Ciatic nerve inflamed, sending pain down my right leg, with constant throbbing
Will Flexarill stop severe lower back pain?
Question posted by frog8402 on 12 March 2011
Last updated on 29 May 2013 by julievoss
9 Answers
I have been taking this for at least 5 years on & off. I used to take 20mg at bedtime religiously but found I'm very lethargic & cranky in the morning. I now take 10-20mg a few nights a week, mainly when I know that I can sleep in the next day. Doesn't seem to help at all w/muscle pain, only beneficial in helping me stay asleep. I take high doses of pain meds that aren't working as well as they used to. After all the research I've done on cyclobenzaprine, I'm a little shocked that the doc has kept me on this for so long.
Flexeril can help with lower back pain if it is due to muscle spasm, like others said. I would not jump into surgery too fast. It is misinformation that a herniated disc needs surgery to fix it! Most of the time surgery is NOT necessary in most cases. If you are having progressive numbness in the legs and loss of bowel or bladder control then surgery is definitely indicated. I refuse to let anyone cut on me until it is an absolute last resort! I've seen too many people messed up worse from back surgeries and one back surgery, in many many cases, leads to another. There are some times back surgery is indicated but for the majority of back issues it is not. Bed rest is usually limited to a few days only, a week at very most unless otherwise indicated by a physician. If the pain is primarily due to the sciatic nerve compression the Flexeril probably wont do much and you may want to try gabapentin or Lyrica which work better for nerve pain.
Exercise and gentle stretching,if your physician oks, should be done as much as possible early on. Try strengthening the core muscles in the back and abdomen. These muscles help to support your back and are responsible for most of the holding up of your body. Having these muscles strong helps to take pressure off the spine and helps relieve pain. Educate yourself about the back as much as you can. There are many websites with great information. Try the American Chronic Pain Society, The American Pain Association, The American Pain Foundation, The American Pain Society, The Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, In the Face of Pain, Medline Plus-under back pain, and National Pain Foundation web sites to start with. Learn all you can about the back, how it works, and everything you can do to treat back pain and how to prevent it. If your pain comes and goes and is easily managed, you will be fine with the help of your primary care physician but if the pain is chronic you may want to look into a pain management physician. A good pain management Dr will use different approaches to manage your pain. If they only offer medicines as their only approach, find yourself someone different. Pain should be managed by multidiscipline approach meaning you may see an anesthesiologist, a chiropractor, a physical therapist, a neurologist, a psychiatrist, a massage therapist,a physiatrist etc in combination to manage your pain. For many with sciatic pain epidurals can be quite effective. They usually work best to reduce pain running down the leg more than pain isolated just to the low back.
Welcome to the low back pain club! There are many of us on the site and a great bunch of very supportive people! Do all you can to gain knowledge about your pain and what to do and you will avoid doing something you may regret later. Good Luck to you and keep us posted on how you are doing!
yes it has helped my back !and i have had 4 back surgeries !and flexarill did wonders to help with my pain !of curse now i am on much stonger meds but while i was on flexarill it calmed the muscles down thus causing less pain!
My lower back went out February 5th, adding to my long term nerve damage, fibro, etc. I was leaning over a drawer and it just happened- and when two WEEKS of rest did not fix it, I had an MRI and was found to have a herniated (bulging) L4.
I do find that a muscle relaxer such a flexaril (in my case lorezapam) can help for a short term assistance as the muscles around the disc tend to tense and add to the pain of the disc pushing on the nerve. However I don't think this will work long term. You need to find a way of getting the disc to quiet down and pain or muscle relaxing medication will just treat the symptoms.
I had a cortisone shot directly into the disc on Thursday and so far am finding great relief from it! I am really crossing my fingers as I had surgery on L5 in 2004 that in the long run did not fix a lot and left me with chronic pain.
Dear frog -
about 14 years ago, I had my first bout with back problems. Went to the Dr. and my Dr. told me my pain was due to the buldging disks in my lower back, and the sciatica. I was very lucky to have my Dr.. Without our discussing it, he, OF COURSE could tell I was a drunk and a former addict, so he said, go home, and have bedrest for two weeks with pillows underneath you knees, forming the triangle. I do not remember, but I do not think he gave me anything for pain. Wiseman. It would have cracked wide open my natural inclination to get myself into fixes.
