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Atenolol for Supraventricular Tachycardia User Reviews

Brand names: Tenormin

Atenolol has an average rating of 7.7 out of 10 from a total of 24 reviews for the off-label treatment of Supraventricular Tachycardia. 71% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 17% reported a negative experience.

Atenolol rating summary

7.7 average rating out of 10

24 ratings from 24 user reviews.

Compare all 60 medications used in the treatment of Supraventricular Tachycardia.


Reviews for Atenolol

  • Dolly...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 26, 2019

"This medication has been great! I wish I hadn't been so resistant. I have had NO side effects, and I've been taking it for about 9 months now. It has significantly reduced my episodes of palpitations, and when I do have an episode, it is only seconds or minutes. No more hour-long episodes or trips to the ER! As a benefit, my blood pressure, which was starting to veer on the higher end, is now completely normal since I've been taking atenolol! My Dr. had been pressuring me to have the ablation procedure, but I wasn't comfortable with that. I wanted to try this first. I am on a very low dose. I only take 1/2 of a 25 mg pill daily. He told me I could take a full pill, but usually, 1/2 is all I need. I highly recommend atenolol! I gave it 9 instead of 10 stars only because it's a hassle to cut it. I wish they'd come out with 12 1/2 mg pills."

9 / 10
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43 Report
  • Trace
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • November 26, 2018

Tenormin (atenolol) "Been taking Atenolol for 27 years for SVT. I take 50 mg twice daily. The only side effect is cold hands and feet for me. This drug has helped me more than any I've taken. In the beginning, it made me very tired and my heart rate was in the 50s, but it takes a bit of time for side effects to wear off."

10 / 10
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38 Report
  • shanr...
  • July 4, 2014

"Thought I lost my bottle of atenolol. I went 2 days without it, oh boy, didn't let me sleep at night, and my heart rate was so fast. Found it this morning, it's like a magic pill. All my symptoms went away, can't go without it for a day."

10 / 10
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45 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Tracy
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • September 10, 2019

"I have been taking atenolol over 28 years. I started out on 25 mg daily and have increased to 50 mg twice daily over the past few years. I take it for SVT and it helps tremendously with no side effects."

10 / 10
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25 Report
  • Vic
  • December 11, 2020

"I have been taking atenolol about a year now (for SVT) & am very sensitive to medicines (as is 10% of the population). I was prescribed 25mg 1/day & it made me feel real dizzy & almost a bit tipsy, also had pain in toes (probably a lack of circulation from a slower heart rate) even a 12.5mg dose made me feel that way, so I have found that 1/4 -of a tablet-6.25mg 1/day works well for me (the tablets aren’t time release or coated so can be cut, even though it’s a bit hard to get precise even cuts-Drs won’t tell you this & mine was a bit perturbed that I lowered my dose but I know my own body better than they do & prefer to take the lowest dose that works best for me....less side effects that way too.) If I miss more than a day, I notice my tachycardia coming back. This medication controls that well. The only downside is that it seems to make me tired & gives me brain fog-I am very forgetful on this medicine. This medication is also very affordable."

9 / 10
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20 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Kwissay
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 18, 2018

"My cardiologist prescribed one-half of the 25 mg. atenolol pill for premature ventricular complexes, which started occurring post-ablation for SVT (supraventricular tachycardia). I find this medication to be very effective in keeping me calm, and my blood pressure nice and low. It has no negative side effects. I feel the extra benefit of this med is the calm I experience. It is so nice to not react rashly in certain situations. Yeah for atenolol!!!"

10 / 10
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25 Report
  • Wizard
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • August 20, 2019

"I was diagnosed with SVT in 1992. I was prescribed 50mg Atenolol. My problems were completely gone. I dropped to 25Mg in 2001 and have been on 25Mg since. I know when I have missed my pill. I call it "funny feeling in my chest". The first thing I do is make sure I took my pill. It is "My little friend". I take it with 40Mg of Lipitor and 60 Mg of Cymbalta. Also 81Mg asprin, Zytec, 1200Mg Fish Oil, B-Complex and Areds 2 for my eyes. Absolutely no problems or side effects. "

10 / 10
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20 Report
  • Sjluv
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 9, 2024

"I’ve always had really bad tachycardia and POTS. The first time I went to the cardiologist, my resting heart rate was 140. Since starting atenolol, my resting heart rate has remained in the 80s. POTS is a condition in which your blood pressure drops drastically when you go from sitting to standing. The first time I stood up in the cardiologist's office, my blood pressure dropped almost 50 points on top and 30 points on the bottom. Last time we tried it, it only dropped 3 points. It’s also a cheap medication and has been a lifesaver for me. I owe my life to this medication and wouldn’t be able to function without it."

