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Doxycycline User Reviews & Ratings (Page 3)

Brand names: Vibramycin, Monodox, Doxy 100, Doryx, Oracea, Adoxa, Doryx MPC, Morgidox, Avidoxy, Uracil, Targadox, Mondoxyne NL, Acticlate, Doxy-D, Oraxyl, Doxy-Caps, Alodox, Adoxa Pak, Adoxa TT, Adoxa CK, LymePak Okebo Doxy 200 …show all brand names

Doxycycline has an average rating of 6.5 out of 10 from a total of 1,616 reviews on 50% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 26% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Doxycycline

  • smart...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 2, 2017

For Urinary Tract Infection "Started taking these at lunchtime. By nighttime, the pain I previously experienced in my urinary tract had subsided a great deal. Had me cured by the end of my treatment. Didn't experience any headaches or stomach problems. Top notch."

10 / 10
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99 Report
  • Sara
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 23, 2020

For Acne "I've been on this medication, doxycycline, for almost 4 months. The side effects were pretty brutal at the beginning (nausea, vomiting, light sensitivity), but now my body has adjusted to the medication. I have seen a major improvement in my skin. I'm not getting any breakouts or big pimples like I used to get before I started this medication. I'm taking this medication along with clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide, this combination has been great. Right now, I only have a few bumps on my forehead. I recommend eating before taking this medication, though :P"

8 / 10
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61 Report
  • Aly...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 30, 2017

For Lyme Disease "I'm 24 years old. When I was only 4, I started experiencing crazy symptoms. Constant eye twitching, joint pain everywhere (especially my hands). It wasn't until I turned 22 that a doctor thought to test me for Lyme Disease! After almost 20 years of searching for a diagnosis and treatment, I was immediately started on Doxy (100mg twice daily for a month) and referred to an infectious disease doctor. I didn't even make it three days on the Doxy because of the Herxheimer reaction! I wanted to die! I was then switched to a different antibiotic and again, only made it a few days on it because of how unbearable it was. A year later, and I'm trying the Doxy again. Only two days in and I feel like I'm dying. Whoever thinks Chronic Lyme isn't real, let me infect you and not get treated for years. Then let's see what you think!"

7 / 10
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95 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • scass
  • December 23, 2019

For Acne "About 8 months ago, my skin suddenly went from clear to having huge, painful hormonal breakouts. My doctor recommended doxycycline, so I started taking it. It took around 2 (very frustrating) months to start seeing a difference, but ever since then my skin has cleared up. I still occasionally get breakouts, but from things other than hormones (diet, not washing my face, etc.). Reading through these reviews, this doesn’t work for everyone, but I recommend at least trying it, especially if you are dealing with hormonal cystic acne. Things I’ve learned: - Don’t take it before lying down - Don’t take it on an empty stomach - Take it with a large glass of water and eat afterwards - From extensive internet research, it seems like doxycycline normally takes 8-10 weeks before you start seeing a difference and 12 before the full effects - Works best when combined with Differin gel (available at a drugstore without a prescription), moisturizer, and a gentle cleanser."

9 / 10
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69 Report
  • Anony...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 16, 2019

For Lyme Disease "I started feeling really bad and went to the doctor and just happened to remember taking a tick off me, so I asked them about it. After blood work, tested positive for Lyme and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. I have taken 2 rounds of doxycycline and still testing positive for it. I have now gotten to where all I want to do is sleep and my whole body hurts, and is so weak that I literally cannot stand sometimes. I don't know what they will do next but already have diabetes and heart problems so I hope they figure something out soon. For anyone who thinks it is no big deal, this is completely different than just being tired, it's almost like being paralyzed. Even with all my other medical issues I have always been able to push myself to go, but I can't seem to do that with this. I'm afraid the longer I have it the more damage it's going to do."

5 / 10
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70 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Doctor
  • September 3, 2020

For Acne "I am a doctor and took doxycycline 100 mg for acne on my face and back. It works and clears up the skin in about two weeks. However, a major complaint is that it causes skin darkening/hyperpigmentation. I have a brown complexion and spend less than 5 minutes a day in the sun, but still turned several shades darker after just three weeks of taking it."

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59 Report
  • momof...
  • August 4, 2014

Monodox (doxycycline) for Acne "My 15-year-old daughter started on this 2.5 weeks ago. Week 1, we saw no change. Week 2, the acne was significantly worse (the medicine paper warns that this may happen). As soon as Week 3 started, like magic, her face started to clear. We are happy with the results and hopeful for continued improvement."

