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Acetaminophen / codeine for Pain User Reviews

Acetaminophen / codeine has an average rating of 4.4 out of 10 from a total of 194 reviews for the treatment of Pain. 29% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 52% reported a negative experience.

Acetaminophen/codeine rating summary

4.4 average rating out of 10

194 ratings from 202 user reviews.

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Reviews for Acetaminophen / codeine

  • Capt...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 12, 2019

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "Docs are so scared to give pain meds these days. I understand, but damn, if you need them, you need them. I had a spinal fusion and laminectomy, and they gave me T3 (Tylenol with Codeine #3). I mean, really? I'm in pain. Like can't move from my bed kind of pain, and I get T3. What has happened to the world."

1 / 10
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193 Report
  • Rebel
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 17, 2020

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "My wisdom tooth came in and shattered, and I've been in immense pain. I was prescribed Tylenol 3, and it doesn't take the pain away, it doesn't even take the edge off. I just want to scream because it hurts so bad. I can't even close my mouth anymore."

2 / 10
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113 Report
  • Herni...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 10, 2016

Tylenol with Codeine #4 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I have herniated discs in my lower back. I have been on 10mg/325mg Norco 4 times daily for 11 months. All of a sudden, this other pain doctor I was forced to see since mine disappeared put me on T4's, which are complete JUNK! I would rather take nothing at all. I feel like I am just flooding my liver with Tylenol for nothing. The DEA needs to stop threatening doctors with jail and let them do their jobs. I'm sorry, but just because some junkies decided to shoot heroin and die doesn't give them the right to deny me quality healthcare. I AM PISSED because I am in pain! I DON'T WANT TO GET HIGH, I JUST WANT RELIEF!"

1 / 10
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156 Report
  • Ash
  • March 3, 2020

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I am experiencing very bad tooth pain to where I feel like crying. I was prescribed Tylenol #3, so I took it and it did absolutely nothing for my pain. That was a complete waste of my money. I will be going back to taking the Advil and Tylenol combo."

1 / 10
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70 Report
  • My...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 9, 2019

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I had a severe toothache, and my dentist gave me a prescription for this Tylenol with Codeine, not many, but just to ease my pain. It worked miracles. I do not see it as habit forming, but the pain is gone when I take two a day in 6-hour intervals."

9 / 10
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65 Report

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  • Owie
  • July 26, 2019

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "Had two molars extracted today. Prescribed T3s for pain. May as well take children's aspirin. Hurting horribly right now. I had 4 children with no pain meds. I know pain, and T3s do nothing for me. Damn."

1 / 10
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62 Report
  • Shocked...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 19, 2016

Tylenol with Codeine #4 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I was given Tylenol #3 initially for a severe injury. It had no effect on the pain. I revisited the issue with my doctor and was put on Tylenol #4. At supposedly double the narcotic in the tablet, I was shocked at how little the pain reliever accomplished. However, a cough I'd had with a cold was lessened, which was not useful in the purpose of pain relief. I decided to be frank with my doctor and ask why I was being given such a low dose/ineffective pain relief for something as serious as my injury, especially given that I have no history of drug abuse. Fear of the DEA was the answer I finally received after pushing past much circular logic dissuasion from my doctor. The DEA is the reason my pain is not being managed. This is a travesty."

3 / 10
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72 Report
  • Jewel...
  • July 13, 2015

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "My lower left teeth were in pain and my left jaw became swollen. I was in terrible pain and went to my dentist for an emergency. Turns out I had an infection. I was prescribed Tylenol 3 for pain and boy did it work wonders. Also, the codeine helped to relax me from the facial pain. I recommend this to anyone who, like myself, doesn't take pills on a regular basis. Some people have a tolerance to low-dose pain medications, so I think this is why Tylenol 3 gets the shaft from heavy pill takers."

8 / 10
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79 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 25, 2019

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I have a dry socket from the right lower molar extraction and was prescribed this medication for the severe pain. This pain is unbearable, and Tylenol with codeine does nothing for it. If I could give this a 0, I would. I don’t know why this is still on the market, Advil did more for me."