10 / 10
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3 Report
  • Acadia
  • October 16, 2020

"I was on Atenolol for SVT for 29 years was taking 100mg twice a day and was doing great. My Cardiologist took me off the Atenolol because my BP dropped so low. I tried to explain that I had a stomach bleed and was transfused with 3 pints of blood so maybe that is why I am low. But he switched my Atenolol to Zebeta Fum 6mg for the SVT which caused my SVT to increase. Now he has me taking Diltiazem 120 mg daily. I also have A-Fib and have been in the ER 2 times this week with a heart rate at 230 and a BP of 210 over 160. I think I want my Atenolol 100mg 2Xday back. If you are on Atenolol and do not have side effects would recommend you stay on it. I never had a problem with this med like I seem to be having now."

10 / 10
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13 Report
  • Lanac...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 31, 2017

"I have had inappropriate sinus tachycardia for almost 4 years and have been on atenolol for almost 2 years! I don’t know how I survived before without my atenolol pill! My heart rate used to get up to 180-190 everyday and one time it lasted 6 hours and the doctors gave me atenolol and it worked great and has worked ever since! I do sometimes get dizzy if my blood pressure gets too low but I just eat salt if it does. I rate this medicine an 9/10 because it keeps my heart rate very normal, around 65-79 now but also gives me the low blood pressure feeling."

9 / 10
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19 Report
  • Obed
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 30, 2019

"I am an older teenager who has used atenolol before for supraventricular tachycardia but stopped because of an ablation, which was unsuccessful so I am taking it again. This time though it seems to be working less efficiently. My heart seems to feel like it's going to go into palpitations but it doesn't."

7 / 10
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14 Report
  • TJano
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 29, 2019

Tenormin (atenolol) "I took Tenormin for one year and it always reduced my heart rate and also blood pressure which was very useful. Towards the end of the one year of treatment I suffered strange artefacts in my visual field, swelling of the face, dyspnea, swollen hands, etc., and the side-effects were similar to pseudo lupus."

4 / 10
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14 Report
  • Nochka
  • January 15, 2017

"This drug was awful for me, I was on it 7/8 years ago when I was 13/14. I have always had normal/low blood pressure, reading sometimes normal of 120/80 but sometimes 90/60. My cardiologist put me on 25MG of Atenolol because my heart rate would reach max super quickly during exercise. I was on it for a couple of weeks before beginning to feel symptoms. I couldn't stand up without fading out. The worst part for me is that it gave me deeply disturbing intrusive suicidal thoughts that seemed to come from nowhere. I was extremely depressed and cried a lot. When I told my cardiologist of my symptoms, he doubled my dosage and put me on 50MG. I slowly weaned myself off because I couldn't take it anymore."

1 / 10
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18 Report
  • scent...
  • July 27, 2015

Tenormin (atenolol) "I've been taking this medication since Mar 2015. Started out on 75mg a day and found the side affects were horrible. Tiredness, dizziness.It just became to much and couldn't function. Doctor drop it to 50mg a day and my heart beat drops below 50bpm which is scary and blood pressure drops."

5 / 10
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20 Report
  • Happy...
  • July 5, 2011

"I have been on 25mg daily for 8 years and have not had a single episode. Heart rate is 68-72 bpm. Missed a dose once and became very sick with high blood pressure 186/107. Need to consult with physician to stop taking it. I'm on this for life so no worries."