9 / 10
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117 Report

More FAQ

  • Vonnie
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 30, 2020

For Upper Respiratory Tract Infection "Been poorly for 4 weeks. I have COPD and usually have a rescue pack containing steroids and doxycycline. With all this COVID about, docs wouldn’t give me a rescue pack until I got a COVID test, which came back negative. So it was nearly a week into being poorly. I finally got doxycycline, but no steroids. They cleared my upper tract infection, but days later it came back, so docs have now finally given me steroids and more doxycycline, but a ten-day course instead of seven days. I’m praying I finally get rid of this nasty infection as I feel so drained. Think the moral of my story, if I had the rescue pack in at the start of the infection, I wouldn’t have been as poorly as I have been. I’ve always had a rescue pack at hand for my COPD of steroids and doxycycline and felt better soon after taking them. Amoxicillin didn’t help at all."

10 / 10
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56 Report
  • Bumbo...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 20, 2017

For Lyme Disease "Over 10 years of Lyme, started having serious neurological symptoms (difficulty speaking, memory loss, tremor, vertigo, and feeling of going crazy). Started a protocol of: - continuously: 2x200mg daily of doxycycline - a month of '4 days on / 3 days off' of 1x500mg azithromycin, then - a month of '5 days on / 2 days off' of 500mg tinidazole - after each month: 5 days of 100mg fluconazole - repeat - continuously: lots of probiotics, healthy diet, and vitamin supplements. I'm starting the 4th month, feeling *much* better (though symptoms return periodically, milder though). First 2 months were very harsh (feeling worse, sweating like crazy, sleepless, and anxious). People advocating against long-term antibiotics haven't experienced real Lyme."

9 / 10
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90 Report
  • night...
  • September 23, 2019

For Bacterial Infection "I was prescribed doxycycline because of an allergy to penicillins. I did have a headache from this. My infection is better, I had some crusting sores that had not been healing, but they are now better. Also, a couple of sore teeth are no longer sore. I read up on how to take it as I wanted it to work—be sure not to eat for 2 hours before or an hour after for best absorption. Drink 8 oz of water with it, this does help to wash it down and with any stomach issues afterward. Don't lie down for at least 30 minutes after, preferably for up to an hour after, as it can cause esophageal irritation if you lie down. If you take any supplements containing calcium or magnesium, take those several hours after your last dose of doxycycline as they interfere with it. If you feel a little queasy after taking it, drink more water and wait a bit before trying food as a remedy."

8 / 10
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65 Report
  • Dinaxo
  • October 30, 2014

For Acne "I've been taking Doxycycline 50 mg once a day for my acne for about 3 weeks now and I'm finally seeing results. My skin is looking so good and better than ever. I'm so happy I can cry. The first 2 weeks seemed to almost make it worse but I didn't give up and I'm glad I didn't. I recommend it!"

8 / 10
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108 Report
  • Sab
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 16, 2020

Acticlate (doxycycline) for Acne "DO NOT TAKE THIS. I was prescribed Acticlate in 2015 and took it for about a month for my acne. It gave me permanent blind spots. It’s been 5 years, and they’re still present. I have read about other people to whom this has happened. Look up “doxycycline blindness.” Obviously, medications are different for everyone, but I was perfectly healthy and not expecting to go blind."

1 / 10
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58 Report
  • debbie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 10, 2019

For Bacterial Infection "I went to a walk-in clinic for a sinus infection. I was given this medication, doxycycline, for the first time. I will never accept a prescription for it again. On antibiotics, I usually feel better in a day or two. On doxycycline, it took at least a week before symptoms started to clear up. I have been tired and had a severe headache since I got the medication. My body hurts, and I still have the infection. I have taken the medication for eight days. I am not taking it the last two days, the pressure in my head is so bad I'm afraid it may give me a stroke. I have no idea why the walk-in clinic gave me this medication if the side effects are so bad. But I took it, but never again."

3 / 10
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63 Report
  • Allma...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 16, 2020

For Bacterial Infection "Cat scratch fever is not just a Ted Nugent song, I got it, and it sucks. This medicine definitely works, and fast in my case. HUGE NEGATIVE is I cannot stomach the doxycycline. I am constantly nauseous, I eat breakfast before my morning dose, lots of water, and still suffer extreme nausea. After day 2, I was struggling to eat breakfast. I'm trying to stick it out 4 more days, but I'm struggling."

8 / 10
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57 Report
  • LisaK
  • October 13, 2014

For Upper Respiratory Tract Infection "I've been taking Doxycycline for a few days now for bronchitis/pneumonia. I take it twice a day. The dose in the morning makes me nauseous, and I vomited once. Other than the extreme list of interactions with food and other medications, I would take it again for my illness. It's potent and so far seems to be clearing up my lungs and sinuses!"

10 / 10
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105 Report
  • Gigis...
  • July 12, 2013

For Lyme Disease "I found a bright red rash on my arm after planting some flowers and vegetables in my yard. I thought at first it was a yellow jacket sting, but I never felt it. By after a few days, my arm began to hurt, and the rash spread. Not a true bull's-eye though. My doctor saw me from across the crowded waiting room and pointed to me and said Lyme. I was prescribed Doxycycline 100mg 2x a day for 14 days. I was unable to take this medicine on an empty stomach because I had severe nausea and diarrhea but didn't want to reduce the effectiveness, so I ate a little something. It made me sleepy and sometimes anxious and sometimes dizzy but not enough to stop the medicines. I pray this Lyme disease is gone for good."

