It's been happening quite a lot lately, especially when I lay down, and then I can't go to sleep. I've had fluttering, and can feel it beat all over. It reminds me of when I used to run, and afterwards, I could feel the blood flow throughout my legs, thumpety bump bump. Does this happen to anyone else, and what would cause this? StarGlitter
Do you ever feel your heart beating all over your chest, neck, and arms?
Question posted by StarGlitter on 1 Feb 2016
Last updated on 2 February 2016 by isitmeorthepain
But my heart does not beat faster, it's normally 60-70 bpm, and I have no pain.
5 Answers
StarGlitter have you had a recent EKG? A picture of the electrical conductions in your heart. It could be an irregular rhythm. Some people with A-Fib come into the ER reporting feelings of panicking, anxiety, Short of breath. Feeling hot in their face. You should at the least rule out any arrhythmias. Hope all goes well for you.
Yes, Star; I agree this is just your anxiety and kind of a panic attack most the time I just try and lay there and breath in and out very slowly put your hand on your lower part of your stomach so you can see it is going up and down.Which means you are breathing deep and slow. Many times what brings this on is we are only breathing shallow using the top of our lungs so by doing the real deep and slow you are doing a relaxing technique to help calm your self down.It's worth a try.
If your heart rate is normal then don't worry. It's normal to feel your heart beat from everywhere on your body. Anxiety make you focus on that and the more you think about it and the more you feel your heart beat. It's very common for someone with an anxiety disorder to feel that way. We are hypervigileant to all the small things that happen in our body.
I feel my heart beat even in my feet, legs, arms and even behind my head. I can even tell you what is my exact heart rate without the need to take it on my wrist, I just have to sit and since I feel all my heart beat very loud all the time in my chest, I just have to count them for 15 seconds and multiply the number by 4... My heart is my main source of anxiety, I always fear to have a heart attack or something else bad related to my heart.
So try to relax and think about something else, I know it's not easy. If you are healthy then you worry for nothing.
Hi StarGlitter-
I had this also but like you only after I had exercised. I can also get it when my anxiety and blood pressure go up, I feel it in upper body only. I would suggest you talk to your doc about it since you feel your heart is fluttering. I have found that anxiety can cause all kinds of weird symptoms and so can the meds they treat it with. Hope you find an answer soon :)
Yes it's totally normal. Anxiety increase the adrenaline release and cortisol so the heart beat faster and louder. I have the same symptoms all the time and also have more heart related symptoms like chronic chest pain, arrhythmia, tachycardia especially when standing and also exercise intolerance. I have panic disorder with agoraphobia, general anxiety, social phobia and somatosation disorder as well so my heart is under a lot of stress. If it became a problem to you, maybe ask your doctor about a low dose of beta blocker drug like propranolol, it will block the effect of the adrenaline on the heart.
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panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, heart, chest, neck
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