After two weeks, my sciatica and that low back pressure and pain was gone. I was careful with my back - watched my posture. Did not really have any problems til now - with my new, fatter, non-smokin (in both senses) body.
So now, sober from alcohol since 2004, with bodywide bone issues (DJD and Osteoarthritis and possibly Rheumatoid, as well - find out Monday), I am super conservative with meds (at least I think so), and it would take a whole lot of convincing to get me to have surgery. My little brother had multiple back surgeries (like 5 or so) til he got a benefit from the proceedure. So I am real cautious about surgeries. My best freind, as well, had hip replacement and she will have to live with sciatica and other pain from it for the rest of her life. She is not old - just had the rotten luck to have cr@ppy hip joints, and a doctor, it turns out who was dying in a way that effected his brain and judgement and ability to act as a surgeon. Her mobility is limited, and sometimes she uses a cane, or when it is really bad, she has a walker.
So, I , who have had two major surgeries for other issues, am not at all in any hurry to have surgical intervention for bones issues. Instead, I go to PT, I have an application in at the local pool to join the other old ladies in the pool to do arthritis-approved exersizes, I try to walk , but I have a pinched nerve in my frikken big toe that acts up when I walk, I do things in stages with rest periods between (and things do pile up, but it beats surgery), like 5 minutes of dishes, rest five, etc., and, per my Dr. I take Glucosamine, Calcium w/ vitamin D, and this stuff called Calcitrol, and Forteo - all to prevent further deterioration of the rest of me.
For me... the problem with front-loading the pain meds is being anesthatized (sp?) will undoubtedly make me feel like it is a-okay to do all the dishes, rearrange the shelves in the kitchen, and move on to the bathroom, then the laundry, bla, bla, bla, and then when the pill wears off there's hell to pay, because I undoubtably would have done much more than I should have. Pain is there for a reason in this kind of case - to tell you to kick it for a while, and concentrate on getting well. If you have family who can help - like bring you groceries, do chores, run your car around the block - take advantage of it.
Best of luck. Sorry I said so much
Dear Frog - I re-read my entry. I was trying to state where I was, and what I have done - instead of surgery. I am scared of ortho surgery, coz those I know who have had it had problems and complications. What I did not acknowledge is - your pain is a lot more than mine. I hope you didn't feel I was minimizing your experience... that certainly was not my intention.
Good Luck with what ever you do.
An epidural shot might help too, did wonders for me with the same pain.
Frog, if you are having ciatica, it's caused from a slipped disc which usually needs to be surgically repaired. I suffered from the exact same thing. I would have pain shoot across my hip and then down my entire leg. it would hurt so bad I would have to stop walking every few steps. I went to a neurosurgeon and he operated on my back, my disc, and after surgery i felt fine. I was given all kinds of pain med prescriptions for after the surgery, but I didn't take them because I felt fine. You should really get it checked out. I know how miserable it can be. As the others pointed out, flexarill is for muscles not the nerves. NIK
Hi there, I am in the same position with my back no surgery yet. Glad to hear it went well. Can I ask what the name of the surgery was? I had the epidural. No luck. I use flexeril. It's ok. Good with naproxen combo.
Yes I took Flexaril for about a week and it does wonders' of course for the muscles, tension, med to heavy pain in shoulders back and neck... The only drawback is that they have a limited time in which they will prescribe this medication to anyone... example, you would be lucky to be on it for 2 months if that... Highly addictive I've been told, but sometimes I could argue that point until the cows came home... I don't necessarily call it addictive, I call it working!!! It has always made more sense to me to take one pill that will last 12 to 24 hours opposed to 2 every 4... add it up... huh>... you will probably have to switch to something else for the longrun, do your research and maybe see a chiropractor too... Over the counter meds in some respects can be more dangerous to the liver,,kidney's, heart, blood pressure and so on... good luck to you... blaze22
Flexarill will stop severe lower back pain... if it's due to tight muscles. If it's due to spinal problems, then probably not...
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pain, back pain, cyclobenzaprine
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- Cyclobenzaprine uses and safety info
- Cyclobenzaprine prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Cyclobenzaprine (detailed)
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