Xanax: Is it possible to skip my nightly dose of Xanax (1 mg.) to go to a party and drink alcohol?
Question posted by Lo134 on 23 May 2013
Last updated on 28 April 2015
I understand how dangerous it is to mix Xanax and alcohol, so of course I would never even attempt it. I have been on 1 mg. Xanax for 2 years now to help with sleep. I only take it at night, same dose every night before bed. I haven't touched alcohol this entire time since my doc put me on the Xanax. But now that summer's almost here, there will be some great parties where there will be drinking... these parties even go all night at times.
If I were to skip my dose of Xanax for that one night and drink alcohol instead, would I face any withdrawal problems the next day? It's the only reason I'm scared to try it. Again, I would SKIP my dose of Xanax that night, and drink alcohol instead. I only drink beer, but when I do, I can easily drink a 6-pack, although it takes me 5-6 hours to do it. Then I normally eat and go to bed. Since I haven't had a drink in 2 years while I've been on my medication, I have this fear that something will go wrong the next day... possibly panic attack, early withdrawal symptoms, poss. maybe even seizures (?) I used to drink all the time before I was put on Xanax, so it wouldn't be my first experience with alcohol. Just haven't been drinking at all while on my meds. Thanks for any info or advice from someone who actually still goes out and parties while on Xanax (assuming you skip your dose for that night.) Thanks again
Added 23 May 2013:
Thank you everyone for your responses. :) As for drinking 6 beers throughout an entire night, that's just how we do it here. Usually none of us can stop at just one or two....it's either a night of drinking, or no drinking at all. I've never been able to just "have a drink" and then stop...one drink always makes me want more. A few years back, I went to a party, had 2 beers, and then went home and ate. Never felt worse in my whole life. Got a pounding headache (that night!), started shaking all over, and every cell in my body was screaming for more alcohol. Couldn't sleep that night either. That's why I know that when it comes to drinking, it's either all or none. Thanks again for everyone's responses. Last night I cut down my dose of Xanax to .75 mg. It wasn't easy....have a bit of a headache today and it took me a couple hrs. to fall asleep. But I'm thinking maybe if I can lower my dose to .5 and stay there, skipping a night of it to drink wouldn't be that big of a deal. Right now at 1 mg., it might be too much of a change. Thanks again!
Binge drinking isnt good for you either. If you are going to drink, stick to one or two alcoholic beverages and then drink something non alcohol. Drinking 6 beers in one night is binge drinking and the health effects of binge drinking are not good.
Votes: +2
23 May 2013
To say nothing about what the dr Erroll do with any future xanax prescriptions
24 May 2013
Who is Dr. Erroll?
3 Nov 2014
HAAAA you dingus. Nobody binge drinks for the health benefits. duhhhhhh
23 May 2013
It is possible to party without drinking, and who knows you might even remember the next day.
Votes: +3
23 May 2013
23 May 2013
Skipping a dose isn't going to hurt you, but you may experience some rebound anxiety. Do not skip more than a dose though or you land yourself into the possibility of a seizure. Honestly, one milligram Xanax and a few beers isn't going to hurt, it is when you begin to mix larger quantities with alcohol that you run into trouble.