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What could happen if you take clindamycin you have kidney disease?


masso 6 Nov 2023

Click on the link below in order to access interactions of your antibiotic with 4 different diseases:

If you have doubts, questions or issues you want to further discuss, I suggest you contact your DR..

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masso 6 Nov 2023

Clindamycin can cause diarrhea, which may be severe or lead to serious, life-threatening intestinal problems. If you have diarrhea that is watery or bloody, stop using this medicine and call your doctor.

Before using clindamycin, tell your doctor if you have kidney disease, liver disease, an intestinal disorder such as colitis or Crohn's disease, or a history of asthma, eczema, or allergic skin reaction.

Take clindamycin for the full prescribed length of time. Your symptoms may improve before the infection is completely cleared. Skipping doses may also increase your risk of further infection that is resistant to antibiotics. Clindamycin will not treat a viral infection such as the common cold or flu.

Source: free discount card

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clindamycin, kidney, disease

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