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Why should Abilify be taken at bedtime ?


lynnette10 18 Dec 2009

I also would recomend taking abilify at bed time. It makes you sooo sleepy. I made the mistake of taking it during the day when it was first prescribed to me and it totally knocked me out but if I take it at night I actually wake up refreshed. That's somthing I could never say before abilify. Good luck.

Votes: +1
sweetsonggirl 15 Nov 2009

You should take Abilify at bed time because one of the most common side effects of the drug is that it makes you sleepy. So it seems natural to take something that makes you sleepy at bed time. You wouldn't take sleeping pills when you get up in the morning, or in the middle of the day at work or school, now would you? Physically and logically, taking Abilify right before bed makes the most sense.
Luckily, Abilify is a medication that you can take without eating food, so you don't to worry about going to sleep with a full stomach. You should however drink at least one full glass of water when you take it though because Abilify can easily dehydrate your body. Also, if you are taking Abilify in pill form, the extra water is needed to dissolve the pill before you swallow.
Hopefully that answers your question, but please let me know if I left anything out that you are curious about. I will always answer to the best of my knowledge.
Best of luck and sweet dreams my friend!

Votes: +3
LYNETTE12 15 Nov 2009

But im also taking 2 ambien at night.this seems like alot. Dont u think

LYNETTE12 16 Nov 2009

I take 2 ambien at bedtime too.thats seem alot with the abilify don't u think?

sweetsonggirl 16 Nov 2009

Hmmm... that does seem like a lot drugs that make you sleepy. Did the same doctor prescribe both drugs? If so, you are probably fine. If not, you should probably talk to your doctor. Perhaps since Abilify makes you sleepy you would be able to go down to taking only one Ambien. All things considered though, I think you are most likely okay taking all three pills at once before you go to bed. I have to take 3 types of drugs a day that make you sleepy and I choose to take them all before bed time for that very reason. So I guess what I am saying is, you are probably fine taking them all at once; but be sure to check with your doctor if you are concerned.

LYNETTE12 16 Nov 2009

I have talked to the nurse but not the doctor.Thank you for taking the time to talk to me. How do know so much about thee issues?

sweetsonggirl 16 Nov 2009

No problemo... I am happy to take the time to answer questions and help people, because so many others have done the same for me.
If the nurse said you are okay, I would agree with her. Still, it never hurts to hear what your doctor says too.
The knowledge that I do have on these issues comes from experience and research. I have had asthma all my life and for the last 5 years I have been dealing with some pretty sever nerve damage, so I am in and out of the doctor's office on a regular basis. Also, I never consume any type of drug or supplement without thoroughly researching it.
I hope you have a good night's sleep.:) free discount card

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