Will it not work as good, or what? This under the tongue thing, really sucks. These strips are too big.I've been cutting them, but it still kinda sucks.
What happens if I swallow my Suboxone film?
Question posted by linda0982000 on 13 March 2011
Last updated on 26 November 2021 by Buddhamurphy
9 Answers
I'm not sure how long people here feel they need to let the film dissolve, but it's a lot less than a lot of people think. I've taken Suboxone for a long time. When it first became available we were told to keep it under the tongue for 20 minutes at least. Now, however, they say once it's under your tongue it only takes 5 minutes to get all the medication into your system. The film may not be completely dissolved but that's okay, the medicine is out and you can swallow at that point. I do this every morning.
I'm not sure
I swallowed a half it still worked
It helps take away the taste if u drink milk with it. I prefer the tabs over the film. The film i can never get with the taste it even makes me nauseous just to smell it. I cant even use citrus smelling products cause it makes me want to throw up. Also i find that breaking the film or tab down into small pieces it dissolves much quicker which u can tolerate the taste a lil more cause it goes by quick. I also smoke a cig with it while it dissolves thats help too. To get rid of the taste immediately after taking it your best bet is drinking milk it leaves your mouth as if u didn't take it at all... Good luck on ur sobriety
I heard you have to keep your mouth shut... how do you smoke cigs? If I knew how I definitely would. I usually smoke a cigarette after I swallow to kind of help with the taste... but I do remember my ex smoking while he still had it in his mouth.
As far as potency it's almost going to be the same. This goes for most all drugs, the delivery method changes timing and the potency slightly unless you bypass all internal organs and take the drug intravenously. When taking something epidermically or orally it's just basically letting the drug soak in through the skin and ultimately into the blood before just digesting it(which will have an effect.. just not as fast and pronounced more slow acting and long termed). If you don't think this is an educated conclusion.. eat a cigarette patch. I'm sure you'll be fine and not feel any effects. :)
As others have said no, it will not work as well as it would under your tongue. I'll let you all in on a little trick my doctor told me... you place it under your tongue and then begin to paint the roof of your mouth with your tongue like it's a paintbrush and it dissolves much much quicker.
I know I'm late but I just tried that and it does help... thank you so much
Paint the back of your teeth with your tongue even quicker
I am probably the only one who prefers the tablet over the film any day of the week. The film would almost make me puke, I'm taking 32mg a day, and I just now got generic tablets hooray! When I was first prescribed the tabs my insurance didn't cover anything and it was choking me out of $1000 a month just for the Suboxone. I found that Butterfinger candy bars work very well at killing the taste.
Yes, you should take it under the tounge, I used to take the tablets and i recently switched to the films (Insurance). I actually like the films a lot better than the tabs because they disolve much quicker... i know the taste sucks but i got used to it after a while. It helps to drink water before (not during) you take your films so it disolves easily... Good Luck :)
I dont anything will happen, literally... Both kinds are made to be disolved under the tongue so they seep into the blood stream. Swallowing them bypasses that straight into the stomach. Although I am sure some may get into your blood stream by swallowing them its not nearly the amount u need to do the job... Hence, under the tongue works the best. I know the taste is horrid but... I love wintergreen life savers and when ever I have to take me suboxone tab.. ( never tried the film and wont ) I could bare the taste cause I have been told by someone who has taken both, they all taste gross... Good Luck
Related topics
Further information
- Suboxone uses and safety info
- Suboxone prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Suboxone (detailed)
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