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Would naproxen 500mg help with the pain for kidney stones?

3 Answers

nightarcher 18 April 2011

I was prescribed naproxen as well as another pain killer for kidney stones. Naproxen is effective because it is both a pain killer and an anti inflammatory drug which will reduce swelling in the ureters so that the stones can pass more easily. it wont make a huge difference pain wise but naproxen can safely be mixed with many other pain killers prescribed by your doctor.

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Rajive Goel 18 June 2010

Naproxen is in a class of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It is used to reduce pain, inflammation, and stiffness caused by many conditions, including injury, arthritis, gout, and menstrual cramps, as well as other types of bone, muscle, or tendon pain. It is also combined with other medications in several cold, allergy, and flu products, for kidney stones it would be better if you spoke to your doc. Naproxen would perhaps provide some relief as its used to reduce pain, but kidney stones could be debatable, your doc would give you the correct medication & advice.

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midwestma 17 June 2010

I'm not sure if you've ever had a kidney stone, or if that it what you were given for the kidney stone pain. However, I form stones more often than you could dig up at a quarry. Never would a Naproxen pill take care of the pain, kidney stones can buckle even the strongest person to the ground. I sure hope you're asking for the sake of asking. If it takes care of the pain, I'd be really surprised. Best of luck to you!

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