense that I've slipped into depression. I've taken Celexa in the past and had no side effects but not much anxiety relief. Also tried Cymbalta but felt so exhausted that I would sleep all afternoon even with a full night's sleep. Now trying out Prozac based on generally positive reviews. Even if it doesn't work out for me, reading people's success stories on here gives me hope. So far I've had reduced appetite and increased anxiety, as many others have reported in the first few weeks. I take Lorazepam when I feel panic coming on. I am going to continue on Prozac and hope for the best. Thanks to everyone else for sharing their experiences-- they have really helped me during this difficult time."

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99 Report
  • SandraD
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 5, 2019

"I've struggled for years with anxiety and panic attacks. On several different meds for them. I asked my doctor about Prozac after I couldn't leave my house. I was riddled with fear and anxiety. We started off with 10 mg. I'm not gonna lie, the first 2 weeks were hell. But I pushed through because I knew like all meds, there is always an adjustment period. After it finally got in my system, I went from needing Xanax daily to occasionally needing it. I recently upped my dosage to 20 mg. I can tell it's working. Not only with my PMDD but my anxiety, stress, panic disorder, and PTSD. Do yourself a favor. Don't google side effects. If you do, you get it in your mind that is what you're supposed to feel. I started taking mine at night and by week 4 I switched to mornings."

10 / 10
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100 Report
  • MRNIC...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 15, 2019

"Loving this medicine so far. Side effects are unpleasant, but I’ve been keeping a log of everything I experience day to day, in a journal. Makes it easier. I was prescribed 20mg Prozac for Anxiety, Depression, and Panic Disorder. Anxiety is still there, but far less severe! I’ve been able to go to the gym at least 3 times a week!! That’s a huge improvement considering I was scared to walk out my front door thinking I’d die from a panic episode! All I can say is, keep going. You’re not alone in this. I have panic attacks so bad I think it’s the end for me. But we have to keep on pushing. With Prozac and counseling, we can do this!"

9 / 10
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100 Report
  • Erica...
  • April 1, 2014

"I'm a 17-year-old girl with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, which I've struggled/am struggling with all throughout high school. I've been on Prozac for about 8 months now, and it's helped me get through a lot of very anxiety-inducing situations for me. Before taking this medication, it had become very difficult for me to even attend school, and often times I'd have to be absent due to panic attacks and overwhelming anxiety. The Prozac has made everyday life so much more bearable for me. I no longer feel repressed by my anxiety. It's not a 'cure,' but it has helped a ton for me, and I have much hope for the future now. In addition, it is also helpful with my mood."

9 / 10
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172 Report
  • stres...
  • December 29, 2009

"I have always been a huge stressor ever since I had my first son. I was 17, and after I had him, I suffered from postpartum depression. I would cry all the time and started suffering from panic attacks shortly after. I did not try antidepressants until I was about 22, then started Zoloft. It took an edge off but no relief of anxiety. Today I am 32, still a sufferer of stress and depression. Been taking Prozac 20mg for 5 months - huge difference. My husband says he can tell. I don't have outbursts, and I only cry when I should, not at the drop of a hat. I try not to stress over little things and just had the best Christmas ever because I did not think of suicide like I have in the past. I was actually happy and thankful to be here."

7 / 10
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217 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.