9 / 10
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113 Report
  • Dying
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 18, 2019

For Bacterial Infection "Initially was prescribed an antibiotic that interacted negatively with a drug I already take. Was then prescribed doxy. Tried to be optimistic as I was really sick with a chest infection, I believe bronchitis, the doctor didn't really seem to know. That should have been my first clue. Anyway, my first sign was my lips got really puffy. Then it felt like I was being choked. Keep in mind I already can't breathe from my illness! I made it through the night, but the next day the stomach pain starts. Bowels working as normal. I take 4 pills total before it gets to my mind. I feel so jittery that I can't stand myself. Anyway, I am giving up, I can't take anymore. I'm literally sitting here waiting for it to leave my system. It seems dramatic, but I feel like I'm dying. Hate this medication!!"

2 / 10
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61 Report
  • Eliza...
  • July 6, 2016

For Urinary Tract Infection "I battled a nasty UTI for over a month & went through 3 different antibiotics till my doctor finally gave me this one. Makes you terribly sick to your stomach but in the end is completely worth it!! Felt completely back to normal in 2 days!!"

7 / 10
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89 Report
  • bigjo...
  • March 6, 2009

For Bacterial Infection "I've been sick for 3 years with a sinus infection, bacterial infection, middle ear infection, respiratory infection and so on - (was working in the drains) - couldn't get rid of it. Have taken 400 prescribed tablets from the doctors to date (with proof), not including all the over-the-counter ones I got myself (another 300-400). Anyway, to cut a long story short, I have been on these doxycycline tablets for 2 weeks now (100mg a day) and am feeling a lot better. It's breaking down all the mucus, etc. I can smell again now, so if you have a massive sinus infection, GET THIS - IT WORKS."

10 / 10
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143 Report
  • greg
  • August 18, 2020

For Upper Respiratory Tract Infection "I had been coughing for over a week nonstop, so much that I vomited. Took 2 the first day, within hours, my chest had cleared 90%. No side effects yet, but even if I get some, it is nothing compared to the chest infection. It's a wonder drug."

10 / 10
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52 Report
  • Starrr
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 17, 2014

For Bacterial Infection "This is the only medication that actually can clear the infections I get in my jaw and teeth. It works fast and really well, but the side effects can be unbearable at times. Extreme nausea and vomiting are the worst. The only way I've found to sometimes help with the vomiting is to take it with a meal, which works most of the time, but not always."

10 / 10
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100 Report
  • zombri
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 24, 2020

For Acne "I used doxycycline off and on for about 2 years. Each time it would help my skin, but when I stopped taking it, my face would break out in horrible, cystic acne. I stopped taking it about a week ago once again. Broke out all around my nose, chin, forehead, and cheek area with painful acne. Not going to use this drug anymore."

2 / 10
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55 Report
  • alex
  • November 10, 2019

For Bacterial Infection "I told the P.A. that I was on my last pill for Zithromax. She told me that I need to stop taking it and start taking this poisonous ATB (doxycycline). After the first pill, I started experiencing diarrhea, the second time, it got worse that I had to go to the bathroom every 15 mins during the night. I was physically and mentally drained the next day, but forced myself to work. To make matters worse, my respiratory infection exacerbated and developed a hoarse voice. It has been 3 days since I took the 2nd pill and I'm still going to the bathroom every 20 mins. Yesterday I took Lomotil to control the urge for when I was at work. I ate lots of bananas, white rice, etc., but to no avail. Now my anus is so irritated. Whoever prescribed this for bacterial infection should be told they have violated their oath of 'DO NO HARM!'"

1 / 10
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56 Report
  • Janci...
  • June 19, 2018

For Lyme Disease "I am a 55-year-old woman and was prescribed doxycycline hyclate 100 mg for Lyme disease. I took it twice a day for 30 days. During the last week of treatment, I noticed how I started to feel depressed: I found everything and everyone to be irritating, and I just wanted to be left alone. Yesterday was my first day without the medication, and I spent the most awful night of my life: I experienced vivid suicidal thoughts, was contemplating ways to end my life, and even wrote a letter to my children. The next day, I browsed the Internet and noticed I was not alone! I feel the company should absolutely list suicidal thoughts as a side effect of their drug, not only for adolescents but for adults also. This way, family members and doctors could be warned and keep a close eye on every person to whom this drug is prescribed. If you've experienced suicidal thoughts while using this medication."

7 / 10
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67 Report
  • Sonja
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 14, 2021

For Chlamydia Infection "Before taking doxycycline, my symptoms were not really showing as much, but as soon as the third day hit, my symptoms got worse and now it’s more discharge and feeling very hot. I hope it works, I have to take it for 7 days, twice a day, and I’m on day 6."

7 / 10
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40 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.