If someone has gained weight taking abilify, how long if at all will it take to start losing the weight once they have stopped using it?
Abilify and weight gain - how long will it take to lose the weight once I stop taking Abilify?
Question posted by sharrr on 26 Sep 2010
Last updated on 7 October 2016
3 Answers
I was without my Abilify for almost a month due to cost. Then found the savings card. Anyway, I sunk into one if worse depression. I lost 10 pounds. When I got back on the weight started to creep up and I was watching my snacks. I think I'll rather out up with a few pounds then what I went through. I say that but it means new clothes.
I agree! The pounds mean nothing to me compare to health and happiness.
You probably won't lose it without extra work, but you won't keep on gaining. I have decided to try & at least maintain only the 20 extra pounds I gained. I'll try to work it off slowly but I need the abilify more than being slim. I wish I had the metabolism I did when I was young. I never weighed over 107 until Boom! I turned 35 and suddenly I had breasts and then I finally leveled off around 135-145.and it the last few years it kept creeping up I'm 55 years old now and the abilify and thyroid problems have me at 180. But my husband would rather have me fat and happy than suicidal and miserable.and me too! I need the ablify because it works for me. Good luck, SharonH
It's unfortunate that no one has answered your question. I would suggest that you try the forum ... someone there may be able to help you with more information.
Related topics
Further information
- Abilify uses and safety info
- Abilify prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Abilify (detailed)
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