1 / 10
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46 Report
  • Zegota
  • June 14, 2018

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "First, I must let you know I have a congenital disability that has become more severe in pain at my age of sixty-seven. I am somewhat more concerned over my pain medication, which has today become a much more challenging issue in obtaining. Anyway, it is almost impossible for me to obtain good pain medication without jumping through many hoops, which I am sure some of you are now experiencing. Boy, would I love to discuss that issue with you. Anyway, I have found that Tylenol with Codeine #3 is somewhat easy for me to get a prescription for, and it will work well with my Methadone I am now on for pain. So, sure, I do believe Tylenol with Codeine is a good choice, it is very affordable, and for us with pain, it is for now. Somewhat less challenging to get our hands on, I just wish the medical model and those in control of our pain medication understood they are actually harming us with severe pain. We don't sell our medication because we need every pill...good luck, friends."

8 / 10
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51 Report
  • Jojo
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 1, 2019

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I was prescribed Tylenol with codeine T3 for a bad toothache that I’ve been having. It was due to a cavity deep in my tooth which was a root canal. It stopped hurting after a couple of minutes, and the pain isn’t on the tooth anymore, so relieved!!"

9 / 10
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45 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 8, 2011

Tylenol with Codeine #4 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I use Tylenol #4 for moderate abdominal pain caused by endometriosis. This medication doesn't completely stop the pain but makes it easier to function normally. The best thing about it is it starts working so quickly after I take it. Other medications I have tried, like Vicodin, do not work as quickly or effectively."

9 / 10
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85 Report
  • Becca
  • February 20, 2018

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I have a cavity that is deep into the root of my tooth that is causing me a lot of pain. Went to the dentist, and they are going to end up pulling it. But in the meantime, they gave me Tylenol with codeine, and it won't even touch the pain!"

1 / 10
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45 Report
  • Manny
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 26, 2019

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I have been on pain medicine for about 2 decades due to pain caused by a motorbike crash. Broke my leg in three parts and crushed ankle, etc. At first, they put me on many pain medicines like morphine, oxy, and many others, but I got very addicted to them due to my severe pain. So my doctors started cutting down slowly, and they started using Tylenol 3 and therapy. So now it has been over two decades, and I am taking 6 Tylenol 3 a day with therapy. I am doing okay. I have to admit there are days that I have severe pain that Tylenol 3 relieves a little. My advice for you out there that will have to take painkillers (that is what I call them) for a very long time, before you would get out of control with them, go for therapy to know how to have self-control over them."

9 / 10
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37 Report
  • kelre...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 6, 2017

Tylenol with Codeine #4 (acetaminophen / codeine) "My discs are degenerative, and I had back surgery 20 years ago that failed. At the time, I was given 2 T-4's every 4 hours. That made working almost tolerable. Long story short, 2 surgeries later, and I am prescribed a T-4 every 6 hours. I am in chronic pain and will be (most likely) and have no life due to it. Since the DEA now prescribes for me, I guess I will just have to shrivel up and die. Having raised a teenaged son, Norco's were quite popular 9 years ago, and that's what has contributed to this travesty. I do not deny there are drug seekers, however, I am on disability at 56 because I cannot get enough relief to be a dependable worker anymore, and it is, quite literally, killing me slowly."

6 / 10
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50 Report
  • BreeB
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 27, 2014

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "My husband and I suffered the loss of our baby (7/2/14), and I needed a D&C the following day due to severe blood loss. I was on Percocet 5/325's for 1 week and then lowered to Vicodin 5/325's. I went to my FP, and he prescribed Tylenol 3's for my menstrual cramps. He said to take it with 3-4 ibuprofen. Tylenol 3's hardly ever work for me. When taken in combination together, they work great."

10 / 10
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58 Report
  • Adam4x
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 10, 2020

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "Prescribed Tylenol with codeine for pain following tooth extraction. Made me feel buzzed, but did nothing about the pain. Do not take it and drive or use machinery. I thought it might help me sleep, but before I could fall asleep, I started itching really bad, so no, not good for that either. It's really a waste of money."