10 / 10
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25 Report
  • Starr...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 5, 2020

Tenormin (atenolol) "I have arrhythmia and this week I’ve had 2 tachycardia episodes over 200bpm. They prescribed me this medicine Tenormin to help with heart rate stabilization. I was pleased to find that it kept my heart rate between 65-80 all day and it also helped keep me calm. My issue is that this drug should NOT be taken if you have asthma. About 3 hours after I took the first dose, I had a bad asthma attack and had to take my rescue inhaler. It opened me up again, but the rest of the day I had a tight/sore chest with a raspy cough. I wish the doctor told me this to begin with. The drug work fantastically, but not for asthmatics."

9 / 10
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11 Report
  • Chels...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 15, 2022

"I had high hopes after reading the reviews. I also have frequent PACs and PVCs and my doctor said it would also help those. I also have POTS which this was supposed to help as well. 1, the side effects were awful for me. They luckily didn’t last too long though. 2, I have never had this many PVCs and PACs in my life, and the more I up the dose, the more frequent they are. I’m also having SVT every single day now when I wasn’t having it nearly as frequent before starting atenolol. I also have a lot of chest pain with this med. I’m currently on a low dose of 12.5mg twice a day and it still causes all of these issues. I wish I never started. I want to stop so bad but the doctor doesn’t want to yet even though I’ve given it enough time to work. It’s not working."

1 / 10
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4 Report
  • kwright
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 15, 2022

"It’ll work to lower your pulse and blood pressure, sure. However let me tell you, it took almost a year for me to realize it was making me go BALD. I am a 25 year old female and started noticing my hair line on the sides disappearing. It looks terrible and my once thick hair was super flat now. I called my doctor and he says atenolol is one of the main beta blockers known for hair loss (wish I would’ve been told that before I started). It is now 7 months after I stopped it and I would say I’ve finally had a little bit of grown. Dermatologist diagnosed my hair loss due to the drug as it wasn’t not female pattern baldness, tellogen effluvium, or anything such as that. I’d ask for ANY other pill if you want to keep your hair, it’s been awful looking in a mirror. It take a while before you start to notice."

3 / 10
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  • Mec
  • September 21, 2020

"So, I was diagnosed with SVT while on my teens, I barely noticed every episode as I was a healthy person, however after a few palpitations episodes I started taking it more seriously. Now fast forward 15+ years and an apple watch later I started getting notifications that my rate would go over 120 bpms while resting. I went to different doctors and cardiologist that got me in to metroprolol (apparently better) but it made me gain 20 lbs in about 3 weeks and then back to atenolol, we started with 50mg but at the end he told me to try 100mg just to be safe, since then my BPM stays on the 70's while resting, if I do any exercise or physical activity will go to the 110 - 130, heavy load will get to 160 and by then I'll feel I'm dying :) but still will be able to walk away from it. For me it had a period of adjusting, as my BP was not too high sometimes will drop it too much and that would make me dizzy but as I gained weight I think the BP levelled to the point that the 100mg is right."

9 / 10
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4 Report
  • Vocri...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 2, 2022

"I have successfully taken 12.5-25mg of various generics of atenolol, only as needed, for occasional fast heart-rate for two decades. No brand of atenolol has ever lowered my blood pressure, however. Only slows down my heart beat. But this generic pill, marked D 21 (Aurobindo) recently dispensed for me, is the first atenolol that does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It has no effect on my heart rate, blood pressure - it doesn't even cause the slightest drowsiness as other atenolols always have. It could be simply compressed corn starch or some other such binder with no medication in it at all! Thank goodness I had a small backlog of other generics to use until refill time! ("Time on medication" indicates on this worthless D 21 pill, not on atenolol in general.)"

1 / 10
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3 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 7, 2009

Tenormin (atenolol) "Had severe tachycardia since 2004. I take 50 mg 2x daily, and resting pulse remains below 100 bpm."

9 / 10
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42 Report
  • Mondia
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 18, 2019

"I never had an episode while taking 50 mg / day."

10 / 10
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8 Report
  • Justi...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 18, 2017

Tenormin (atenolol) "After I take 25 mg tenormin and avapro 75mg my heartbeat is better"

9 / 10
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10 Report
  • Misso...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • March 27, 2017

"I have been on atentolol for about 12yrs now. I was wondering how lipitor interacts with it."

9 / 10
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4 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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