1 / 10
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32 Report
  • Tooth...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 17, 2019

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I got all four wisdom teeth out two days ago and was prescribed this medication by the specialist I saw. The actual procedure went well, but as soon as I got home (about an hour post-op), the throbbing pain in my upper and lower jaw began. I was unable to sleep the first few hours, then slept for about two during the night. The second day was worse, I wasn’t able to sleep at all, and the second night I began throwing up. I am awake now, in pain on the third day. Switching to normal Advil to hopefully get some pain relief. :("

2 / 10
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33 Report
  • daily...
  • August 10, 2013

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I use several narcotics for the daily chronic pain I suffer from. Also, I have glaucoma and uveitis, which is an eye disease I also suffer from. When I run out of my Vicodin, I use Tylenol 3 until I get my script filled. I think it works great. Love my Tylenol 3. With a daughter with special needs, I need my pain controlled."

10 / 10
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56 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 13, 2011

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I have suffered from chronic joint pain my entire life. After trying almost every non-narcotic option there is, I finally was prescribed Tylenol #3. I had been given Vicodin in the past by an NP (despite not really wanting it) and had not found it to be effective. The codeine, though, has made a huge difference. I haven't had any of the negative effects with it (stomach pain, dizziness, etc.), but have gotten a huge amount of pain relief. It isn't extremely strong, it won't take me from a 10 to a 0, but it will get me to a bearable 1 or 2."

9 / 10
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59 Report
  • Patient...
  • January 20, 2016

Tylenol with Codeine #4 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I was given the Tylenol w/ Codeine #4 (300/60 mg) tabs to use as an extra pain medication for the pain I had in my ankle from the screws about 3 months after my surgery. The Tylenol #4 didn't even make a dent in the pain relief. And in fact, 600 mg of Advil helped far more effectively than the Tylenol #4."

1 / 10
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40 Report
  • Fissure
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 27, 2024

"Fantastic! My doctor went from 'sick' to 'on vacation' without helping me. I called the chemist listed off the 6+ drugs I have tried: loperamide, simethicone, pramoxine, betaderm/clotrimaderm 1:1, amitriptyline, senekot, witch hazel, phenylephrine, and more. The only thing that relieved the pain completely was a tiny dose of fentanyl at the hospital during a scope. The drug stores ran out of pramoxine. I turned to the 8mg tablets. I told the chemist I was taking the smallest dose possible: 16mg-8mg-24mg daily. The caffeine sucks, it gives me jitters. Now I have to wait for my doctor to come back from vacation. Weeks after my prescription has been gone. In 2 weeks, they're going to keep saying: 'Addiction.' They will give me nothing, I'll go back to the worst area of the city to get T1's again. Everything in the past year has been very expensive and not helpful. The chemist said: 'No, you don't sound like a drug seeker.' I'm dying. It's IBS, cortisol, little sleep, anxiety. Help!"

6 / 10
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1 Report
  • BenF
  • May 25, 2010

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I suffer from chronic hip pain for several years now and have been prescribed a variety of narcotics to manage my pain. I must say that Tylenol #3 (2 pills every 4-6 hours as needed) provides enough relief to get me through the bad days and not feel 'doped up' so I can still function at work."

8 / 10
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57 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 12, 2017

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I have had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed 2 days ago. To deal with the pain after my numbing injections wore off, I was prescribed Tylenol 3. When I got home, the pain from the operation was already starting to kick in, so I took one at 5 pm (which was when I got home) in hope of relieving my pain before trying to get to bed. I sat there in pain for the next 12 hrs, taking another pill every 4 hrs, and not a single bit of pain relief or drowsiness came to my aid."

1 / 10
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34 Report
  • Chris...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 9, 2018

Tylenol with Codeine #3 (acetaminophen / codeine) "I had two root canals done two days ago. I was prescribed ibuprofen 800 for pain and an antibiotic. I am in so much pain from one of the teeth. My whole mouth, jaw and ear hurt. I’m in agony. I called for a better painkiller and got Tylenol 3 with codeine. It’s not working at all. It’s Sunday so I have to wait until tomorrow. I thought Tylenol 3 would help but it’s not"

1 / 10
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27 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.